
Any high functioning people with depression?
Any people with a high GPA? Stable job?
Feeling successful while still coping with depression?

How the fuck do you do it?
What have you read?
What have you done to help yourself?
What is your mentality through it all?

I am wasting my fucking life and time is passing by I want to make something out of myself and make my family proud before it is too late.

I am currently taking Lexapro and it does help, however, I have spent 6 years forming terrible habits and am struggling to make myself do shit.

I know for a fact that people are out here feeling the way I feel but making it.

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Yeah, shit's hard. I have recurring Major depression. Currently on Fluoxetine and Olanzapine.

When you feel like laying in bed all day, you have to do something. It's all about being productive. I sure as hell dont want to go to the gym after work. No I'd rather sleep and lurk the web. After a day of work, thinking about suicide? Fuck no. But I just go to the gym.

Motivation never comes before, it comes after. If you wait for the planets to align, then you'll be wasting so much time. Also, you'll make your depression even worse.

It's not just about productivity but challenging your thoughts. They contribute to your negative emotions. What I've read is the Meditations from Marcus Aurelius. Good book.

So the whole gist of fighting your depression is to be productive, challenge your thoughts, eat right (not eating processed foods that contribute to depression, getting out of your comfort zone even if you dont want to.

Dont do these things, and your depression may never improve.


I’ve been pretty successfully academically. Got a free ride to college, freshman right now. I’ve been depressed for about the last 3 years. I have no hobbies, nothing excites me, little social life, khv, and I’m struggling with religion. I have good grades, but that’s the only thing that’s really holding my life together. I hate school, even though it’s relatively easy for me, but my life would be worse if I just decided to slack off or give up entirely. I don’t have any clear career goals, I just wanna start a family and support them.

Anyway, back to religion, I was never a religious person, and called myself atheist from 12 years old to 18. I read Pascal and converted to Christianity, but I have a hard time adjusting to it. Modern life makes it really hard to be a good Christian. It almost makes it harder to live because you realize how pointless and distracting everything is in comparison to God. But I don’t want to become a monk, not yet, because I want a family. I’m not the kind of person that can balance things, and I know modern life worsens my faith. But at the same time, if I knew religion were false, or that I could never be a true believer, I would probably commit suicide.

Being depressed goes like this i think
>Something makes me sad
Less action more overthinking
>I'm sad because I'm not productive
Less action more overthinking

Instead of overthinking try doing some stuff
Wanna know how to decide what to do?
Four categories of tasks:
Small and easy
Small and hard
Long and easy
Long and hard

Do these daily tasks in the following order
1. Small and easy
2. Long and easy
3. Small and hard
4. Long and hard
(2 and 3 can be switched depending on preference)

Examples you say?
1. Small and easy (making up bed, cleaning room)
2. Long and easy (cleaning entire house, fixing garden)
3. Small and hard (homework, studying)
4. Long and hard (complex problems like i just lost gf how do I deal with these emotions)

These are the basics of timemanagement
Google timemanagement or find a good book for more info
Shit saved ma life

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Sounds like me, OP. I graduated college and am decent looking and smart but my depression has severely fucked me over. I can't keep girls because I litterally dont even try and a sabotage myself. I'm 27 and had one joke relationship ever when when I was 25. She was 18 and while gorgeous and a virgin, was clearly naive. She left me soon after like half a year. Haven't had a girl since and feels hopeless.

What the point in doing this big boy job after college if its for nothing? I'm slaving my life away in a job and clearly wont meet a girl there. I want to be happy one day and have a family but I can't take being alone anymore.

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I'm depressed and in a kind of burnout state since I'm 8-10 years old, now 25. Tried many different anti-depression-meds and they never did anything. Now I see it as a pain in the ass and a blessing at the same time. I will never find the stereotype happyness but I can solve problems really well, or can look outside of this bubble of system/construct we live in, without shedding a tear or struggle to understand. I just see reality and that can lead to lonelyness, thats how it goes if no one or very few can understand you. Others live in a bubble. Ignorance is bliss. I motivate myself when I have extremely hard to achieve goals, but i can achieve anything if I work hard. Thinking about suicide everyday, but I dont want to make it easy for myself. Either I can kill myself the hard way or I dont even try it, only then I must have lost all hope. Even all my psychiatrists said that medication does nothing and I am too long depressed, since a child. So thats just who I am, live with it. So I challenge myself to achieve unachievable things, goals, years of hard work, a plan. Etcetcetc...

