She needs to calm the fuck down

She needs to stop now, I was with her up until this point but she runs the risk of turning people off if she doesn’t be quiet

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Other urls found in this thread:

What is the practical purpose of presenting that opinion here?

Attached: goo.jpg (784x720, 75K)

Jews are scared.

Attached: quote-never-interrupt-your-enemy-when-he-is-making-a-mistake-napoleon-bonaparte-3-12-97.jpg (850x400, 50K)

Jow Forums will unironically become socialist democrat within the next year. I called this in 2016.

Jow Forums has gone full fucking retard. THIS CUNT IS NOT OUR ALLY! So what if she hates jews, she's a fucking Muslim! Her people hate you just as much, if not more, than the kikes. The enemy of my enemy IS NOT my friend!

fuck you

fuck you

Jow Forums is a Muslim board now and it's time for you to accept Islam.

Attached: evolution-of-pol-user-into-islam.jpg (1800x1400, 665K)

>WOW! This brown person the Jews got elected disagrees with the notion Jews are above all criticism