I have a decision to make and I'm ready but I need help

I have a decision to make and I'm ready but I need help
Anyone out there who can talk to me for a few minutes?

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What's up homie

Get typing. I'm waiting.

Long story
I think I'm ready now

Years ago I stopped chasing women and my life from my teens to my early 20s was really fucked up but I found a mentor in my life starting from age 23
I did make it in my business career and I was offered a promotion in another state. I decided to leave and what happened was I only focused my life on work, study and weights
But after my last promotion I developed depression pretty seriously and I understood most people dont care about careers or business but they get to fuck bitches
I'm a fucking virgin and it has destroyed my confidence in business and my daily life so I have been broken

My company allowed me some leave time and I was allowed to take a long vacation from this job well now I'm at a breaking point and I think I'm about to give up on women I'm general and focus on my career even more
This will bring me a large promotion and I'll be successful again (my company knows i am going through something and I'm on leave)

I now feel like my old self again
I'm beginning to let women go and I'll focus on my own life and career but I need to know
Wtf do I do

And yes this is destroying me
I feel like crying right now
I've been broken

I need help
I want to know if its acceptable to just stay a virgin

The thing is if I take this new road in my career it really does mean less time for women/dating because (again) my mind will be focused on my career goals

Why do you isolate yourself? No one cares or even knows you're a virgin. There's no sign that anyone can tell. You giving up women is not a guarantee of being a success at work any more than fucking some slag guarantees failure.

Move for work
No friends
Tried to meet people
I'm "needy" because I want to hang out with people plus I have lost some of my social skills and success lately (still have a career but I'm losing it)

No one cares or even knows you're a virgin. There's no sign that anyone can tell.

I'm in a way losing it
I talk to a girl and I get insecure and shake!!!!

I'm also kind of boring because my hobbies are manly hobbies and not reallly something most women are into

It's perfectly acceptable. You have a career, you gave up on relationships to advance in that career. Relationships are just added stress and bullshit, and a financial drain. I was in your place and learned the hard way. Just stick with your career. You'll find friends.

You lose it when you talk to girls? What are you insecure about?

>my hobbies are manly hobbies
Like what? Do you split wood all day?

Well I actually do but let me explain

I um like guns and going outdoors. I have a built 4x4 vehicle where I can go deep in the forest away from people and I go shooting, camping or hiking out there. I do have am axe and a full camp setup so I chop wood if I find it and burn wood for my camp setup
Last time I talked to a girl she said maybe I should try fishing or hunting (IRL encounter not a date or anything but she did bring it up)

Anyway yea my hobbies are kind of going into the woods and camping or hiking no matter the weather

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You should try fishing or hunting. Fishing is easy to get into.

Where do you live that the girls aren't interested in bombing through the woods on a 4x4? That's cool as fuck. Then you drive to some picturesque camp site, split a bunch of wood, and fry up a fish you caught with her that day. That's a panty dropper for sure.

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Believe me from experience, getting a girlfriend or having sex with a girl will do little to nothing to improve your life. It's cheesy shit but you need to work out your issues which transcend just needing to get a woman. If anything, getting a girlfriend when you're not in a good mental state is likely to lead to an unhealthy relationship which falls apart, leading you to be even more depressed.

>i’ve been broken
ha! you’re about as whole and pure as they come. at 22 i got my first gf, she had BPD and i was unknowingly at the mercy of her emotional abuse for 2 years. almost drove me crazy myself, to be honest i think she did a little bit because now at the age of 26 i have zero interest in seriously dating, making myself vulnerable to anyone, or even being social. i am broken, you are whole.

I cant even meet women, man come on

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Women make up half the population. If you can't meet half the population, you haven't been trying.
This dude has the right if it. Your issues will drive women away long before you take her to the potential murder campsite.

Tried tinder no luck

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Go meet people. Some if them will be girls. Some of the girls will want to bone. Find clubs. There are tons of clubs.

Yea I know
Problem is I lost my social skills and confidence I feel horrible every day because of tfw no gf
Cant even enjoy myself unless I'm in the mountains

You're stuck way too deep in your own head over this virgin excuse. No one can tell. It's your lack of confidence that does you in.


What if I'm ugly
Um if I post my pic you'll laugh

I've seen dead dog heads, a dude fucking a skull, and a dick that looks like it was peeled apart on here. That's the mild shit. Unless your head is literally one single, solid zit, people here will judge you honestly. You can also try

Yea I'm ugly
They say 3-4 always

No idea without picture.

Post discord
I'll send you a pic
Dont post it here