>So the whole gist of fighting your depression is to be productive,

>Being depressed goes like this i think
>>Something makes me sad
>Less action more overthinking
>>I'm sad because I'm not productive
>Less action more overthinking

My therapist said something similar.
That I need to tolerate the negative feelings and and just do.

Fucking hell it's hard but I understand that nothing will change if I don't.
Thanks anons.

How tho? My depression makes me feel like I have actual weights dragging me down on my body and brain. My brain literally doesn’t function. I’ve had people tell me I even look different and it feels like my body isn’t even working correctly.

user, I cannot relate.
I'm more of an atheist than agnostic myself.
However, I do know that there are people who work in churches that have been educated in counseling.
Conversely, there are therapists that specialize in religious affairs

When you are feeling good enough I suggest you look them up in your area
They may help you out.


i think everyone is different and the causes for depression aren't the same, so all we can tell you basing ourselves on this post is to get to know your reasons, and while doing that, try to keep yourself healthy. have breakfast, take a shower, dress everyday, basically force yourself to do stuff, it might be hard at first, but it will all get clearer after, you'll have more energy to figure yourself out. maybe the real cause for depression is life's complexity, it's up to you to figure it out and defeat the challenge. the doom of being born is having a strong will to live and survive. all you can do is be its friend.

Thanks for the replies anons.
I think this thread may die soon
Last bump from me.

>Licensed Clinical Psychologist
>Decent main gig that keeps me interested, small private practice on the side
>Married over 15 years
>Own a home and a rental property
>Good circle of friends
>Trauma history
>Been dealing with sometimes crippling depression since I was a kid
>Was living a lifestyle for five or six years where I'm very lucky I didn't end up dead or in prison
>On-and-off risky behavior that could easily be read as parasuicidal
>Only now accepting that medication is going to have to be part of my life

Getting through doesn't happen over night and you're pretty much never going to see progress until you find yourself in the life you've convinced yourself you'll never have. You're going to slide backwards. Your view of yourself is always going to be years behind.

I've organized my life around my mental illness. I make less than I could because the job I'm at does all of my billing, doesn't expect that kind of administrative work I generally can't get myself to do, and my boss understands that even though I'm an enormous pain in the ass to deal with I'm better than what she could otherwise afford. I keep my private practice small because, on bad days, I can only manage so much management work. I have people around me who care and who can fill in the gaps. I carry a gun on me every day because I can't convince myself theres no point to it all if I've got an open door a few feet away.

Your recipe is probably going to be different, but work at it. Most of the time you'll be faking it, most of the time you'll just be putting one foot in front of the other.

Schitzoaffective depressive Subtype
Take my meds on time and try to self improve. Also smoke a bit of weed to help keep myself steady.
4.0 in trade school
3.8 in University
Not employed but volunteer at Animal shelter.
Also I have faith in a higher power. I believe that higher power wants what's best for me but puts challenges before me. I try to over come depression and the schizo symptoms I get with it by seeing it as a challenge I must over come.
Plus weed makes everything not seem so bad.

>How tho?

By doing it. Yes, you're dragged down. Yes, you're not functioning. Yes, everything is too hard. Tough shit. Move or die, everything else is getting stuck in your own ass. Find something and do it, pick it at random if you have to, but follow through. No excuses.

Then you do it again.
And again.
A decade later you think about killing yourself and its kind of a shock because you haven't realized how long its been and you look around at all the things you never thought you had. A few times through that and you might finally laugh at yourself.

>. I carry a gun on me every day because I can't convince myself theres no point to it all if I've got an open door a few feet away.

You know, I've considered getting one myself for the feeling of relief that it would provide. Allowing me to feel in control of my life. That if anything were to happen I have my way out and that I would get to choose it.
But at the same time it scares me.
I have the view from the other side.
I've had a loved one try to commit suicide and blame me for it. It hurts so fucking much.
I know I have one person who would be severely hurt if I were to take myself out.
If it weren't for that person I'd probably be dead
So in consideration of that person and due to fear of my own actions I haven't gotten one.
But I still want it.

I have a job and i do well I’m school. I’m a grad student and i have prospects for the future. But at night i cry and try and fucking kill myself. I go to therapy but it doesn’t work. I have a social life and i never show how I’m feeling negative to others. I keep to myself. I just think of it like having a day time mask just so i can be a model citizen and a nighttime mask to absolutely Self distruct.

