Be in Uni

>be in Uni
>super lonely, no friends
>usually study in the student center
>meet freshman girl in the student center at 10 PM
>she hates her roommates and cant stand being in the dorm
>she is also super lonely with no friends
>my heart goes out to her because I was in the exact same situation when I was a freshman
>start sitting next to her whenevever I go there
>one time she says shes going to the food court to get food and asks if I want to come too so I do
>now we get dinner together 2 or 3 times a week
>im hopelessly in love with her and want to tell her how I feel
>also dont want to be rejected because I dont want to lose my only friend
What do?

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Who dares wins, my boy. Avoid the anime-styled love confession, and try to just get close and kiss her when you're having 'a moment' together.

Ask her out for a drink, that's it.

So while we are together I should try and get closer to her and then go in for a kiss? Will she stop me if she doesnt want to?

Fairly sure she only 18-19 so i cant her to a bar

>Will she stop me if she doesnt want to?
Yeah but at least you'll have tried. You can still be her friend afterwards, too. It's what the normies do. They get rejected, and pursue other options while still being friendly with the ones who rejected them. It's not a big deal.

Damn Americans. Old enough to fuck but not too have a fucking beer.

Anyway see her in another context before you make a move. Find something, anything. Movie is the lazy option if there's nothing else.

You're not in love with her, you just companionship after being super lonely. It's only natural that you think it is love because it's human interaction that your body naturally craves. It would be in your best interest to stay friends with her and make more friends. I feel hypocritical for giving you this advice because I was in your shoes once. Years ago, I never felt deeply connected with someone until this one girl. Same as you, I thought it was love jumped the gun and confessed to her. Thankfully, I mended my relationship with her, but you might not have the same luck.

>Damn Americans. Old enough to fuck but not too have a fucking beer.
I know and that's not the only thing. There's so many freedoms we don't have. And somehow Americans actually think they're free. I've never felt freer in my life until since moving to Europe. Fuck America

>dont want to be rejected because I dont want to lose my only friend
You will not lose your friend due to rejection. That's a very common misconception guys have. It only happens when men act like boys and can't handle a "no".

Realistically. You just ask her out on a date. She says no. Then you carry on hanging out, meeting up, sharing dinner together. It means you value her as a friend. But if you get a "no" then you ditch her, then you never really valued her as a friend, you only were seeking a girlfriend.

Regardless of what you're looking for right now, the only realistic choice you have is to ask her out. If you don't, you'll feel regret, or worse watch her say yes to another man. Remember: Embarrassment dies over time, regret swells over time.

Fuck you too pal

least i get to use a gun for work

Yeah they have guns here too. Americans usually retreat to this excuse, as if being armed in the 21st century is some big relief from everything else you can't do.

I had that thought too but I think its more than that. I think we have a lot in common we are both very quiet and shy people. Often I find being out with people exhausting and need “alone time” at the end of the day. But with her I feel comfortable just relaxing and chatting with her and sometimes we sit there in silence but it doesnt feel awkward just that we have nothing left to say and feel comfortable just being there

No offence but I have a feeling your sample size is a little small. Also if you do decide to do it, don't confess to her. Just ask her out on a date to a nearby restaurant.

> Fairly sure she only 18-19 so i cant her to a bar
Coffee? Dinner at a restaurant? If you're really close maybe you can just ask her to come over and watch a movie together at your place but if you don't know each other that well then maybe that's going a bit too fast. In any case you want to get into a situation where you're clearly inviting her to make this a guy-girl relationship rather than 'just friends' and afterwards affirm this in some way with for example a kiss.

In any case, go for it. I think if things don't work out romantically then things will be a bit weird at first but you'll probably get over it quite easily. Don't miss your chance.

Don't worry too much about whether you're really in love. If you feel that you're in love then that's enough. And if you at some point discover that actually you weren't, then that's not such a big deal.

Okay thanks guys. I think I have my plan figured out now. If I see her tomorrow I’ll ask her if she wants to go to a nice restaurant on Friday after shes done with classes. If we end up going Ill offer to walk her home and if it seems right ill go in for the kiss before dropping her off at her dorm


I feel like you should clarify it's just you two, but other than that wish you luck man

Okay thx. I think she knows that shes the only friend I have but I’ll say it anyway

I'm a girl and I'm in the same boat as op, however I don't know whether to wait until he shows signs of liking me as more than a friend or just take initiative and asking him to go places first.
Do I just start flirting and see if he reciprocates? I'm not used to waiting but I've gotten to know a lot of him as a person and he seems to like my personality.

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Tell him how much you wish you had a boyfriend. Just slip in in middle of a conversation.

It's like fusing a time bomb:) You're welcome