Let's hear you best stories about rejected women

Tell me your best stories about women having to deal with rejection.

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I've accidentally rejected every woman who showed interest in me. No good stories tho.

They talked lots of crap about you behind your back?

I was hooking up with a girl from work and kept telling her I would never date a girl from work it would cause to many problems so she quit her job and then I told her I'm not interested and had sex with her frienemy at work

This is the advice board.

Now that's good storu. Did you video tape it and send it to your former collegue?

I've never heard anything about anyone ever talking crap about me, I'm a bland, boring, nice guy so there's nothing worth shittalking about. All the second hand info I get from others is how much people like me.

Well I consider the replies here as advices.

I don't believe that, scorned women are destined to backtalk you.

Haha no sadly I just let her friends from work tell her

I suppose that's true but I feel most of them realised it wasn't personal and I'm just too much of a mental fuckup to enter a relationship.

this has nothing to do with advice. go repost this on Jow Forums or something

This is the advice board, if you want to EPIC WRECKED FEMINAZI SJW BTFO FEMALES then go to r9k or some shit.

There was a woman I was doing group work with at uni. She was very pretty and up her own ass, so I didn't pay any attention to her.
I don't even know if she wanted me, but the way I never responded to her signals was getting to her and one day, she exploded.
She started yelling at me in front of everyone about something of which I was completely in the clear about. She was so upset and she grabbed on to the tiniest of issues and tried every insult in the book and threw it at me. I just sat there, let her vent and then helped her fix her problem once she calmed down.
It was pretty funny to completely wreck someone's reputation like that.
The only offence I can think of which caused this was me not responding to her signals.

I rejected every girl who showed interest in me in high school. I didn't say anything particularly hurtful, but I'm pretty sure I made at least a few of them cry.

Currently being bugged by a woman I dated once. SHE rejected ME initially for this other guy. Now that she's single, going through health problems and having to raise 3 kids solo, I don't see myself with her.
I tried letting her down gently but she still persists from time to time


lul roasties are seething

yeah everyone who wants this board to stay on topic is a feminazi roastie single mom, you really hit the nail on the head TOP KEK XD

are you a janitor? you arent? then you dont get to decide whats 'on topic' sweetie :)

Attached: Gee roastie.jpg (491x491, 68K)

I told a woman at the nightclub how cute she looked with that belly sticking out, she was totally devastated.


ha ha