You need us Jews

Imagine if you actually got what you wanted and finally got rid-off us Jews. Then what? Don't you realize that everything that makes your lives worth living comes from us?

No more:
>Porn. You would be without the satisfaction WE provide you.
>No more good music, just old shit, but no hip-hop or house. Because all the great artists like Arianna Grande and Tay AI, yeah we produce all of those.
>No more amazing holywood blockbusters to look forward to. Forget all those superhero movies you like. No more based Captain America!
>No more classy entertainment like Late Night Show and other things that make you laugh. Have a fun boring Saturday without Saturday Night Live and Laterman.
>No more cutting edge modern art. Exhibitions will just turn into dead museum pieces of sad dust collecting antiquity crap of people basically just boringly copying reality.
>No more social media, like facebook.
>No more psychological breakthroughs like Freud. Just a boring judgmental system of fixing people by hitting them, like the crud barbarians you are.
>No religious freedom. Enjoy all being fanatical protestants that burn witches and are not allowed to dance.
>No sexual freedom, you are gonna be forced to marry the first hoe you bang.
>No personal freedom. It would go back to tribe mentality family system. If your family sucks (which they probably due Goy) then you would still be stuck and depended on them. Forget about telling them to fuck off and do your own thing with no Jews protecting your freedom.
>No more advanced economy of permanent prosperity, enjoy going back to bartering or silver coins. Society would revert back to nightmarish semi-feudalism without us, the Jews, as the protectors of the capitalism you all love.

And list goes on and on. Point is that your life would be shit and you would hate every day of it.

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So yes no skateboards either

the devil himself could have written this

Your God is all powerful.


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nice b8 m8, sage for slide

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I'm ashamed that I got horny while watching that video


You're ashamed you are a mammal?

>Point is that your life would be shit and you would hate every day of it
The only thing i would miss is hating jews.
Gas yourself kike

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Fucking Kike, all that is evil!

I'm literally okay with all of this greentext happening. Our world would be much better.

based and redpilled

wtf I love being a nondescript slave caste brownoid with no history or future now

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>You need us Jews

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hmmm self aware heeb or proxyfag

>no more filth

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God damn niggers are disgusting


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well it is a Jew and apples don't fall far from the tree

This is advanced trolling. Trust a Jew to Troll better than anyone else.

This is actually a great case for your extermination. Thanks for the putting in the groundwork, Rabbi.

actually, Satan called and said in no uncertain terms he's not taking them back to hell.

We would get rid of all the other monotheist cancer, then we'll talk Moshe

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you already made this thread in morning and were utterly btfo, that was a signal to fuck off not to copy paste your shit thread with more lines, I hope everyone will report you for spamming and sage your shit thread you disgusting kike

10/10 troll, absolutely masterful

Oh no, not the late night show

I respect the effort you put into making this

Without jews we can have planet all for ourselves.

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Silly Jew, your time is almost up.

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Cocaine is better than all of that bullshit

Sounds good OP

>ITT: Ungrateful Goyim
Ok what about all the other good things we done for you?
>Push for legalization of weed? Yep we did that.
>Legalizing gambling? Done it
>Legalizing prostitution? Working on it
>Getting everyone their rightful access to opiates? Doing okay on that one as well

So what if you get a few more blacks? Clearly we make it good for you, and black women are hot, look

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Can't wait to see pissrael burning. Imagine the kvetching lol.


I would believe you’re a Jew, but you made too many spelling and grammar mistakes.

>Babies first bait thread
>Its a harvest
God I hate nu-Jow Forums

And who do you think gets it there? You do realize Sachez is a converso name, right?

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lots more must be burning to rid us of (((them))) at least add Jew York, Miami, Jewlywood and let's throw in San Faggotsisco

>Becoming a nazi shrinks your boobs
Why would you even want that? Join us, we got the milkers

Case in point. You do love our stuff. We are just your good servants and give you what you want, and crave

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You just listed everything I hate in the world.
Literally every line of that is the opposite of what I want with the world.
I just want to gas you more for thinking I enjoy any of that shit.
Ride the tiger, keep your inbred Freud.

>So what if you get a few more blacks? Clearly we make it good for you, and black women are hot, look
the Jew cries out in pain, as he stabs you. Send them to Israel, you kvetching kike

>everything that makes your lives worth living

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What of all these should be good now?
gas yourself, kike

>Implying I give a shit about porn
>Implying I enjoy dog shit nigger music
>Implying I pay for capeshit
>Implying I watch the (((Funny Joke Men)))
>Implying I prefer a faggot skipping with a rope made of his own pubes over pic related
>Implying I would ever want to use Faceburg
>Implying I would like to have leagues of (((psychologists))) write off normal productive behavior as mental illness while trannies and pedos are declared perfectly sane.
>Implying that culling the degenerates you have bred is a bad thing
>Implying that monogamy is bad for societies when the contrary has been directly proven.
>Implying that a strong family unit does not result in a stronger society.

