Im self diagnosing like a tumblrite and BPD is probably the most popular of the depression and anxiety disorders there are. But if it really is just black and white thinking than I must not have it because I personally like emphasizing that good and evil don’t exist and all evil could be percieved as good. Therefore it’s impossible for me to have BPD?
What would you most appropriately call the state of mind where your biggest issue is the fact that youre so isolated is the main trigger of your depression and anxiety? Is that just the neurotypical response to having no friends?
What is “Borderline Personality Disorder”
You’re depressed and anxious because you’re isolated. Why make it more complicated than that?
BPD is a personality disorder, not “depression and anxiety.” That’s like saying AIDS is “coughing and fever.”
People with it can be really manipulative and abusive. It’s usually out of some sort of extreme fear of abandonment and rejection, like “I hate you don’t leave me”
Sounds like you’re just... lonely? But if you want a diagnosis don’t ask fucking Jow Forums ok these people don’t know shit half of them are gonna think bpd means bipolar watch.
What I was thinking
So BPD is a giant bitch?
BPD sufferer here.
Black and white thinking doesn't reflect your moral values. It's more of an immediate reaction to something distressing in your life. You show up late to work one day. Your boss chews you out. You wonder if everybody makes mistakes or if you're a uniquely lazy and unreliable person. You wonder if you should stay in school. Can people who are late to work be doctors? People who are late to work are unreliable. Do my friends think I'm unreliable? Do they trust me? Do they think I"m a child? Am I a child? Am I gonna be a failure? Can I trust myself? Should I give up? Why can't I do anything right? Why am I such an asshole? You're a child. You're a lazy piece of shit. You're ugly. You're stupid. You're good for nothing. You're evil. You're a bad person. You don't care enough about the world to show up to work on time. I bet people who are late to work like you go on to beat their wives. You're rotting on the inside.... etc. etc. etc.
That's basically a look into the mind of someone with BPD. If you don't find yourself having these uncontrollable trains of completely irrational thought, you probably don't have it.
BPD is fucking hell. It's a part of your brain being broken. It's disgusting to me that people are treating it as a fad diagnosis now. I'd like to see them actually experience it for even a day.
Have you heard of narcissism or NPD? BPD, NPD, and sociopathy (ASPD) are all in the same family of disorders. There is a growing movement on places like tumblr to “destigmatize” it but people with BPD are just as toxic and abusive as people with NPD and it’s a serious, dangerous disorder that goes down to the core of a person’s sense of self (hence personality disorder)
Have you looked into CPTSD? It can look like BPD
Every therapist I've been to has suggested BPD. I've never seen a psychiatrist long-term so I've never had a formal diagnosis.
I was never abused or in a hugely stressful situation. But I've had emotional regulation problems and have been self-abusing in one way or another since as long as I can remember.
I understand where you are coming from. I think that it would be very difficult to wager a diagnosis on someone because those types of thoughts seem as though they aren’t too uncommon. A lot of the time I wonder where the thoughts come from and if they are a real indication of my inner voice. I feel like I have control over all thoughts but there’s a subconscious that keeps reminding me of my short comings in the same fashion as you described. It’s very odd how you mention it in 2nd person because I also think these thoughts in 2ns person. Wonder what that could be.
Consider autism. Really. Especially if you're a female. My therapist diagnosed me first with bpd, and then later we found out it was autism. The difference for me was my irritability wasn't me lashing out, but sensory overload. Also how obsessive I was about if people were mad at me or not was me totally misunderstanding and not seeing social cues and over compensating. Just a thought.
To be fair, i cant help but feel everyone has autism in their own way. A lot of nonautistic people are super autisfic about football in the way “autistic” people like anime for example
Where does one get properly diagnosed for disorders like this?
Psychiatrist or psychologist?
If you have BPD you probably drive everyone around you crazy. You probably have cut yourself, probably have an absent parent in childhood, probably can't sustain a relationship, etc etc.
I wouldn't even think about it in terms of black and white, I've never heard that. I dated a girl with BPD and I know how she acted, I wouldn't really highlight that aspect over the stuff I just mentioned.
You are probably just depressed. Anxiety is normal. It sounds like you're morally gray which suggests nihilism which suggests depression. Don't make yourself a victim, if you're only depressed you will be MUCH better off.
You are misusing autism with sweeping strokes and I suggest you never, ever get caught dead in public saying "everyone has autism." Normal people will wonder what you're on and actual autistic people, who live through great difficulty in some cases, will not likely appreciate being marginalized like that.
