You DO love Israel don't you Jow Forums? You aren't anti-american are you?
You DO love Israel don't you Jow Forums? You aren't anti-american are you?
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>not hating both israel and america.
What is this monkey trying to say?
Also it's hilarious how after years of promoting multiculturalism the Jew is suddenly lashing out in pain because they told us to accept Muslims
>I was very critical
No you weren't
He can't take too much criticism of his peoples ethnic nationalist homeland. It would be like if you started saying fuck Europe to a white guy all the time and celebrating his inevitable extinction, how he would feel after a while
lol we notice patterns too, mate
Just not the same ones as you I guess
Literally all Americans worth caring about would fit that bill. Fuck Israel, Heil Hitler and God bless the USA.
You DO LOVE the jews, right America? We share so many values since 1945.
i literally hate these fucking people
That was my favorite part. Damn, I'm so glad America is overrun with satanic Jews.
Kikes are in overdrive today, boys.
what kind of gay nigger dog whistle is this, y'all?
We know how to use the catalig you annoying cunt
Y'all'd've said folks when y'all the chance, y'all. But ch'all got us this here hee haw gall darn heck, dang nabbit!
>I used to be critical of Israel
Israel firster scum just move there already kike lover
Israel is home to maybe 10% of the jew population. Why do jews hate Israel and not want to live there?
I hate both, 2 of the 3 problems in the world.
Why is he writing like a retard?
they really are
(((They))) had already published 20+ articles by 9 PM last night. can people still be oblivious to the jew problem?
Mike Cernovichs takes could save us from global warming. What a fucking idiot.
Love America
Do not love Israel, Palestine or Somalia
What are these 'patterns' he speaks of?
He’s noticing a pattern, that whoever criticizes Israel, the media ferociously attacks and calls a nazi.
His gorilla mindset was overcome by NPC programming.
Why wouldn't you hate America when it's Israel's bitch?
Mike Cernovich is a very sad little jew
Checked. Even (((Breitbart))) is herding the conservo-NPCs back onto the plantation.
As someone who has visited Israel it's a shithole lol, i wouldn't want to live there.
cerno particular phrased the first and last sentences in a different structure even though they're the same thing, probably raging
They can try but most people don't stop being anti Semitic, once they take the red pill they can't just stop noticing the truth.
Israel is the nation of God, those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and worship the Father in spirit and truth.
The state of israel wearing the star/tabernacle of Moloch/Milkom/Ba'al is the counterfeit state of Satan artificially imposed by the synagogue of Satan to deceive those who do not obey the truth.
>And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
>That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
All be damned who do not believe the truth.
Lol this will make my case look a bit bad with my dad. I have been trying to redpill him on Jews because he is a typical American Christian who thinks it’s Christians duty to protect Israel and its chosen people bullshit. Also he claims that if we turn our back in Israel that god will punish us. I love my dad and he is a start guy, but he is brainwashed by this zog garbage. Also if any user has some good bible verses about the Jew i would appreciate it, he is a bible thumper, and think if I had some good verses that would help convince him more. I already have Revelation 2:9.
The Old Testament is one story after another of God smiting the shit out of the Israelites mostly because they kept going back to faggotry. And look who pushes LGBT on us even today.
Ashkenazim aren't Shemites.
>You cant love your own country and hate another for leeching off your own country.
Cernovich needs to be hanged for being a Mossad agent as treason.
>started noticing patterns
As did I
> I have been trying to redpill him on Jews because he is a typical American Christian who thinks it’s Christians duty to protect Israel and its chosen people bullshit. Also he claims that if we turn our back in Israel that god will punish us. I love my dad and he is a start guy, but he is brainwashed by this zog garbage. Also if any user has some good bible verses about the Jew i would appreciate it, he is a bible thumper, and think if I had some good verses that would help convince him more. I already have Revelation 2:9.