My God the mental gymnastics behind each of these claims is astounding

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You just pointed out what I really want to get rid off.
The only Thing I really want in my life is Our Lord Jesus Christ.
He will come one day and expell you out of th land. Get fucked kike

Fucking unequivocally this X100000000
Die and burn in hell like the fucking demon spawn you are you evil piece of shit kikes

I never thought about it like this...
OK, you've convinced me.
Sieg heil, gas the jews nao!

>This is advanced trolling. Trust a Jew to Troll better than anyone else.

No this jew is serious. They actually think we cant live without any of this stuff. Truth is we would make everything better. Better movies, better music, better art. The only thing that stands in the way right now is money to make things better.. And they control the money. Or they control the perception that money has value.


Stop posting you faggots, stop giving (You)s to a shitty thread
SAGE and stop bumping it
No, its a bait thread made to make you reply you faggot

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I have a very libertarian mindset
>everyone needs to regulate himself

But reading this, maybe fascism is the way to go
>degeneracy needs to be banned

Everything you listed are tricks meant to fool us into thinking you arent trying to enslave and destroy the human race, so no fuck off.

sounds perfect
when do we begin?

Jews are the children of Satan. Jesus explicitly said so.

They literally cannot tell that they are evil incarnate. It's such a profound and entirely atypical kike trait that I've come to the conclusion that, like all vampire mythology is about them and their proclivities, the myth that vampires are unable to see their reflection is itself a metaphor for kikes' inability to see their own evil; to self-reflect. It fucking fits.

One could only hope.

the good Jews converted to Christianity
only the degenerate Jews stayed Jews


overestimation by jews of themselves who are islam tier personas. think they invented something called civilization when in reality they just usurped it like everything they claim they have done.

the jew cannot restrain himself, we must help him

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Jews are evil, they already know they are evil, but pretend they arent because it would ruin their plans if the gentile knew they were evil. Even their book literally tell them to do evil where the jew is not known.

You're listing only benefits of the aftermath of the Real Messiah's Arriving. And I'm not talking about that retarded faggot that is supposed to show up between Purim and your elections.
I am ready to die my "first death", Juden. Are you ?

wtf I love jews and niggers now???

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>No, its a bait thread made to make you reply you faggot

This thread should be bumped because people will hate jews more. Its a win win.

Yea Jews run everything sadly

Thanks for phrasing it so eloquently rabbi. It really activates the almonds and is making me reevaluate my life. Thanks for the clarity, I'm pretty sure I'm a nazi now.

Destruction is appointed for the world according to the word of God.
Those who do not accept the word of truth will be swept away with the heathen, kikes, pagans and atheists and all other sorts of scum.

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Nice try jew. But when the Jews die off all of these jobs will be filled. It's called a power vacuum.

Not only will probably be taken over but we will see less incest and race mixing because the only agenda behind it would be to cum.

Music will go back to being thought provoking and deep not idol worship and top 40's mk ultra brain wash music.
independent film is better than Hollywood.

Jews only control the lowest common denominator. That's how they hold us back.

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Are you underage?


Slide slide slippery slide

The covetous rats sneakiness knows no bounds.
The only time I care about Israel is when gay pride is on in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. When I create new Twitters and promote it everywhere.

>No more good music, just old shit, but no hip-hop or house. Because all the great artists like Arianna Grande
Ariana Grande sucks shut the fuck up

He did. It's just being recited by his disciples

Either this is satire or OP is delirious, it's hard to tell with kikes.

>Ariana Grande sucks shut the fuck up

Ariana Grande is a Tranny. If jews didnt run things we wouldnt have any more Tranny music. Thank Allah.

Then stop posting in one

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gr8 b8 m8, I r8 1488/1488

>a fucking kike calling anyone ungrateful

My god I can't wait that we holocaust you for real

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It's like total jew bait, but i'll have a bite of that bagel.
>Porn. You would be without the satisfaction WE provide you.
Blacked and nigger porn is all kikes produce these days.
>No more good music, just old shit, but no hip-hop or house. Because all the great artists like Arianna Grande and Tay AI, yeah we produce all of those.
They're anything but great, music hasn't been good in a long time. It would be beneficial to see it all go away.
>No more amazing holywood blockbusters to look forward to. Forget all those superhero movies you like. No more based Captain America!
Have you seen the state of Hollywood recently? Something you can't even spell, jew. Franchises like Star Wars and Ghostbusters are now just anti-white propaganda machines. Will not miss them. People like JJ Abrams ruined movies.

