Mods should ban ALL Destiny threads

It's because its easier to form cogent opinions in text than it is on mic.
That, and most of the people who post here are actual retards.

Hi Des-tiny

imagine being him, 150 cm tall manlet, 40 kg heavy, 10 cm dick, balding, pedophile, ugly, pretending to be high IQ while you are basicaly 110 IQ at best so oyu are deluding yourself thinking how turbo smart you are, playing video games while you are like 40+. dman this guy is fucking loser lol :D

Didn't he advocate for "ethical CP"? Didn't he talk about how kids can consent? Didn't he say he saw nothing wrong with incest? Doesn't he have kids?

>posting a bunch of lies
This is the power of the sleazy alt-right. Sad.

nice concern shitpost, guy is literaly manchild, average IQ who cant debate for shit, he never rly won any debate

he looks like genetic waste, he has no qualities.

he looks better than majority of right wing youchoobers, not to mention the genetic refuse that roams this board and stomps their chubby feet

Attached: 1540104650497.jpg (2048x1536, 817K)

yes, no, no and yes.

all those beta acne face nerds still look better than him