Lets face it Christianity is a cuck religion for the most part. The issue is Boomers believe in this shit but have not read the bible and pretend they know what they are talking about. They were spiritually and mentally lazy to not read or look anything up but just accept what they are told. I am thankful that after 5-10 years the Boomers are all going to retire and maybe we can get rid of Jews by this time or redpill the population.
based fuck kikes and their guardian dog amerimutts
Breitbart is more kiked than the fucking Jerusalem Post.
>And look who pushes LGBT on us even today.
I am gonna make that point to him, but I need to slowly start off with some bible verses, I think those will have a bigger impact on him. Then I’m gonna spam him with folders of info I have.
Anyone who makes such a statement to me will get some busted up lips, and this very, very much applies to low-IQ losers like Cernovich.
(((Breitbart))) always has a bunch of Jews that are pro Isreal on there. I have not understood why anyone says they are a good source of anything other than tabloid spew and sensationalism.
Unironically this
Truly, the best post!
Well I’m getting sick of boomers sucking kike cock and I want to turn my dad into a crusader instead of a Christcuck. We need to spread the word, and some of our family memebers are a good start. We both don’t like Muslims, but we don’t see eye to eye on Jews.
scavengers fighting over the corpse
Easter's coming up, right? Did he ever pay attention to what Jesus had to say and why they had him tortured to death by the Romans for trying to tell the truth? It seems pretty obvious if you stop and think about it.
What the fuck does Israel even do. The list of Israel antics in trying to fuck up burger politics is ever-expanding, but at best all they seem to offer is some real estate in the middle east that we could easily get from more aggressive bastards like the Saudis
He might and probably ignores it or he hasn’t really looked much into it. I am not too familiar myself so I’ll have to read up on it before I make that talking point and that will at lest play into how the Jews killed Christ.
Based and redpilled
explain that the jews are not the chosen people, they rejected christ. They are only chosen if you ignore the second testament, which is to say if you claim jews are the chosen and not those who accept christ, you're not a christian
He's watching Fox News. They're brainwashing people into thinking this. This wasn't going on 10-20yrs. ago.
Israel is a criminal state.
The real Israel/Jerusalem was destroyed. Israel (people) we're scattered. You can point him to Revelation 21:10 "And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God"
The Lord will bring down Jerusalem when he returns. It is not a man made territory.
another “hi i am mike cerno jew ex rapist turned twitter police for kushner so for my next question please respond so jared can operate better” post
I don't know what denomination you all are, but it should be pretty highly emphasized during the week leading up to Easter. But maybe church isn't the best place to learn. Mine has been getting pozzed up over the years for sure.
I'd like to recommend a movie or something to watch together, but I don't have one that I think really makes it all clear. It took me a long time to put the pieces together because nobody really came out and explained it to me until I grew up enough to go back and think through what the big deal was about it.
everyone itt that clicks kikebart or retweets cernokike is the problem and enemy
>He's watching Fox News
Spot on user. I tell him the only guy worth watching on there is tucker, and he should try watch independent news. Thanks for the verses fren
Also thanks frens
Well, he is actually right.
Run by jews: America, Israel
Loves the jews: america, Israel
Pays taxes for Israel: Americans and Israel
Defends and fights for Israel: America, Israel
He is baptist, and I really can’t say I am a full blown Christian, but I do see the good in Christianity and it’s followers as well. I just know that I would much rather live under a Christian nation then a Jewish or Muslim one. He definitely has been zog washed and I have been before too. It’ll take some time to break he programming, but I think I can get to him and get him to realize that hey are evil and are just using Christains as body guards.
kike fake jew amalekites seem scared, are their
parasitic hooks loosen up or something.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 says very explicitly that the Jews are:
>Murderers of Christ
>Enemies of the gospel
>Contrary to all men
>Displeasing to God
My personal thing is to see what I can do to read some history. Most people are interested in good stories, and that's really what history is supposed to be about. Here again, I can't give you one good book to read that breaks it all down or something like that, but I've gone on some pretty serious jags before about Babylonian captivity and some head-scratchers from the Talmud and how exactly you want to interpret Exodus and all that.
