>if the US attacks Iran we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground
Attacking Iran is bluepilled but razing Tel Aviv is redpilled. Do the two cancel each other out?
>We attack Iran
>Iran snackbars Israel
>Israel nukes Iran
>Russia nukes Israel
>Israel samsons
>Faggot yuropoors get glassed
Not seeing a downside here.
>tfw you realize Iran are the good guys
This is the final redpill
>attacking Iran with the explicit intent of having them kill all Israeli Jews
You'd think this would be redpilled, but the reality is that New York City would be renamed to New Israel City, all all the Hasids there would claim it was an act of God that those Israeli Jews were sacrificed to give them even more political power.
>if you steal $10 from me I'll retaliate by giving you an extra $30
bomb, bomb, bomb
bomb, bomb, iran
>tfw you realise we were the baddies all along.
Iran has literally done nothing wrong other than throw westerners out who tried to take the piss out of them with their oil.
But we needed that oil for Israel