How do I get a girls number? repost

hey all, I asked this yesterday but I fell asleep and the thread got archived before I could respond to any replies.

here's a direct copy paste of what I said before:
"I'm a bit of a shy guy, but I really want a gf mainly for a relationship, but losing my virginity down the line would be pretty cool as well lmao. how the hell do I conversate with a girl and get her number.
where would I start?
I haven't got a clue how to even start a conversation let alone keep one going, and then asking for her number either.
help me Jow Forums"

anyway, to answer the questions people asked. For one, I live in Australia.
secondly, I don't get out that often, like I'd avoid social events and shit.
thirdly, i guess I'm kinda attractive, I'm a little fat, not that far, but other than that I have a good face I guess, like 6-7/10

anyway, thanks Jow Forums I'll wait for the replies.

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Oh yeah, and I forgot to say, I'm pretty shy as well. but I have a Aspergers friend who is somehow a massive Chad. he's pretty chill though.


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oh yeah
>pic unrelated


can I get some help Jow Forums? I'm not really desperate, I just want a relationship. plus, I'm also a virgin so that's half the reason

Just ask to exchange numbers at the end of a conversation.

>same problem here OP

I can't even start a conversation, let alone keep one.

this. it doesnt have to be deep and meaningful.

>I haven't got a clue how to even start a conversation let alone keep one going
Getting the number is the least of your problems. Dont let that discourage you though. It takes practice, which might require going to some of those social events. Start by introducing yourself.

I have found that most girls will give you their number, even if they dont intend to go out with you, just to avoid rejecting you. Its a fine place to get over the initial nerves of asking a girl out lol.


okay, cheers for that. if I did want to start a conversation, so I can get to know them before getting their number or something, where the hecc would I start?

Its situationally dependent I guess. Ask their name... you can use even this small interaction to gauge interest. Do they ask for your name? Smile? Offer a handshake?
Small talk is a fine starting point. What you study/do, what brings you to ___ event....

You probably have conversations with women more than you think, you just dont think about because you're not attracted to them, or you're not trying to court them. Remember that conversations are two sided... she will probably help the conversation along. Listen for things in her responses that you can expand on, question, tease, etc.

I mean, I play Vidya, and bass guitar haha, I don't really do much. like, that's legit my only skills haha, plus I get bullied for being a bass player.

by my band I mean.

oh, trust me I don't have many conversations with girls, I go to an all boys school, that's why. so I wouldn't even know where to meet girls and shit lol. I'm 16 btw, just a little more info I guess.
anyway yeah, I have no idea where I can talk to a girl.

Buy Models by Mark Manson, totally worth it

thanks for your help Jow Forums
if you have anything else to add please tell me cheers


Follow her to her car. Take note of the license plate, color, model, and make of the car. That information should be enough to know her phone number, name, home address, parents, genealogy, etc.

>I'm 16 btw
first off, dont worry, most people arent dating at 16. School is pretty much the only reliable place to meet girls at this age, so you are limited in that respect.

Idk, if youre in a band, im sure you enjoy music. A lot of venues allow 16+. You could start going to a gym. Do you have many guy friends? Im sure they are interested in women, go to parties, hang out around town.

In your situation, you're going to have to put in the effort to meet people. Id say get a tinder but you still have 2 years haha

Best thing you can do is ask your friend to set you up with a girl he thinks you'd like. Cold approaching girls is has an extremely low success rate unless you're at least 8/10. My best friend introduced me to my gf who is his gf's best friend. Made it super easy for me despite being an autist.

Nigga watch Corey Wayne. Read the book too

>most people arent dating at 16.

For most people, dating doesn't really become a thing before you're like 18 y/o or something. Sure you might be lucky and meet a girl in school or at a party, but at your age i wouldn't be too concerned about your lack of female action. The majority of 16 year old guys are KHHV as far as i can tell.