Quitting vs cut

So I really don't wanna quit smoking but I can easily handle a cut. Thanks to work and games.
Can your lungs heal if your only smoking 2-3 cigarettes per day?

Attached: Cigarette-Diagram_abbreviated.jpg (400x235, 49K)

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No you're lungs won't heal but you'll do less damage to them. Cutting is a good step in the right direction

>Can I heal my wound while I keep opening it everyday?
I didn’t want to quit either, vaped for a month and then never again. Good decision on me.

Vaping without nicotine btw.

>No you're lungs won't heal but you'll do less damage to them.
Seriously? You have to go cold turkey for them to heal up?
I live next to a main road so all that exhaust shit is probably fucking me up anyways huh?
>Vaping without nicotine btw.
How is vaping? Does it hit the throat like smoking?
If you didn't wanna quit then how'd it happen after vaping?

just vape lol

>How is vaping? Does it hit the throat like smoking?

No it doesn't really hit the throat like ciggies, but it's better than nothing

If you vape w/o nicotine that is

Why dont you want to quit? Its the best decision I made in my life.

>just vape lol
There is data out already that show that yeah vaping protects your lungs but your risk of heart disease (which kills more smokers than lung disease or cancer) is not decreased along with some other smoking related diseases.
Smoking real cigarettes is better than nothing.
>Why dont you want to quit? Its the best decision I made in my life.
I really like smoking though. The main problem for me is the hit on my wallet. All that money could go to so much more shit besides all my future medical expense's.
What made it your best decision? I read your longs and body can feel the difference after 6 month or something. Once your body begins the healing processes and all your body chems are in normal order.
I'd imagine that's like a whole new body or something right?
Oh and since Wednesday I've only had 6 or 7 cigarettes and this craving people have doesn't really seem that bad. It's not really a need I feel but more a want to feel the drag of a thick cloud of smoke racing down my throat and into my lungs

>>Can I heal my wound while I keep peeling the scab off everyday?

>What made it your best decision?
First of all: the money. Dont need to explain this one.
The next point is smell. You get used to the smell of cigarretes but others dont. In my case my girlfriend asked me to stop because she didnt like the smell.

But for me the most important part was losing control. When you first start smoking you only smoke when you want to, because you like the feeling and it calms you down. But after a while it becomes a habit. And when this happens you dont smoke cigarretes to calm down, you smoke them to feel barely normal. I hated losing this kind of control so I changed it.
And the last point is health. I felt like shit going to gym all the time because I couldnt do shit without coughing my lungs out.

>And the last point is health. I felt like shit going to gym all the time because I couldnt do shit without coughing my lungs out.
Holy shit. How long have you been smoking for?

Do you have a source for vaping being as bad as smoking for heart disease?

Not him but I’ve been smoking for 8 years now and I feel almost the exact same way.

On top of that my heart rate maxed out at 130/76 after my trip to the shrink. 10 more points and I’d officially have hypertension. I’m only 21.

>smoking for 8 years
Wew lad

More fun in the Philippines

>heart rate maxed out at 130/76
You mean BP? If so those are pretty fucked numbers

Yes, those are pretty fucked numbers. Didn’t help that I might have thyroid issues and that I’ve fucked up my brain from 4 years of drug abuse. I feel like I could die from a stroke any second.

Make that 10 years if I count the night when I stole a pack of cigarettes from my dad’s table

Juuls actually deliver a nice throat hit, box mods are for zoomers who have never smoked and don't know what a throat hit is.

>Do you have a source for vaping being as bad as smoking for heart disease?
Sorry pretty sure I read it on this site but I can't find it now. But I read it today. Besides that there is still need for decades of studies to prove with vaping is bad or not. But there is enough info to show that throwing in any random chems into your lungs isn't a very good idea.
My phone browser mysterious cleaned everything

Not really long actually. About one year. But ive had terrible lungs all the time so starting to smoke was the most stupid idea I could have. I think I literally got cancer because sometimes I would cough blood and shit. Whatever cant afford to check

>sometimes I would cough blood and shit
What the fuck

Dude.... go to the doctor.