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>America is a battleground where Jews and Muslims sling insults each other
>Meanwhile Christians are nowhere to be found

that's a jew name? it sounds like a fucking caveman name

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Let them eat each other

You know that no other race gets to dictate how other people talk about them... except those bloody nigglerinos

I really don't get it, Jow Forums. Why do they treat Israel like defenseless, burdened babies?

Contrary to popular belief christians are very very few in the world.


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>talking about jews in an antisemitic way
she literally just said the name of the organization

What are these kikes and the politicians they own trying to say that AIPAC doesn't own them

>talks about jews in a non anti-semitic way
>gets told to learn to talk about jews in a non anti-semitic way
lol these kikes

That is because they are the remnants of neanderthalis

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truly 0 self awareness. I wonder if its intentional or not

Wtf is this botch on...?

Everything is muh six gorillion with these kikes. If some nigger sow gets their order wrong at Burger King, they are on tv claiming antisemitism and their rabbi sneaks out at night to spray paint swasticas on the business....

Without their muh six gorillion, they are utterly powerless.

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american's obsession with antisemitism, racial problem, and politically corectness is utter fucking ridiculous
you are all a joke

To be fair they only do it on Wednesdays and Fridays and in the afternoon the other days.

>Oyyyy Veeeeeeyyyy

"Ungar" is German for "Hungarian" and "Sargon" was the name of a famous Akkadian king whose name grandfathered into several Middle Eastern traditions as a shorthand for "Great leader" or "Righteous one". Sounds goofy but shouldn't be all that rare.

so why do these moronic cunts constantly defend islam?

>implying it's an american problem

Honestly i think it’s mostly unintentional for average, run of the mill jews. Whatever genetic defect they possess that makes them so neurotic obviously makes them extremely arrogant as well, coupled with the state of permanent victimhood and behold the quintessential jew

>Lobbying needs to stop
>AIPAC lobbyist are influencing politicians this is a anti semitic attack on jews
da fuck


It's impossible to talk about Jews without being called a racist though

Muslims are just jews mark 2

>moronic cunts
You've answered your own question. Most of them don't know they're supposed to get raped, killed and eaten like those British girls. They think Islam is good because they grew up on "G. W. Bush is bad" and that they're some kind of justice hero for helping the enemy. I'm thinking about converting for the sake of venting some frustrations lately.

I want to light Chelsea on fire

oh yeah you guys never mention the holocaust lol

>goyim cashier gives me 25 cents change instead of the full 27 cents

What did you guys do now quit playin

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This shit was predicted to happen 2 days ago on a mongolian basket weaving forum. The general concept was predicted over a year ago.

imagine being caught and named redhanded and doing no damage control whatsoever, but just calling everyone names. these roastie republicans and their orbiters are going to lose hard. meanwhile, establishment democrats who are just as owned by Israel stay totally silent and don't fall into the trap. hate them or not, it's clear they're better at this than republicans.

reminding people that aipac exists is anti-semitic?


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Are you tired of Muslim shill threads. Lets trigger them by replying here instead

Clintons daughter married to a banker kike

Marc Mezvinsky:

After graduation, he worked at Goldman Sachs as an emerging markets foreign exchange strategist, and later went on to join the global macro proprietary trading desk.

Trumps daughter married to a super kike

Jared Kushner: His business partners included Goldman Sachs and billionaire George Soros, a top Democratic Party donor.[28][29][30] In early 2015, Soros Fund Management financed the startup with a $250 million credit line.


Who gives a flying fuck?


Please talk about us this way, how about fuck yourself

Shaun king hunts nazis

yeah, you rats have nothing to do with that
get gassed, kike

Christians have no dog in this fight, let the sandpeople destroy each other so we can then relocate them back to their homelands in the aftermath.

>Dems mass-import 1 million muslims a decade
>are SHOCKED when muslims don't do what they want

This is basically a window into the future where white Democrats become politically irrelevant as minorities begin outnumbering white liberals more and more and stop listening to them.

It's amazing white liberals still think they have a right to tell shitskins what to do.

Can you just let the left eat itself without getting involved in the argument? Just watch and laugh, you don't need to defend anybody.

wew who activated the bizzaro beacon? I am not prepared for this timeline one bit

they got chealsi
'breath in"


Can we talk about how bad satanism is? and Satanism rituals and beliefs stems from the Talmud? Satanism is in fact a extension of Talmud rituals like child sacrifice and eating a human Christians childs flesh and draining and drinking their blood?
Fuck those two talmud jews.

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Because the alt-right is worse than Islam. Look at the cabbage's post:

>Most of them don't know they're supposed to get raped, killed and eaten like those British girls.