And then most people don't know about the Yinon plan for Greater Israel and how WWII worked to get the Zionists their "holy land" so they could have an excuse to bully everybody else. Just remember that your own family is usually the least likely to believe you if you try to challenge their views, so if it's like talking to a wall then worry more about somebody else who wants to hear more.
death to israel
australia is our true greatest ally
The guy sells “gorilla youth serum”
If you take him even remotely seriously you are a complete imbecile.
Thank you my good sir
Circumcision was pushed by the corn flakes guy to prevent masturbation, nothing to do with jews or ww2.
If you're really pro-American how the FUCK can you be pro-Israel?
I decided to give this guy a chance and watched Hoaxed last night. It was rather boring and should have been called No Shit : The Movie. I don't know how anyone could watch this and learn anything new.
Corn flakes guy also pushed for female mutilation by throwing acid on their vaginas. That's a good one to remind people about.
Sound familiar at all?
I have a good video that list all the people throughout history that have named the jew of being evil and back stabbers, and ruining their host countries, I’ll probably send him that one eventually. I use to be by the books history guy, but then I looked into revisionist view and some of them make more since and make very good points.
Me and my brother are both anti-Zionist, so it’s nice that I at least have someone to talk about this stuff in person with, my father is gonna be a tough nut to crack, but if I have some knowledge and quotes from the Bible and others religious icons I think I’ll be able to break through faster.
Also do you believe hitler was just a pawn? I am very conflicted on this.
Convert to Judaism or perish
Early on I saw some of those videos that points out everybody's a Jew and really all it did was make me think it was some crackpot thing by some kind of Jew-hater. I really had to notice for myself that most times I started pulling on a string it lead back to at least a similar place. Everybody's different, but that seems to me more like dunking a horse's head underwater than just leading it to drink if it wants to.
As for Hitler, I'm not a Hitler expert, but I don't particularly think he was a pawn so much as the product of a nasty situation. Sometimes when history reaches a breaking point, a wild character appears out of the turmoil and rises to power and does things you didn't think would be possible. However, I do believe that the resolution to WWI which included placing Germany into impossible war debt lead to some kind of violent rejection, and that once the Nazi war machine got going that it went overboard and then became a good excuse to set up Israel, the UN, rip the US out of its pacifist tendencies, and all of that feeds into the underlying bent toward a Luciferian one world government.
I started noticing a pattern too: whoever started hating the traitorous American government starting hating Israel too. I wonder why.
Matthew 21:18-19
Jesus curses the fig tree and it withers and dies. He did this because it did not bear fruit.
Pay attention to this, for this is important: the fig tree is a recurring biblical metaphor for Israel and the Jews. The Jews were and are a fruitless and accursed people, displeasing to the Lord.
this guy is living poe's law
I still refuse to beleive this goober isn't a troll
That’s not what he’s saying at all you retard. He’s saying oy vey why everyone who bully Israel also hate America. You gotta love Israel if you love America
Is that why the Jews keep killing all those ancient olive trees?
Fucking this.
Our race is our nation.
Brother Nathanael also put out a wonderful video about how the true faith of God always had a priesthood, temple, and kingship. The video is called "Why Judaism is Bankrupt," and it shows point by point that Judaism has lost its priesthood, their temple is destroyed, and they have no king. In contrast, Christianity states that Jesus Christ is our high priest, the temple is the body, and the king is the Lord Christ.
You can despise Israel and love America In fact if you love America, you should despise Israel
Yeah I remember I would push it away and just act like it was just some kind of coincidence, that why I’ll start off with the Bible. The video is a good one I’ll leave the link for any user who is interested in it.
I have heard other theory’s on this, but I generally do think hitler was a man of the people and knew who was to blame, he saw how Germany got turned inside out after WWI and how his people where being taking advantage of. We can see what’s going on in the western world today, and can compare it to Germany’s degeneracy before hitler came to power.
