>yo cracka
>how we fix this climate change?
>a nigga like me don’t like that rising sea level
>answer in 5 seconds or I bust a cap up yo ass bitch
How do you maneuver out of this?
>yo cracka
>how we fix this climate change?
>a nigga like me don’t like that rising sea level
>answer in 5 seconds or I bust a cap up yo ass bitch
How do you maneuver out of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Options include:
Iron seeding the ocean.
Solar shade.
Building sea protection.
Pumping sea water over the trans antarctic mountain range and trapping it as ice.
Converting to a full nuclear fission breeder reactor energy grid and start making liquid fuels in the nighttime low demand.
Or best of all just ignore the alarmists and carry on.
Where are you from mystery man
>take gun
>shoot nigga
Daily reminder: Nearly all global pollution comes from Africa, India, and China, and it's simply blamed on white people.
>We need to kill off India's population
>I hear they don't like respectable black men such as you
>I hear they even call you... NIGGERS!
>holding gun sideways
I'll just smack the fuck out of him with no fear or hesitation
exept europe and the us are the top polluting regions in the world?
Bix mood mafuggah
>draw on him
>if his ghetto blaster seizes up I get a free justifiable kill
>if it doesn't I am finally released from this mortal coil
it's a win/win
>i swear i don’t know were a pound of kush is hidden
I dab
That is absolutely not true. Western Africa, India and China are way ahead in pollution and in lower in air quality by a long shot than the US and Europe.
dude I know you can't lose
niggers can't read, anyway
>Nuke Africa and the middle east
>Turn the whole continent into glass
>Glass reflects sun rays back into space
>Global warming solved
*teleports behind nigger*
Pssh, nothing personel
Literally let him shoot at me, and miss every fucking time. Then critique the way he holds his pistol, and critique his pistol marksmanship, walk away unscathed smiling.
Offer Tyrone $500 to get a vasectomy. Offer every black man in the world this same deal. Problem solved, and cheaply too.
Not like he's going to hit anything.
start drinking water from the ocean to combat the rising sea levels
“Shieeeet mufuggah we put money into lab grown meat and sheeit. Takes less electric-ities and with less cows the cow sheeit don’t make as many greenhouse gases nigga”.
I’d throw my licensed spoon at him. He’ll become distracted looking for the heroin he would usually expect to go with it.
Hot sawce!
System really failed this kid it was his turn to be a doctor and shit
What about mutts
I don't. Niggers are given guns in the US. I'm already fucked. At 56% I might as well just join in.
Look over there! A white bitch!
No, China is the top in pollution per square foot.
we move to alaska
This guy gets it
africa is hot, africans are better in hot. if world get hot, africans are better everywhere
Nah senpai, he was supposed to be an engineer
incorrect, per capita white people (mostly us, but also western europe) are the most polluting race in the world
China is #1 but they have like a goyillion people alive, the us is #2 with only 300m people.
i dont understand how this retarded thread stays up but my threads get pruned.
tell him the Mexicans are doing it
Tell him that he has the safety on.
Let's see some stats pirate.
or Popeyes.
Per capita doesnt work since companies and the government are behind pollution, not the average person.
Get fucked, Jewish meme flag
Unironically the abolition of capitalism as a foundational value of the industrial plant - a legal system which actively persecutes those who attempt to free ride on ecological commons. Then I would call him my nigga and racism would be solved (until we have to address those unsustainable fertility rates in Africa...)
Did 500 mile long holes in specific locations to nuke the tectonic plates to avoid dramatic, magnetic shifting.
We need more nuclear power.
I grew up in Jew York so I speak fluent nigganese
>Yo chill man
>It's them fuckin Jews
>The same ones who be kick out your moms
>And makin everythin so expensive
>And in da courts sending yo hommies to jail
You would be surprised how easy it is to redpill nogs on the JQ. They can accept a hard one like that with relative ease. Not all of them but some
We gots to make wakanda happen yo, its da only way
remove the long strips of metal crossing the planet like rail lines, power lines, pipelines.
A lot of that has to do with western demand for products, though. The financiers and industrialists go to China and India to build polluting plants, sure, and the Chinese / Indians allow that, but every r-selected retard wants cheaper products regardless of long term environmental consequences, so the west allows those goods to be imported.
Of course, it's not purely the industrial plant doing the polluting. I know India in general tends to be more reverential of life and nature, but they've also had an explosion of their r-selected population in the last century, and these are the people building slums and using rivers as garbage dumps.
>what is china
where? because there are 10 world's most polluted rivers you can take a look at and none of them are in USA or Europe
tell him he can't because its against the law
I don't understand what you're asking
Pull one of my 2 edcs, empty mag, reload.
