I've been seeing this girl for a while now and I've been really on top of making plans and stuff, she obviously likes me but my friends are telling me only fucking retards constantly reach out to the girl they like and I should start ignoring her so she will want me more... what do you say anons?
Do girls like being ignored?
Well, I'm pretty insecure and paranoid, so if someone I really really like starts acting distant, I'm going to think they've lost interest in me and I'll be too scared of the truth to ask them about it or, in my eyes, bother them any further. But that's just me.
>only fucking retards constantly reach out to the girl they like
You friends are feeding you a crock of shit. Dont listen to them.
There are girls who feel sad that they've never been asked out ever. They've been taught to never ask out because it's usually not "lady like".
She expects YOU to do that. If you just ignore her, she will never get the hint that you like her.
THIS. It makes me feel like such shit that guys don't approach me or show any interest in me, and I'm terrified of approaching them by coming off too strong. If she seems interested, just keep taking the initiative on making plans and shit.
most girls have some kind of self esteem or insecurity issues, me including, and will probably become clingy and possibly pyscho if you start ignoring out of the blue. unless she personally starts showing signs she wants you to fuck off then just keep doing what you’re doing.
Your friends are swinging too far in the other direction. All they're cautioning you against is being too clingy, but the advice doesn't really apply to people you're already dating as well as it applies to trying to attract a girl. It's true that being too available can sometimes cause problems but it's usually more of HOW you're acting while being too available that causes those problems, e.g. freaking out when she doesn't text you back immediately, getting jealous that she doesn't spend every spare moment with you, feeling like you ought to get her attention in return for your efforts when that's not how it works.
This girl already likes you, so as long as you aren't a stage 5 clinger then you're fine.
Plenty of fucking retards giving you bad advice OP. Do you know this girl? The time to get to know her is when you see her in person. Texting is only for making plans to setup a time and place to meet. Don’t be sending her memes and shit.
Fuck off grandpa, this advice does not apply anymore. You only ever going to talk to your girlfriend in person? Never in between dates?
You fucking retard. OP isn’t asking advice on how to handle his girlfriend, he’s asking advice on how to handle a girl he hasn’t even slept with. Only a faggot like you wouldn’t understand the different ways to act in both scenarios
>I've been seeing this girl for a while now
no, as a girl i hate being ignored and it makes me feel like the guy is either
1) too busy for me
2) not interested
That’s vague af and means nothing. OP did you sleep with this girl yet or not?
>she obviously likes me
It means he's not in the initial stage trying to attract a girl, and if he's been on top of making plans and stuff that implies she's gone out with him more than once. Whether or not they've fucked she already likes him and so silence in between dates is retardedly bad advice, especially when you consider all the responses in this thread saying that being ignored by a guy will not make the heart grow fonder.
no user - we hang out regularly but thats because I text her and set it up we don't really talk through text but sometimes ill tell her I had a good time after our dates
op here - we have fucked multiple times
based thank you user
we have been seeing each other for a little over a month with no label on anything if that helps with context
I was in the same boat as you user and this guy is so fucking right!
fuck no. your friends sound like dicks. don't text her every three seconds, but if she likes you she'll want to hear from you, end of story. don't be a weak minded douche who plays games like that. if you like her and she likes you, talk to her. spend time with her.
Very bad advice. So tired of roasties and betas thinking they can give good advice on getting girls, when their advice does the exact opposite
hmmmm, which one is the real OP?
desu, give us the real advice then
Already did in this thread
literally both are me and true
Just approach guys. Most men would love a lady asking them out.
One day we need to make this into a copy pasta:
Girls are hypergamous. What does that mean? They marry / choose partners UP the ladder (social, economic also looks).
If you are constantly reaching out for her, message her, text her etc, that gives of one very important vibe to her: You apparently don't have anything going on in your life. Most importantly: you don't have other women going on in your life.
To answer your question: NO, women do not like being ignored. But they do like guys who have apparently a lot going on in their lives so they don't constantly have the time to message / text them. This gives of the impression of them wanting to be ignored for bluepilled guys.
They can't. They're too cowardly and have never had to practice courage because they've never needed it before.
Jow Forums can never have a sticky with 2000 character limits.
Why can't I be attractive to women but only pursue one woman that I fancy? I can have other things going in my life that aren't other women.
This! Especially the making plans shit, girls find it hot as fuck when a guy shows he can continuously take initiative and control and just be on top of everything.
Obviously don’t hang out every second of every day or anything, sounds like your current frequency is fine! Gl user
same reason they will say yes and ghost instead of saying they aren't interested.
same reason they arent funny.
>same reason they will say yes and ghost instead of saying they aren't interested.
Hit too close to home.
I've never been straight up rejected, it has always been pussyfooted around some way or another, which I'd argue is worse.
Women on average are a lot more 'agreeable' than men. That means they will always chose the path of least resistance / least chance of conflict.
Saying NO to your face is quite possible to result in conflict or maybe even you becoming aggressive.