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I have zero sympathy for Jews

>No more classy entertainment like Late Night Show and other things that make you laugh. Have a fun boring Saturday without Saturday Night Live and Laterman.
With losers like Stephen Colbert and Conan who even watches that shit anymore?
>No more cutting edge modern art. Exhibitions will just turn into dead museum pieces of sad dust collecting antiquity crap of people basically just boringly copying reality.
Just like all of the inner cities, thanks to kikes like you. Isn't that something else?
>No more social media, like facebook.
Owned by Zuckerberg, a kike. The world doesn't need facebook.
>No more psychological breakthroughs like Freud. Just a boring judgmental system of fixing people by hitting them, like the crud barbarians you are.
Freud + Marx = Frankfurt school propaganda AKA modern feminism + college sjw trash. It should be destroyed.
>No religious freedom. Enjoy all being fanatical protestants that burn witches and are not allowed to dance.
Religious freedom led to kike infiltration of our living spaces. Even most christians are just cucks who want more immigrants and niggers. Good riddance.
>No sexual freedom, you are gonna be forced to marry the first hoe you bang.
Just like how it should be. Sexual liberation and the womens suffrage movement are nightmares created by kikes and their sexual (((freedom)))

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>No personal freedom. It would go back to tribe mentality family system. If your family sucks (which they probably due Goy) then you would still be stuck and depended on them. Forget about telling them to fuck off and do your own thing with no Jews protecting your freedom.
Jews don't create freedom, they destroy it. See ACLU, SPLC, etc.
>No more advanced economy of permanent prosperity, enjoy going back to bartering or silver coins. Society would revert back to nightmarish semi-feudalism without us, the Jews, as the protectors of the capitalism you all love.
The gold and silver standard made the US dollar a viable source, now it's just kike monopoly money.

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I think we'll manage :^)

Wow, can I adopt a Jew. Looks like they sure do bring a lot of good stuff in the world. fyi...Letterman retired. On a serious note, it's kind of sad how all of the things you brought up have gone to shit over the years. Comedy used to be so good too.

Give OP a 6/10 on the Larp.

>when you try to paint a picture of hell but you end up desribing heaven

Sauce on that pls

...and no more circumcisions.

sounds fucking great. Why don’t you leave us and enjoy the sick pleasure of watching us whites live without all that degeneracy.

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No, they fucking did not invent any of that.
They control and promote it with stolen or fake money.

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HAH Japan
>Good music
Even if we assumed every western musician post 1950s is kiked we would still have japan.
>no more amazing hollywood blockbusters
Even if this where unironically true, it isn't, it would be worth far more to let new people try to make films than destroy everything of value for your uncreative shilling ops
> no more classy entertainment
late night shows where never good, but more importantly they don't have good production values and are easily duplicatable because they follow a format.
>no more cutting edge modern art
You can keep your money and child trafficing laundering garbage, even the small percentage thats good.
>no more psychological breakthroughs
You do more harm to the american psych than good. All of psychiatry could not even equal the destruction you wreak on minds.
>no religious freedom
lol you're retarded, America was founded on this principle, we let you in on it becuase washington was a cuck.
>no sexual freedom
Sexual freedom leads to increased unhappiness at almost every stage of life
>no personal freedom
Without you there would be far more opportunities for personal freedom because there would be no massive organizations attempting to character assassinate and indoctrinate all groups
>no more advanced economy of permanent prosperity
Exponential expansion is not ever permanent you jew rat

Now let me explain something to you after I sat through your entire shit show. I want you to actually shut up, stop thinking completely, and read this.

You are a neanderthal, LITERALLY, I cannot stress enough that the massive ammount of genetic traits jews share with these cannibalistic hominids. You where out competed and hunted down for being blood drinking nocturnal monsters, and only the most vicious, white hating, subversive, mincing, paranoid, perverse, among you survived. This is your legacy. The left side of your brain is not loud, but SCREAMs in confabulation non stop to make even your private thoughts lies. Wakeup

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>no more-
Good. I want all of this.

>jew names everything wrong with the music and culture in our country
>says the bad things are good and made by jews
Your post checks out, jew

I wonder if you eventually gas yourselves. Because that shit hits your people too.

a white guy is filming this. black women LOVE white guys.

Heavens forfend, we'd have to use our fantasy to jerk off. Like we did growing up in an age prior to the internet.
>No more good music
Translation: No more shitty pop music.
>amazing holywood blockbusters
And thank fuck for that, was that supposed to be a negative?
>No more cutting edge modern art
Like Jackson Pollock or people doing live paint enemas over canvases?
>No more social media
Again, is this supposed to be a negative?
>No more psychological breakthroughs like Freud
The guy who thought everything was related to sex and that snorting several grams of cocaine a day made you "normal".
>No religious freedom
I don't even know where to begin with that one. No semitic shit of any sort would be an awesome tabula rasa.
>No sexual freedom
>No personal freedom
>No more advanced economy of permanent prosperity
Translation: No more usury, no more fractional reserve banking, no more hyper-inflated paper economy.

You're not really making good arguments for your case here.

you know we hate kikes

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