It should scare you. It made my situation crystal clear, but it's not something I would ever suggest to a patient.

>I've had a loved one try to commit suicide and blame me for it.
Fuck them. Failed suicides are, generally, communications and they're a shitty thing to do. The only person responsible for taking an exit is the person taking the exit.

>It hurts so fucking much.
Thats the game. Get angry, you don't deserve that.

>If it weren't for that person I'd probably be dead
Sounds like an excuse. Look, you don't need a gun, the real world is dangerous and we're fragile. Every train or bus you take, every time you jump into a car, every time you cross the street, if its bad enough you have your out.

Depression, at it's core, is about excuses and lies. You're not dead because, day in and day out, you choose to see this through. Thats hope.

Use it.

>Depression, at it's core, is about excuses and lies. You're not dead because, day in and day out, you choose to see this through. Thats hope.
>Use it.

I like this user.
Thank you.

>High functioning depression meme
Don't take this as an insult, but this doesn't exist. Most people are just given the diagnosis to justify giving them anti-depressant medications being used as a cure all for anxiety and sadness. Unfortunately "depression" is an umbrella diagnosis for multiple issues that some people are placed under when they complain to a psychiatrist for being sad. Feeling ennui, angst, weltschmerz, these are just parts of life. A chronic condition where you compulsively feel these *for no discernable reason* over a long period of time is depression. Sadness is not depression. Sadness might trigger a neurological state of depression but is not itself the illness. People who are seriously depressed are looked after by the state in some manner or are homeless because they can't actually function. They do not groom themselves, they barely eat, they barely sleep, they can't even interact with you. That's what serious depression is like, it's like they've been lobotomized into a permenant state of inaction so severe that instinct itself has been removed from them alongside all sensation and emotion. Sometimes its so severe that they need to be force fed so they don't starve to death.

It's a goddamn tragedy that so many people have been convinced that sadness, the status quo for life, is now a pathological disorder. The DSM-V is horribly misused and most people ITT need to realize that medications are not a cure for issues in your life that you need to face. The issue is not some boogeyman of a disorder you've been sold, it's your decisions in life.

T. Psychfag / paramedic who deals with severely depressed people regularly

A good friend of mine is in his 3rd year of a pure chemistry degree.

Brilliant dude, witty as fuck, though he's been in a loop for 2+ years and can't seem to break it. He's not in denial at all, very self-aware (actually what drew me to him since I tend to be this way as well. We love to discuss psychology). He has a tendency towards negative emotion, but he's not in a bubble about it or narrow minded at all.

We came to the conclusion that his proper areas were essentially his lack of proper cycles. He ate only when extremely hungry, he slept on an improper schedule (which led to or at the very least propagated his insomnia) and he had few personal hobbies other than spending time with friends (which obviously leads to issues since he needs to be more diligent - however his friends are good people so it's a bit of a plus/minus).

My advice to you: get those routines going, eat and sleep at regular times, have a time set aside for work, but then enjoy yourself with something relaxing. If the day gets too much, I often rewatch a movie/show that I love. Don't beat yourself up over not sticking to those cycles and just aim to be better than you were the day before.

And remember, you're not the only one.

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There are different kinds user.
People can appear fine in public but once they are alone they break down.
Just cause they are not bed bound does not mean they aren't depressed.
I'm sure most of the anons here are not simply "sad".
Robin Williams and Chester Bennington come to mind.
They committed suicide but were successful in their trade.
How do you justify that?

>How do you justify that?
Stress. It's kind of a myth that depression is what causes suicidal tendencies all the time. Depression correlates with suicidal tendencies but it's not the cause. A lot og people get caught up in their careers, have some horrible chance befall on themelves or loved ones, have psycotic breaks from reality, or abuse drugs. Some people grow old and simply want to die.
>I'm sure most of the anons here are not simply "sad".
Oh no they are. I'm glad they're talking about being sad but it's just that. Sadness. Sadness is not depression.

clean your room, make it as nice as possible.

then go onto other steps. set a general direction like workout, eating health, reading, and socialise with people.

Every month set a goal for yourself to complete something you have always wanted to maybe try or do ie: sky diving or a hike. Even trying different types of martial arts or hobbys. Just try one thing new a month.

>What have you read?
Mindful Way Through Depression
PDF, audiobook + guided meditation pack here:

Thank you
I'll check it out.