Saying YES in the here and now is defusing that conflict for the moment because you got what you wanted. Ghosting you afterwards is once again just another means to avoid conflict (as you are obviously upset that they didn't kept to their promise).
You will have to understand that by crying about a girl 'ghosting' you, you actually undermine your own sexual market value. A guy with a high market value would just say 'Yah well bitch, have it your way, bye' and drop her from all contacts.
You need to learn to do just that as well.
>which I'd argue is worse
Couldn't agree more. If you want to make a guy bitter then it's a good move.
It's never your fault, is it?
You really sound like you're gay, because you apparently want your women to act like they were guys.
Since you seem to have picked up some stuff from Peterson I thought I might as well fill you in on his important message of taking responsibility for your self and actions.
>Oh, I didn't say no because the guy is too scary, it's his fault!
>A guy with a high market value would just say 'Yah well bitch, have it your way, bye' and drop her from all contacts
a "high market value guy" would do this if they were rejected straight up as well, which I simply stated is preferable.
You're not wrong, I didnt need an explanation though, covered it.
>preferring rejection to ghosting makes you gay
uh oh
>You're not wrong, but I prefer easy explanations that shift all blame away from me as opposed to hard truths that put responsitbility on my shoulders.
You're in for a world of pain.
You guys are just tossing blame back and forth
>it's his fault for being scary
>it's her fault for being cowardly
>I know you are but what am I?
>they will always chose the path of least resistance / least chance of conflict
>they're too cowardly
fucking kek. its the same explanation and neither require responsibility on my part.
I get it, men are big and scary so its my responsibly to quietly accept being ghosted... I will continue to do so... I'd just prefer women be straight up.
and apparently that makes me gay.
He wants other people to change and thus better meet his expectations. (I want those whores to reject me up front and not in such a pussy ass ghosting shit manner).
I'm trying to tell him and the rest of you lot in here that this is simply always the wrong approach, to absolutely everything - ever.
There is only one person you have the control over to change its behaviour and that's yourself. So stop bothering with solutions that require other people to change in accordance with your expectations. It's just a road to misery.
I guess we're both homos and should be going after each other then.
>having a preference is asking people to change for you
Have any of you been given business cards to contact a guy?
Is this actually a thing and what do you make of it?
He was probably too lazy to give you his number but was also trying to show off.
>He was probably too lazy to give you his number but was also trying to show off.
A guy should give you his number?
Why would a guy ever give a girl his number?
I hope you're joking.
I dont think he's joking user. A girl would never do anything with a guys number. If you put the ball in their court, they're going to drop it.
She must be retarded then. Her loss.
yes, girls are all retarded.
No, not all girls. Just the ones you're meeting that have a phone and "use" a phone, but at the same time don't actually know how to use it.
sounds like you're the retarded one, user.
Where are you meeting these incompetent and useless women? They're certainly not wife material.
Definitely don't. Men don't have standards. They'll date anyone who asks just to have a gf. I hear so many guys say they don't even like their gf but she likes him so it's easy.
If a guy really has any worth he will step up and a woman with worth will reciprocate.
>If a guy really has any worth he will step up and a woman with worth will reciprocate.
>There are people who actually believe this is true for everyone
How nice it must be to be this naive
You could counter it instead of being snarky. But that takes effort.
It's really not recommended to ask a guy out, but rather give them the opportunity to. If he can't manage that he won't be a good partner. If he settles for whoever offers he also won't be a good partner.
I don't like when people generalize genders so take this more as a precaution.
OP If you are the only one ever putting anything into plans making arrangements etc. that's some beta shit, either she's a fucking down-syndrome beta loser with no life to involve you in, or she's not that into you. You wanna be chased too, be desired, have her on your nuts etc. It's a time scale thing tho, so don't be rash. You have to get a stock of how reserved she is, what type of life she lives in her own time etc, maybe she has a reason. If it doesn't change after a while that's where I ghost, cause even if she's a church mouse at some point she should be on your nutz. I wouldn't tempt anything by deliberately ignoring her, engineering situations. Those schemes are childish. Just keep on 'til you've either determined that she has no life and your the best thing to ever happen to her, or give it some space to see if she'll step up. If not peace
Ignore her and you'll never get with her and she will move to another guy not afraid to think for himself and be happily in love
lmao don't listen this shit.
I've had the chance to date like 5 girls in less than a couple of months and decided not to cause like 3 of them were cheating on their bfs or I simply didn't feel I liked them enough.
Men do have standards, and not necessarily physical ones.
In regards to OP question, there's 2 things you need to know that never change:
Girls have to admire you and you must not show much interest in them.
That's it basicly. Don't ignore them but don't show yourself thirsty.
Girls don't like being ignored.
My advice is to listen to your heart, do what you want, say what you want ,and don't play games. People do amazing things when you're extremely honest with them.
As for your question, no. Girls hate being ignored. That's why ignoring them works. Because they hate it so much and it makes them feel insecure usually, so they'll feel more attached to you. But that is an emotional game men resort to when they have nothing of value to offer women.