I've been with my girlfriend for about a month now and we recently had sex for the first time. She was not a virgin, but I was.
I've watched porn a vast majority of my life, and I've masturbated every day pretty much. I was able to remain half-hard when doing the deed, but I could not cum. I also kept going soft a couple times.
I've since told her I will stop masturbating and watching porn, which I will because I want to do better. How long after I've weened off of this stuff will I be a functioning human being who can stay hard during sex and possibly cum?
It's probably nervousness, not porn that's causing you problems
Carson Hernandez
It's probably performance anziety as the previous explained. Just KNOW that you are doing a damn good job and you will.
Elijah Cook
Bf quitted porn in august, cant fap unless he sees me as he's in the army. Literally cant make him cum unless he does it with his own hand. It's really frustrating for me cause i feel like a failure of a gf. I let him do anything to me: i suck dick, i do anal, tried boobjobs, tried handjobs, tried footjobs, thigh jobs whatever. He gets hard and im a fairly attractive 8 with a nice figure and i didn't have any problems with my last bf. I've dressed up and let him rip holes in my thigh highs/leggins, let him put oil on me, i let him spank me or tie me up. I'm not a dead fish in bed or anything either. N o t h i n g works. He rarely has any problems making ME cum but in the 8 months we've been together i have not made him cum ONCE. Feel hella bad. Very certain he's not gay so what do?
Levi Parker
porn can desensitize you, I can literally tell you first hand (no pun intended but lol) that porn ruined my sex drive for awhile, I couldn't figure out really why or the science behind it but I know that it really takes the fun out of actually having sex. You get so used to having sex right at your finger tips that any effort in actually having sex isn't as exciting. Try to go about 2 days with out jerkin it, I know you'll thank me in spirit.
Cameron Richardson
Lose weight
Brody Gomez
I jerked off like 3 times this day, and I just now I fucked and jizzed in my girlfriend. I'm not saying that your problem is not masturbation, just that you should not just assume that it is masturbation. It could be something else.
Michael Green
Viagra. Low testosterone levels can do that to us. It’s not you. I love my wife and sometimes take a break from the hand banana but still. Good and bad days. Half/full mast it’s still really fun for us we promise
Adrian Peterson
You got to feel her my dude
not your dick
Joseph Cooper
>How long How long is a piece of string? Your issue is that you consumed porn while wanking with a death grip daily, if course a real vagina was underwhelming because your brain is wired to recognise death grips and bimbos fucking groups of black men while a Vietnamese man is being cucked. Stop watching porn, wank from the mental wank bank, try some foreplay with your gf before you fuck next time. No, the condom isn't ruining it for you, stop worrying about shit, she was generous enough to touch your skin tag so there will probably be another time.
Jace Richardson
>bimbos fucking groups of black men while a Vietnamese man is being cucked
That's funny, somebody should make a movie about this
Jaxon Perez
My bmi is 17.9 and my measurements are 33-22-37.5, i'm not flabby or skinnyfat either but nicely toned with some muscle definition but definitely not too much. I'm actually in fact trying to gain weight, not lose it right now so the problem is not that i'm "too fat"
Aaron Ward
We've talked about it, but the thing is we can fuck for like 2h straight but he just won't cum(?)) And then does it with his own hand (after) with me on top of him grinding and he cums in under a minute/couple of minutes soo kek
Carson Sanchez
Whatever happens the first time, forget about it. it was your first time. If you can't stay hard it is just nerves, fixes itself
My first time I stood in a bowl of Pringles, broke a mirror and had a awkward experience generally.
Henry Rivera
>No, the condom isn't ruining it for you Actually it totally did for me. I managed to remain hard and come but I couldn't feel shit at all, took me an hour.. Switching to ultra thin condoms helped 100%.
He's just trolling you. Really weird he can't come though with all you have done. At this point I would start looking into prostate massage/stimulation sex toys just so you can get the mental buzz of him getting an orgasm for with you. You have those bendy toys he can put up there and then fuck you and the friction from sex will make him come in minutes.
Gabriel Green
How do you know he isn't still death gripping like crazy? Im sure there are ways to jack off in the army. Or maybe he is into bbw. Who knows.
Nicholas Kelly
I've often wondered if death grip can become permanent. I know I have it but I don't know if abstaining for a month or two would fix it.
