Omarposting: the new Psyop

Is this the new psy-op from the tranny bigade?
Convincing Jow Forums to get behind a literal nigger muslim pro-LGBT feminist because she's SO BASED AND WOKE TO THE JQ!
Don't fall for this shit. Kikes and Muslims will both get the rope, the only decision is really who goes first.

Attached: somalicunt.jpg (557x326, 24K)

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No. The clown pepe is. Omar is based.

Muslims and jews can both fuck off..

Make it a white person saying it and I'll be on board.

this psy op is weak and a failure.

Fuck that bitch.

Attached: IMG_3041.png (1460x777, 1.49M)

Iranians are gonna kill your fucking family.

eat shit you dumb fucking shill kike.go back to the drawing board and try again

>getting behind anyone
>not opportunistically playing our opponents against each other to further our interests

Why can't jews ever let the goyim enjoy something?

Being against the Jew is based. She'll just get the rope last as a Sonderkommando.

If AIPAC hates it, encourage it. It's not like you have to like whoever. Never interrupt your enemy when they are killing another enemy for you.

Enjoy the show. Sprinkle a bit of lighter fluid on the political train wreck.

Attached: merchant fingers in eyes.jpg (396x432, 104K)