After much research...

After much research, I have come to a grave set of conclusions on the growth of tranny populations on our brother boards of Jow Forums, and connected Discord groups. I have come to such a point that one of the following (or a mixture thereof) must be the thing pushing this:
>Hiro is in on it
>Discords devs are in on it
>Various SJW or far left political groups are pushing this, or are being funded to do this

This epidemic is for one definitely attempting (and failing) its shilling on Jow Forums, but what about other boards? What do these groups have in common? Lets start from the most obvious source of infection, /lgbt/, a literal den of degenerates. It is literally nothing but trannies at this point, this is obviously a point of absolute infection on the site as a whole. But /lgbt/ seems to have been a stepping stone, as Jow Forums is another board targeted rather profusely by this psyop. Lets start off of this point with Jow Forums, why would Jow Forums of all places be such a target? The answer is it overlaps with some of the most populous and influential boards on Jow Forums, and is a host to mentally deficient blackpilled individuals.

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Lets look at the tranny population now shall we, what do they have in common? Lets start from something simple, theyre for the most part weebs, neets, gamers, and some flavor of sexual deviant or porn addict. An overwhelming number of these people have typically some sorta porn crop or anime girl as their profile pic on social media or discord accounts. R9K isnt just fertile ground for infestation, but it can easily be compromised and taken into this tranny mess, due to the overlap with r9k and tranny interests. Tons of r9kbros are in some way mentally ill, sexually deprived (and porn addicted), weebs, gamers, etc. R9K also shares considerable overlap with boards such as /a/, /tv/, /tg/, [s4s], /v/ (and its respective offshoot boards), and Jow Forums. It gets worse, too. Porn ads are rampant on most red boards, in fact on every red board minus Jow Forums, you can pretty much gaurentee theres these pretty raunchy porn ads out there. Now, porn addiction is a fickle thing, once someone bites into the forbidden fruit here, they tend to eventually fall into more and more depraved interests... including tranny fetishization. Who here controls the ads for the whole website?

Lets get onto the discord side of things, discord is known to be run by furry moderators, alot of them are gay or in some way LGBTQXYZ, as is typical of california. We all know the tranny incidents involving trannies like Reiko, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, to anyone whos witnessed the shit that goes on in these tranny discords, you will know these people are another level of degenerate. Many of these people are pedophiles, mentally ill, weebs, and have full intent on spreading their sickening ideaology. Very rarely do you hear about a tranny getting banned, while those who go against them are more likely to get banned. Odd, isnt it? Weaponized Autism is powerful, but it doesnt work like this, there is a greater power turning the wheels.

Heres a big question, why would taking down r9k be so important, and why is board community overlap so important here? Its a domino effect bros, you take down the off topic red boards, take down the weebs, and isolate the Jow Forumsack, its all about shutting down right wing discussion and discourse. Discords devs likely see Jow Forums as a form of competition in the online communication game, they have that commercial and political reason to remove this board (and the rest of the website) at any cost. Hiro could potentially see the red boards as a threat to profits, and is in on it for the purpose of making more money. SJW groups paid off by major players like Soros already have intentions well known. Look at the shills, look at what they shill, look at where the moneys flowing, it tells all.

OP is a gay retard shill

Hating trannies makes you one incel

Some form was always present since Jow Forums is a glownigger op and on top of that a derivative of the Eternal SA Goon .

However, it started intensifying with Hiro because him and Jim Watkins of cripplechan are Freemason agents. Endchan did some heavy digging into this shit. It's crazy. Cap related.

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They are multiplying because there is no division or subtraction occurring.

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Here's Jim with his harem of flip ladyboys and their neocon "news" site the (((Goldwater))).

Kinda off topic now, but the Philippines are a center for Masonic and glowie activity. Duterte isn't "based", he hates Christians and is openly a bi tranny fucker himself. And is probably a mason himself because it's confirmed that his sister and a ton of his family are Mason's. He also married a Jewess named Zimmerman and had a flip-jew kid with her.

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Who the fuck cares they're all gonna be dead from sucide in like 5 years

Dumping my OC

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Have fun with em boys

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>Eternal SA Goon
>he isn't protected
>stairs captcha

found the discord tranny

You sure spend a lot of time thinking about trannies

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Jow Forums is targetted because it is chockful of men who feel inept as men and are susceptible to tranny propaganda because they often suffer from antisocial disorders and the sort, so they are the prime target because they are weak and the trannies are much like predators, they go after those who are either literally incapable or too unaware to defend themselves. Jow Forums has a self defense mechanism and it should gear itself against the discord tranny goblin jews as much as it can, but i assure you: there are mods who are voluntarily not deleting shill/slide threads and not banning discord tranny. there are moderators who have been compromised. beware.

This has been happening for a while though. And it's part of the wider trend. Why you think the migration to cripple happened?

You're glowing

you know what I always wondered but cant really find the stats on? If Trannies are only a thing in the U.S. I have a feeling its only like this here and nowhere else

Fuck you nigger. I'm enjoying making these.
I'm getting pretty decent at using photoshop now because of it

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Celebs and politics are full of crypto trannies. Once you go down this rabbit hole your worldview will never be the same

All us posters are trannies. Ban them all I say

Not sure it's a problem to be honest. The discord fucking losers wont be a thing we'll ever influence, but the people on r9k, Even if they become trannies because of these degenerates, I don't see them being useful idiots, rather, they are probably even more likely to wake to the jewish question. Feeling unsafe and having your bodily life and autonomy threatened or that of your friends is what drives a lot of people to come shit post here only to wake up and radicalize after seeing it all.

More trannies is degenerate and lamentable but most are going to make their way here before they do anything permanent. r9k is full of people who are wrathful and alone. they'd jump at the opportunity to piss in an ocean of piss.

My best guess is the intelligence-information technology complex is targeting people that match the 'incel profile' regardless of if they're full on faggoty woman haters or not. They're hoping to make them subservient to and dependent upon the leftist establishment by bullying them into becoming trannies or at the very least digging up as much dirt on them as possible so that they feel compelled to lay low. Once they convert them they offer them a warped cultish community that they can feel they are a part of and then encourage them to convert more followers.

Spooks started the scheme but now its running on its own steam so when the mentally ill amateurs inevitably get exposed there is very little risk of anyone tracing this shit back to its source. Thing is even if it is traced back to its source the media has already sturred up so much hate towards the "reee women leave me alone!" crowd I doubt there will be much sympathy for these dumb weak lads and calls from the public on politicians to initiate further investigation into what kind of mind fuckery and psy ops is being pulled on them. Plus people calling for investigation can easily be written of as transphobic and shunned.

this makes me pretty bitter, discord is garbage
but in all seriousness, communities like that are far from welcoming. theyre so digstustingly full of jews and their stupid larping politics. Even if you didn't hate jews you better watch your step, making a jew feel even a little uncomfortable by having things like opinions will not be tolerated.

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