Also, don't forget that there are some key differences between Judaism and Christianity. (Not the least of which is that one of them thinks Jesus was a blasphemer and the other thinks he was God incarnate, but we'll just pretend that's not like the entire reason they're different, amirite?)
So for instance, Judaism is extremely tribal. That's probably a big part of why it has survived so long, even if today it's Babylonian Talmudism more than it is Biblical Judaism. If you're outside of the tribe, you might as well be an animal. Christianity does not say to go ahead and invite the devil into your house, but it does say we're all God's children even if some people aren't the kind of people you'd want in your house.
And let's consider the following. Christianity is some kind of branch or extent of biblical Judaism, and so naturally that section of the world described in the bible would be of interest for us to preserve. I think all ancient ruins and whatnot are worth preserving, but it's understandable that a Christian would take particular interest in that section of the desert over there.
Naturally, you would also expect Jews to have an interest in preserving it. But what does the modern state of Israel do? It wants us to go bomb the fuck out of it and pay and train Muslims to destroy ancient ruins in and around the area. How does that make any sense?
>but it's understandable that a Christian would take particular interest in that section of the desert over there.
Christianity needs no holy places because Christian's holy places are in their souls.
If an asteroid obliterated the middle east, Christianity would lose nothing. Not so with Judaism and Islam.
Christians gain nothing in defending the middle east.
I've never been there myself, but I know some people who have and they say it's pretty neat to go around and see evidence of things that were written about thousands of years ago. Its existence certainly isn't necessary to the faith, but why go destroy it? I've seen the ancient Bo tree that is important to Buddhists. I thought that was pretty neat.
The thing is, though, you're not forming any kind of a relevant argument. Rather, you should observe that both Christians and Muslims are branches out of Judaism. So why do the Jews want us to go murder each other? Obviously there must be some incompatibility here.
>I've never been there myself, but I know some people who have and they say it's pretty neat to go around and see evidence of things that were written about thousands of years ago.
That's true but for Christians, the entire universe is proof for God's existence.
>but why go destroy it?
Why don't Whites just stop getting involved in the non-Whites shit?
>Rather, you should observe that both Christians and Muslims are branches out of Judaism.
Even though that those that call themselves the Jews have no connection to biblical times and the religion that calls itself Judaism (or more accurately Talmudic Judaism) has no connection to the religion of biblical times.
Not to mention the fact that according to Christianity, every single Jew goes to Hell.
If Christianity is an off-shoot of Talmudic Judaism as you claim, that's a helluva oversight.
>So why do the Jews want us to go murder each other?
Because that's what the Jews do. Nation wrecking is in their DNA.
>Obviously there must be some incompatibility here.
And it wasn't until very recently (say last 100 years) that this "Judeo Christian" shit became a thing. It's all thanks to the Scofield and Darby. Before then, Christianity was regarded as naturally antisemitic and in no way "Jewish."
I hate Israel and I hate Israel's America
Correct on all points. I think what you actually meant to do was to agree with me: that which calls itself the state of Israel not only lacks proof of its claim to that land, but they're total assholes who destroy and invoke murder on their behalf. Clearly, they have different values.
I know they have some similarities with each other like the 10 commandments, and Jesus being a Jew as well, but you can see a big difference when you are looking at old vs New Testaments. You are right, some people ignore the difference in them, but once you look deeper into it, it look more identical to Islam.
Its understand that they would be interested in Israel, for historical reasons, but they bend over backwards for them for no reason. If you are someone who loves history most things should be persevered even if you don’t agree with it. Which you are right user that Jews would allow isis to be blowing up holy sites and selling the artifact. Doesn’t make sinces.
Sorry that was typed a bit more hastily.
>I think what you actually meant to do was to agree with me: that which calls itself the state of Israel not only lacks proof of its claim to that land, but they're total assholes who destroy and invoke murder on their behalf.
Indeed. The only reason we're involved is because of other Jews infiltrating White nations.
>Clearly, they have different values.
Well they're like all other non-Whites except in the regard that the Jewish race is inherently anti-White as well as being non-White.