Borderline personality disorder is ultimately mood swings, a victim complex and poor self-control and self-awareness overall. It's basically the bush league version of bipolar disorder, or manic depression, etc. etc.-- you get a smattering of a lot of the effects from many disorders, but there's so much overlap. In fact, BPD is kind of hard to distinguish from people who are just self-absorbed assholes and, really, self-absorbed assholes almost unanimously fit under the bill of BPD.
I think it's called "borderline" because it doesn't quite put its full fist three knuckles deep into any particular shitpile of disorders, but rather prances along the shitty edge of every shitpile, trailing little flecks of poop on its fairy fingertips as it goes on its way.
Is Borderline thinking bad? Because I almost always think in 2 extremes.
Nah. Being autistic isn't just being passionate about some one or kind of awkward. It's the inability or extreme low ability to read social cues, and being totally spent and exhausted from things that other people find arbitrary.
‘BPD’ is being phased out, along with several other disorders, for being confusing bullshit. Its history as a diagnosis is as long and convoluted as Schizophrenia’s.
The name “borderline” originally meant “on the border of Schizophrenia”. Now, and more accurately, *Schizotypal Personality Disorder* is considered to be “on the border” of Schizophrenia. (‘Schizoid’ and ‘Schizophreniform’ have also been ansorbed into the ‘Schizotypal’ definition as well).
BPD has come to refer to people who are so emotionally unbalanced that they enter dissociative, highly impulsive, and temporary psychotic states. They’re notorious for intentionally and unintentionally harming themselves. Does this describe you?
Internationally, the name for ‘BPD’ has been changed to ‘Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder’. The newest DSM (the American manual which still includes ‘BPD’) has made an effort to differentiate BPD from Schizotypal, emphasizing emotinal instability as the core problem in the disorder.
BPD (or EUPD) emerges very frequently in people who were emotionally or sexually abused as children, especially in cases where they were required to “pipe down” and not show any emotions.
People who meet the criteria for BPD frequently meet the criteria for Schizotypal PD, C-PTSD, and the other Dramatic Personality Disorders. They often have similar brain structures, a small amygdala, similar to what is seen in PTSD.
As you said, you aren’t qualified to diagnose yourself, and the first reply
is absolutely right.
And, if you weren’t able to figure this out from my post, all of this shit is jargon. Mental Health needs the field of Neurology to advance, so that we can learn how the brain works, and at least refer to mental health conditions in real terms.
Not Op here
I can relate to that so much, especially the morality bit. Like if I do something wrong, I have to decide that A. It's not wrong at all and everyone does it or B. It's horrible and just shows what an evil person I am. When I know logically that what I did was in between those extremes, I get very distressed because I can't decide whether to class the action as A or B. Usually these moral crisises come from me being stressed out over me being manipulative to people, or over arguements I've had with friends and stuff like that. I also have pretty chronic fear of abandonment which leads to me shutting off all my friends and isolating myself (and avoiding new friends). So do I sound BPD?
The brain can't be chopped into little bits and categorized into easily understood English language labels. Neurologists will not be able to answer the questions of the mind with the rigidity of the scientific method, the mind transcends into the realm where science and its rules fall apart. Carl Jung had the right approach to the mind but institutional psychiatry has not picked up his torch and has decided to go down the path of categorizing that which cannot be categorized which has led to these nonsensical labels that have lost all meaning.
For example, here’s some bullshit that emphasizes how little we undersrand Schizophrenia, and how only Neurology can save us.
Schizophrenia used to literally mean “split mind”. It was thought that the schizophrenic person’s psychotic mode of being was an alternate, split personality. The condition was thought to occur because mothers were too fickle or “of two minds” when raising their children. The mothers one day are mean, the next day they are nice, and so on. This was supposed to be why the horrible, debilitating disease occurred.
Later, studies on twins who grew up with separate mothers showed that Schizophrenia is in fact a genetic disorder, so the psychodynamic explanation was absolutely untrue. Tens of thousands of mothers were convinced that they accidentally gave their children Schizophrenia, when it was really just a genetically inherited issue. The fields of psychiatry and psychotherapy both had never been so blatantly exposed as harmful and useless quack. The mothers were only guilty of carrying genes that caused the disorder.
