Are the yellow vests going too far?
Are the yellow vests going too far?
Get ready to die Israelis. Iranians will kill you all.
geee let's ignore the fact that the media use ink to start wars
Based. Go France!
And so it begins, mon frere. Once we kick the jews there will be no pressure to accept (((diversity))) and we can deal with the rest.
Look at the obvious. Paint on glass can be removed painlessly by solvent and a rag. Who ever did that was looking for sympathy more than anything.
Once you have a happy memory associated with Begals you feel bad about this. I've been jewed. If it were any other store I'd cheer
>pissing on local pastry maker
>in the most cowardly maker
>we're edgy af, like in the fucking 30s
IDK, if you don't like that he's a Jewish bagelmaker, just don't fucking buy it. And enjoy your Tescos, Wallmarts and other (((absolutely not Jewish and globalist))) stores.
*cowardly manner
Rabbi is hiding somewhere...
Yeah that's the thing. Everyone knows that the begal maker is Jewish. Everyone who cares would not buy it. So this is extra retarded. Go to a bank or expose a pharmacy or something. You don't need to bully a baker
Good job Frogs.
>implying this wasn't done by Mr. Bagelstein himself
Yeah, I'm not buying it. Show me a dead jew hanging from a street light or something and we'll talk.
Go after the Jews that run the banks find where they live and destroy their homes
Bagels did nothing wrong
Kite started making a swastika but saved it with an exclamation point.
We'll let you know when it's "too far."
hey bagelstein ... whatcha doin'?
isnt yellow jackets who did this u dumb ass
>Paint on glass can be removed painlessly by
The decal logo is on inside too. It's as if the vandal cared about ease of clean up.
Name the Jew
Blame the Jew
And when you're online then
B L A M E T H E J E W !
If you’re going to try, go all the way.
Otherwise, don’t even start.
This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind.
It could mean not eating for three or four days.
It could mean freezing on a park bench.
It could mean jail.
It could mean derision.
It could mean mockery—isolation.
Isolation is the gift.
All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it.
And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds.
And it will be better than anything else you can imagine.
If you’re going to try, go all the way.
There is no other feeling like that.
You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire.
You will ride life straight to perfect laughter.
It’s the only good fight there is.”
Well our dear government's spokesman sure seems convinced of it when he conflates confirmed yellow vest actions with this.
>proved anti-semitism
>YW did it!
Cut the tongue of the spokesman
My radar has never failed me yet
Well he actually pissed the YV quite a bit last month, so they forced the gate of his ministry. And he was evacuated into the panic room by the security staff like a little bitch.
muh darkest hours
rite guiys???
Its great, to see the open borders meme finally turning against (((them))).
>Plz take in all these poor muslims goy.
>Several years later: Where is all this anti-semitiam come from?!
When even our overlord Attali claims the opposite...
When I see what happens with that somali congresswoman of yours I guess you're heading the same way as Britain, France or Belgium with islamic terrorism targetting kikes and anti-kikery infiltrating the left.
Holy Trips
Its a good thing the business was marked Juden otherwise patrons of Bagelstein might not be aware they are eating Jewish food. The perpetrators must be ecstatic they exposed the Jew controlled bagel industry.
Oy Vey!!!
that's redundant
They aren't going far enough
praise kek
Bagelstein probably had a new logo he wanted to put on his window. Now his insurance will cover it. What a fortunate coincidence.
more fake antisemitic attacks
I'm convinced the old jewish lady on the subway from a few weeks ago and the rape threat letter sent to a macron's minister were fake, all false flag ops
>there are L I T E R A L L Y billionaire pedo jews in the us and israel
>targeting a fucking bakery
amazing thought processing there Jacques
>harassing the local baker with his small shop
Wow, real heroes right there. The baker is clearly financing world conspiracies with all the bagels he sells every day.
The bagelstein is immunized against all dangers
Typical anti-semetic graffiti.
>since 1789
mein sides
No. They should drag Macron from his offices and remove him as president. Down with the entire Republic! Bring back the Ancien Régime or the Empire!
I only see paint.
I want blood.
Not nearly far enough.
Isn’t is always convenient that when Jewish establishments are vandalized that it’s never anything that takes more than a few minutes to fix?
Looks like the kind of thing govt and antifa would do to make the protests seem illegitimate and then crack down on it.