"Kill yourself my man"
Because you're a faggot and whoever OP works for paid hiro to not delete the threads.
move most manufacturing to mexico to curb import related emissions because 1 ship makes 350,000 cars worth of smoke.
Firing a gun results in the creation of greenhouse gases. If you shoot you make the ocean level rise.
He's an ayy with all the answers
>Joanne Nova
Why are you posting a graph made by a blogger, as if that's any better than some rando making a figure in paint?
The Ape is using a 9mm, you'll be fine as long as your using 10mm Auto.
>Mayan calender
>Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas
we can't fix it.
the biggest polluters are developing countries and they won't slow their industrial growth to appeal first world nations (all which exploited the shit out of the environment and now are playing nature police at the world stage).
the best that can be done is be accelerationist and enjoy what we have, fuck future generations.
>How do you maneuver out of this?
I agree with you fine nubian, let me get all my money out of my wallet.
Grab concealed, shoot through pocket
It's China's fault. Blacks should move there to stop it.
>that’s really more of a revolver technique
Mungus size: Hue.
>what is water displacement
you faggots do realize sea levels won't rise by a substantial amount, right?
*Teleports behind him*
*Unsheathes katana*
>Heh, nothing personal nigga
China and India, my memeflag friend
The EPA keeps our shit on lock
By investing in re-forestation efforts and renewables, it doesn't matter if climate change is human made or not, humans might still be able to solve the problem even though they are not necessarily the cause. Glad that you take environmental rights seriously, why not take a few dollars from me and have yourself a good day?
Mirror technology. Yes, I use it on my home in Phoenix. I reflect the sun back into the sky from the mirrors on my roof. in the summer.
In the Winter I reflect the sun onto my shaded side of the house warming it.
>teleports behind you
Nothing personnel kid
>China is #1 but they have like a goyillion people alive, the us is #2 with only 300m people.
>not mentioning that they need to rapidly depopulate without moving most of those people to the middle class
The extreme reproduction rates of nonwhites is what is actually killing the Earth
Whites are the only ones obsessed with building green technology.
>be nigga
>freezes time
>teleports behind you before you strike
>psssh.... nothin personnel..... kid...
>ayo my nig nawimsayin
>you know you cant buy bullets with ebt
>betta off saving them for pulling up on nigga owe you bread
>nigga what's on yo five head?!?
While he tries to understand what you've said and before it processes that you've burned him, quickly move down and right while grabbing the front of his weapon and twisting it up and to the left so that it breaks his grip. Charge the weapon (just to be sure there's a round in the chamber) while backing off, pop 2 rounds into his chest, as he may have another weapon concealed on his person. If necessary, fire another round into his head if he moves his hands where you can't see them.
Not even kidding this is my primary daily carry and has been since 2015
Kill all niggers.
Don't shame Earl like that. He was a good nigger.
Skoal brotha
Well, niggers can't swim so I'll call this a win.
Making shit for your lardass. Why is the argument about per capita relevant to crime rate, and not pollution? Just visualize every trash bag you've ever taken out. So you really think some Indian surf can hold a candle to your ecological footprint of a cement mixer filled to the brim with Oreos packaging?
It doesn't even make any fucking sense. Plus half the oceans plastic waste is fishing nets. You don't eat shrimp? Poos and chinks are like almost vegetarian or something
Yo nigga, best be gettin' on them swimming lessons n shiiiieeeet
>retweet dis washingtonpost.com
That’s not a pistol this is a pistol
Ask to speak to the nigs father to sort things out.
>Yo Dogg
>We do that shit by gettin money, fuckin bitches, and killin them pigs
>FTP man.
>Come hit this blunt wit me my man, and let me tell you a story about the evil climate change conspiracy. That shit designed to hold us down and keep us quitet, breh.
what do you mean? subhumans and r selected insects prefer warmer climates.
I've said this before. The only real, logistically and technologically possible solution we can implement today is the mass extermination of around 6 billion humans.
>whoa calm down there jive turkey
>manbearpig just flew over my house!
"Confiscate oil wealth."
Then I punch him in the face and take his gun, because while I agree that we have to hold back the sea I am having a shitty day and have zero tolerance for the sort of random asshole who thinks a five-second gunpoint answer is sensible.
Then I probably make him hold still while I answer at great and interminable length.
>Niggers are the problem
>Actually it's companies
Why don't we just start killing rich people?
>Why are you posting a graph made by a blogger, as if that's any better than some rando making a figure in paint?
Is the physics wrong?
Also that blogger has a Bachelor of Science, such a basic relation between gas density and absorption is within the field of just about anyone.
>Thinks blunt wraps and Newport cellophane are biodegradable
You are one