This is describing an IS atrocity. IS is the 'Islamic State'. According to their caliph, they're the one true muslim country and everyone else is infidels, including any Muslim who fails to immediately suck the pig shit off their Caliph's dick at every opportunity. In reality, IS is a Nazi organization - what the politically correct call 'alt-right', slightly modified for a Muslim audience. A naïve observer will go 'yeah, that's what Muslims do, IS is Muslims!'. But... look at actual IS terror attacks and combat operations. They're pulling evil, evil shit throughout Iraq and Syria. Most of their VICTIMS are also Muslims. Most of the soldiers fighting AGAINST ISIS are... Muslims.

When the alt-right ruled Chile, they ran rape camps where men, women, girls, and boys were used for the pleasure of the elites, tortured, and sometimes murdered. They helped hide a serial killer who got his kicks sewing kids together back when the alt-right ruled Germany. If you follow the history of the alt-right, you'll see that every goddamn time they get control of a country they murder, they rape, they enslave, and they generally degenerate everything they touch while insisting their degeneracy is noble. Nazi Germany? Christian. Falangist Spain? Christian. Pinochet's Chile? Christian. Milošević's Serbia? Christian. Are all Christians evil? Does that include the Jehovah's Witnesses who died in the camps, the Brits and Norwegians and Poles who resisted the alt-right?


>be jews
>try to destroy nation #392 by shipping your worst enemy over there
>your enemy acquires influence in nation #392
>uses it to attack you
I though kikes were supposed to be smart Jow Forums?

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White people cant point out israel lobbying! You have to dress in pseudo blackface and hate yourself first!

>reminder God of the Bible is the most high God, ie real God
>reminder that serpent Satan fell
>reminder Abraham was first to recognize and follow the true God
>reminder Satan the serpent recognizes this, puts most effort into corrupting/subverting this first covenant with mystery religions and esoteric knowledge
>reminder Satan’s ultimate plan is to turn gods gentiles and gods Jews against each other
>reminder there is neither gentile or Jew, but one under God
>reminder while there are effective evil Jews, evil and good exists under all banners.
>reminder not to play into Satan’s final punchline

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What would be the final punch line?

It's often the other way around - you'll see Jews bitching if someone compares some OTHER politically motivated mass murder to the Holocaust.

That's not to say that no Jews ever make dumbass Holocaust claims, but it's mostly the alt-right that tends to come up with shit like 'being shadowbanned is just like being ovened'

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who are the good jews then? enlighten me

He is just doing his usual pretend to distance himself against Isreal, but shill for isreal when it suits them the most. Jews will always pretend to say they are not for censorship but as a collective they are.

That's going to be difficult when merely telling the truth about Jewish Supremacy is called Anti Semetic. There are goyim out there this very moment, who don't know that Jews run all the money, news, education, entertainment, courts, cops, military, etc. To even tell a good goy these truths can send him into a knee jerk fit of rage for the sin of offending the holy, innocent Jews.

i just want semites to play in traffic

You’re asking questions you already know the answer to.

Just, believe in that.

white left are truly the weakest most despised group of people in the world
upset that the people they treat as pets and take care of don't sit for them

white pill in all of this is voluntary segregation and creation of ethnostates in the US is always around the corner if you ally with the right groups

>here's to 2000 more

I'm convinced ((((loomer)))) is controlled oppositio to sabotage the anti0immigration views, much like Ben Kikepiro.

you forgot your government
they effectively run your government

He has a name and an address, Just like anybody else.

Take off the memeflag.

>Sees two enemies shooting at each other.
>Instead of waiting for them to kill each other and then clean up what's left, dives right in and makes it a 3 way.

But Talcum X! Don't you know? Israeli dual citizens in congress are trying to make criticizing Israel a FEDERAL CRIME! You could go to jail for what you just said if they get their way!

And just like that chelsea Clinton lost any chance of ever winning a presidential election by going against the new progressive party, like mother like daughter, always perpetual losers

The controlled oppo meme always feels like desperate reaching... we KNOW how cringeworthy the typical racist, ethnonat, or religious bigot posting on Jow Forums is. Why would we assume that the ecelebs will be less cringeworthy than their fans?

Still, that juxtaposition DOES almost convince me she's controlled oppo... but occam's razor says dialing the cringe up to 11 gets the left to pay more attention to her, which in turn means she can come to Mercer with "ten thousand libs hate me I must be important fund my podcast!"

white man - explains the rich metaphoric lore of all gods as ancient archetypes of his people
>pleb desert dweller: w w well my god is all of those in one so mine is better than yours.
Take your fake, shallow and useless god and shove it up your ass.

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Shaun King hunts Nazis just as well as he hunts down his father.

>eating Christian children

Zeus is the truth. accept Zeus my enemies.

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>and amoral and sexually perverted