Femanons, how would you react if you found out your boyfriend had:

femanons, how would you react if you found out your boyfriend had:

>sucked dick
>taken it up the ass
>done any other gay shit like this

anons welcome to share experiences too

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I'd imagine they'd all react differently
No number of replies to this thread will A) make your question less childish and stupid nor B) actually prepare you for what you actually have to do: get to know people over time and understand them, and thus when it is appropriate to ask them this question instead of a bunch of LARPing men and women who don't leave the house.

You fags enjoy your group therapy

>tfw mayonnaise really is a gender

Attached: patrick.jpg (296x320, 16K)

When you look at me, you see red ropes. Okay?

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>These are the people in charge


and they sai I have Schizophrenia

didn't even exist b4 this shit

but its kinda weird to ask people this irl



Depends on context and frequency, honestly. If he had a past dedicated relationship with a guy and did kinky stuff in the monogamous relationship, i wouldn't think less of him

If he was a gay slut, i'd drop him
Someone who is ok doing that simply isn't ethically compatible with me, plus there are health risks to a partner like that

This. Unironically, if you don't want AIDS, never ever go bare with a gay

>if you don't want AIDS, never ever go bare with a gay
this is a big fear of mine...

I'd dump him. I just wouldn't be comfortable with knowing that. The idea of my boyfriend getting dicked down by some other dude would completely change my view of them. Plus, not only do I have to think about the possibility of them ever leaving me for another chick, but also the possibility of them leaving me for a dude, and that's kind of embarrassing. I'm going to hate having the "you turned your dude gay" jokes brought up.

Would 100% be into it and ask if he would want me to dom his boipussi

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wew. thanks femanon

are you a girl?

i’d find it real hot desu. i’ve always wanted to try domming a guy and i’d rather do it with a guy who knows what he likes. just depends on the chick, if she’s into kinky shit probably either won’t mind or get turned on by it.

Never express this feeling to public or you will be bullied to death on all social media.

What if he had taken a dildo at the age of 12 to see what kind of pain you’d go through when reaming your ass years later once you became fuck buds?

Would that be the most he's ever done? Just stuck up a dildo up his ass like once or twice? Maybe a couple more times?

Yes. Literally the only thing he’s ever done. Every other second of the day he sits in a corner rotting like a veggie.

Lmao, yeah sure, if I liked the dude I wouldn't mind if he had done something like that once. Just as long as he hasn't fucked another dude or something.

Silly! There are no girls on the internet!

So you’d rather have him fuck an inanimate object than have pationate anal with another human being.

It would make me uncomfortable to be quite honest.
In the back of my mind I would wonder about him being closeted gay and would worry about him leaving me for some man after I've given birth to his kids.

Fuck yeah. If it was a one time thing, I'd way prefer him having put something up his ass once than actually get dicked down by some guy.

If I get over this fear and trust him telling me that he loves me then I'd be ok with it, I guess, assuming I'm already in love with the dude.

I'd be worried about the potential that they have AIDs.

What if that guy was your father checking to see if he’s good enough in bed for you?

I'd rather him be bad in bed than be fucked by his dad.

What if you only found out years into a relationship? Would you consider it a betrayal if a guy waited so long to tell you?

>your father
Do you ever think this dude’s dad would condone such faggot behavior?

This is going to keep going down hill if you keep feeding this guy.

Yeah, I'd want to know my partner's full sexual past when we start becoming sexually active. I'd also probably request they take some sort of fuckin STD tests or something. Not to be a prude or anything but I don't want AIDS or the clap or something.

I once got gonohrera from a guy’s anal. True story.

Fuckin nasty, I'm so sorry for you. Guy you were dating or one night stand? Because if it was a once night stand, this is exactly why I could never do those.

One night stand. It was puckered like a baboons corn-hole all red-like. Should’ve known something was up.

Fuck. That's so bad. Maybe I should listen to Literally Hitler and wait til I'm married.

Strange. This is not a married-thing. My girlfriend was PISSED when I gave it to her.

>I'd want to know my partner's full sexual past
You don't need to know this.
All you need to know is whether they are straight/bi/gay and if they had gotten an std test and to show you that info.
Or at least be ok with getting one before fucking you.

I don't need to know, but I'd want to know. I'm not asking about detailed experiences, but if they've ever fucked a dude I'd want to know.

How would you react if you were married 6 months Prego and he admits to being a gay slut for a while in college? I mean you ate only girl he's ever had and only person where he was the pitcher

That would do some serious fuckin damage to our marriage for not disclosing that for so long.

What if you never asked and he didn't think it mattered? Like he never asked if you did a girl? We talking divorce court?

My boyfriend has, why does it matter?

Your bf will leave you for a guy or give you aids.

Probably, we're miserable. But we'd be just as incompatible if he wasn't bi.

I mean, does it bother you that you can't please him 100%?

I wouldn't care. So he's bi? Awesome. So am I.

My boyfriend has and I just try not to think about it because it makes me a bit uncomfortable. I don't want to think about him in such a submissive state

I still love him with my whole heart!

So he took dick or gave dick? Did he tell you or did you ask?

I would make fun of him relentlessly and laugh about it for months, if he isn't a pussy about getting teased, then we'd be fine after

He can't please me either. Don't really mind at this point.

He took it, and he told me

it matters to some girls

If he didn't do it while in a relationship with me I wouldn't mind too much. I would ask him why he did it and if he considers himself bisexual or stuff like that.

I wouldn't care at all, honestly. In fact, I actually find bi men more attractive a lot of the time. Why wouldn't I dig having someone to talk about dicks with? It's a win-win in my book.

so most girls dont really care, huh

This but unironically. I'm a femanon.

so its more likely for girls to not care/actually like it, than be turned off by it?

I would never admit to this because women are not cool with their men being penetrated or sucking dick. As per and my own experience. Only if I knew with certainty that the girl was an exception to this rule would I ever tell her. We would have to have another dude in our bed at her request, and her physically put his cock in my mouth and then suck it with me.

It's almost as if women aren't a monolith and have entirely different opinions to one another

yeah, but i wanted to know what the majority was?

I would only tell a girl if I 100% knew she would be into that kind of thing. I'm sure some girls are, but I have yet to meet one.

It's going to be entirely cultural. If they're in any way homophobic, they'd not going to like it. If they're not, and they don't have a pre conceived notion of how men are "supposed to act", then they shouldn't really have a problem for it. Some women will think it's weird even if they have no problem and that be enough to turn them away.

This is like saying would the majority of men had a problem if their girlfriend had previously slept with a woman. It's going to be contentious even amongst those who think they share all opinions.

This is unironically the best advice. Ask if she has any sexual history deal breakers and if she says she doesn't, keep your trap shut until she says something or looks like she likes it.

I am gay and so I know how it goes

My phone is 6309658709

I am a girl call me if you don’t believe me 6309658709

Earleen Haering is going to be mad you're putting their phone number on Jow Forums

What if the guy was sexually abused when he was a child?

Wouldnt make a difference to me