To this day, we haven’t been able to determine which genes cause Schizophrenia, nor have we found any kind of physical marker to identify the disease (including brain scans). The only way we know it’s genetic is because it is very highly inheritable.
If the entire field of Mental Health itself doesn’t know what’s going on, neither do you.
Jordon Peterson detected
see one day, if society holds up as it is, we will find biomarkers for Schizophrenia, and then for depression...BPD...everything. Down with quackery.
they both use the same diagnosic criteria, unfortunately. the difference is that a PhD counselor will have more experience talking to people about their problems and an MD will probably have more experience giving people medicine. Some MDs also practice therapy. talking is more productive than big pharma “maybe it does something” shooting in the dark, but both in conjunction works best.
oh, and some psych meds work very effectively. xanax for instance. usually trazodone or remeron (antidepressants) induce sleep soon after taking them.
they tinker with you. medicine is an art. if it sounds scary, it should be. if you’re banged up enough, many still endorse electroconvulsive therapy.
> If you have BPD you probably drive everyone around you crazy
But what if I don't show any emotion when I'm with friends? I don't think they find me annoying in that way but they stills seem to hate me lol
Finally, black and white thinking is normal for anyone in a heightened emotional state. Imagine the last time you heard, or said, a statement like, “You NEVER listen to me!” This is normal emotional language. The problem with people who have BPD is that their emotions fly off the handle more often and more severely than the average person.
The fact you use black and white thinking probably means you’re an Aquarius.
I have watched maybe 5 minutes of Jordan Peterson to know that he's lost himself in a game that he's taking too seriously. But onto your post:
My post was in reference to the mind as a whole, not with schizophrenia. I don't know enough on the subject of schizophrenia but I'm skeptical about the proposition that schizophrenia is "just a genetically inherited issue". Sounds like science trying to box something up again so it can be easily labelled and translated through our limited languages. The human body is far more complex than its DNA and people who use DNA as the end-all be-all tend to see the human body as a mechanism instead of an organism. What is a heritable trait? Where did it start? There's something going on that's not so rigid as the gene sequence in DNA that are playing out some mechanical process.
Self diagnosing is the wrong way to go. I for one have emotional regulation issues but I've been diagnosed with ADHD since childhood. Stimulant's make me calm and help me control my emotional state.
you can Google what a heritable trait is. it’s called geneology. it’s real, obviously.
most of the way people are is a combination of their genes and their environment, environment being where they grew up, how much wealth there was, who they formed relationships with, what ideas they came in contact with...
Not OP but this very accurately describes my reaction to any mishap outside of everyday stress. To add, I think it applies when something especially good happens. Like "Oh, I really am fit out for this" "I'm great" "I'm special" etc. only for it to fall apart when the littlest thing goes wrong. Maybe this is narcissism or something unrelated entirely, though.
that’s low resilience
Makes sense now that I think about it.
You're missing my point, I know what a heritable trait is but what triggers it? The organism in its environment is too simple.
Take for example people who see the eyes on a moth or butterfly and say "oh, it did that because it wants to avoid being eaten". These people see the world as a Newtonian game of cause and effect but, again, too simple. Science calls it morphogensis and pushes a mechanical view of how nature works. Unfortunately for the scientific community nature is not a mechanism and it shouldn't be viewed as such. None of these mutations were performed by the conscious mind, there's another layer that science cannot penetrate because it doesn't conform to numerical rules or mechanical process. It underlies everything in this reality and even the LHC cannot find it by cutting matter into its smallest pieces possible. That's my point.
I don’t see what’s theoretical about using hard science to discover why some people experience disordered psychological phenomenon. In the worst and most definite cases of Schizophrenia, it’s obvious the person enters real altered states. The states are comparable to drug-induced states, they respond to psychotropic medication, and in cases of true Schizophrenia they do correlate highly with relatives who have the disorder.
Maybe I’m still missing your point.
Maybe you’re on the defensive because I called psychodynamics quackery. Sorry. Psychodynamics are useful to a point. A lot of the observations are true, and a lot of them aren’t. I noticed the daddy/mommy issues observation has truth to it, the observation that people tend to have positive or negative relationships based on the relationship they had with their their opposite-sex parent while growing up.
This is more theoretical than hard science, to me. Maybe a psychodynamic practitioner thinks this “mommy/daddy issues” problem is a universal thing, but maybe it only happens in our culture, or maybe it’s only our culture that tries to pathologize and label the phenomenon as bad.