Climate change

What do we think about climate change here at Jow Forums

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That Trump has always been right.

>be subIQ libtard
>complain about global warming
>get bitch slapped by Trump that "global warming" is just a Chinese hoax to collect billions of dollars and that it's just "climate change"
>subIQ libtards now call it climate change

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there's no proven cilmate change, just ebb and flow.

The climate is constantly changing, since the birth of the Earth.

How much of that is because of human activity?

How will 300 trillion dollars help at all?

how long will it take to see if it did?

How much are the sun's cycles involved?

Why is the data so doctored?

What about previous warming periods?

Who stands to gain?

Even saying "99% of scientists believe in climate change" is a disingenuous and sneaky statement. They just need to agree with my first sentence and they will 'believe in climate change'.

Remember when they used to call it global warming (traumatized me as a kid), now it's climate change. Any suggestions why? :p

Those are quite well-thought out questions actually

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But what about the b-bears?

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"Stable" climates haven't existed with our current continental set-up

Chinese plot to sabotage the west.

I should probably have specified global warming, seems like my mind didn't make a distinction between the two things :S

Computer simulators GPU fan is dying due to old age and requires replacement which was due back in 2012 but they are delaying it because of costs because aliens are cheap as fuck and that is where the jews get it from, and are waiting for it to crash for a while before they bother doing so, at least we will get a graphics update finally.

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We're fucked if anthropogenic climate change is real, which there is a reasonable argument to be made for it.
The real issue now is pollution and trash, especially in the US. I consider myself a conservationist above all.

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The climate changes. It's cyclical on geological timescales. Humans have a minor impact.

Fake and gay

Because, although the end result is higher global average warming, local climate may change towards colder events. People then start saying "there's no way that global warming exists, it's now colder than ever!"

Using the words "Climate change" , although not representative of the warming trend, avoids confusion when the events mentioned above happen.

So you believe in global warming?

anthropogenic climate change is real but has only a miniscule impact compared to natural factors. global temperature historic models are a fucking joke based on a ridiculous amount of speculation

Jow Forums is a rightwing board and therefore anti-intellectual and anti-science. Hence, we don't "believe" in anthropogenic climate change.

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It's just Democrats blaming Republicans for the weather.

aside from that it's embellished and used as pulpit to enact taxation