Thomas Bennett
I can try and talk to him about getting one but i'm quite sure he won't agree as he always says it's not a problem that he cant cum from anyone else besides his own hand
John Fisher
>skin tag ??
Jonathan Scott
Well i'm very not into porn and it hurt like a bitch emotionally when he still watched it so he promised to stop (i didn't tell him to stop and said it's okay if he still wishes to continue). They also have close to 0 free time in the army and he uses it to call me or talk to his friends.
When he still watched porn it took like well over 5min with me on top of him grinding for him to cum, now he cums in
William Wright
I imagine he might be opposed to the idea just because it can feel very gay. I wanted to suggest it mostly because of you and to make you feel better since it can be a mental weight not getting your partner off. If he says he doesn't mind it and it has always been like that for him I would actually believe him on it but I would still feel like a failure myself due to my own views on sex and do everything to make him cum regardless of what he thinks (lol).
But on the other hand if he's ok with it and has no issues maybe you also should also start looking at it like, you love each other, you can have a ton of fun a really enjoyable sex, maybe where he orgasms isn't that important and just enjoy the journey instead.
But really I have to commend you for trying all of this stuff. I just broke it off with a girl that was a total dead fish and talking to her didn't help at all. Not being wanted sexually made me feel bad.
Cameron Scott
Well fuck my life if it really can become permanent. He talked about how porn had made him think pussy would make him cum in 30sec and i'm like boi pussy SHOULD make you cum in 30sec it's an entire organ made for your pleasure. I know i should not think or feel this way but the more time goes on the more i feel angry with him about watching so much porn that even 3months after quitting and 8months with his first gf he just can't cum. I hate porn for my own reasons so that makes me even more frustrated
Oliver Carter
It could be a pre-exsisting condition. Like the average friction of a vagina is 0.7 and your dicks sensitiviy from birth was set at 0.9 so even if you didn't masturbate once in your life you would still have the issue.
Kayden Rogers
then even anal won't work? I've tried jerking him myself or sucked really hard so that should be more friction than vag
Brody Ramirez
Heh thanks
Jackson Richardson
Oh yeah that is a bit weird but a girl wanking you off isn't the same as wanking off yourself simply due to experience so I can sort of see why he still might not cum. I haven't tried anal so I don't know if it would help.
Is he circumcised? I'm wondering if he just isn't sensitive enough.
Jeremiah Roberts
No he isnt
Carson Jones
Well fuck. Then I don't know, maybe buy a vibrating cock ring.
Justin Myers
Your situation is very similar to the Allegory of the Cave, conceived by the Greek philosopher Plato. It's a story about a group of people that lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The "prisoners" watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality, because that's all they have ever seen. Then all of a sudden one of the prisoners breaks free of his shackles and leaves the cave, only to see a higher reality that he does not understand. That's basically what happened to you with all the years of porn. It's not that you're desensitized, it's just that you literally don't comprehend. Like a blind person seeing for the first time. Knowing that porn is not real doesn't change the fact that you treated it like a sexual reality. Knowing that you're blind doesn't mean you will undestand seeing for the first time. You have to see for yourself. It takes a long time to adjust, but you will in time. Once you do adjust, real women will make your almonds diamond like nothing else, even if you fap 10 times before sex to crazy ass porn. I used to be in your position too. Being a virgin is like being stuck in the matrix. Welcome to the real world!
Anthony Ross
I don’t know if my story can help but I had the same problem when I was in my early 20’s >be 23 in a long distance relationship >finally meet up and have sex >couldn’t get it up at all >the feeling was there and nothing >girl I been talking to for 2 years ghost me >spend thousands of dollars on doctors to help me > give me 100 medication and none of them work >learn to live life with out sex since dick is dead >no morning wood, no feeling to flap, nothing but using it to pee >get into bodybuilding and learning about the body and keeping it healthy >do this for 3 years >26 and finally wake up with morning wood >erection stronger than ever >sex life is better then I ever felt
I don’t know it’s because I get super fit or that girl I was in love with fuck up my head. All I know is, not being able to jack off for 3 years was the most painful shit in my Life
Who cares? If you are together you should just be able to laugh it off, onwards to the next attempt
Angel Powell
Had same problem with my gf at the start, and it was all psychological, just make him confortable, don’t look like you want him to cum, just fo what you are doing without the purpose of making him cum, slowly not fast, i can assure you it’s all a mental thing, or at least it was for me at my first sexual experiences, just worrying top much to be bad at it