Guy rejected me and I look like pic related. Alot of people told me guys rarely reject, but this case seems clear...

Guy rejected me and I look like pic related. Alot of people told me guys rarely reject, but this case seems clear. He said I dont look good enough. But I look pic related.

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Perhaps he wasn’t attracted to you or your personality. Not every guy will be into you even if you look like “pic related.” This is bait, isn’t it?

Its not bait.

You look like a girl that was involved in a gang that threatened to murder my mother

just me tho

They rarely do.
Maybe he just thinks you are a whore.

All women are hypergamous so if you ask him out you are already inferior than him.

Also the nose ring does not make retrousse piglet nose any more appealing, just makes an ugly roastie look crazier.

Get over yourself. Stop crying on 4channel over a stupid event. The good news is that you were not in relationship with him and he rejected you after like one year. Someone else might find you atractive. Just say to yourself ''yeah whatever''.

And get rid of that nose ring. Piercing is stupid.

>Alot of people told me guys rarely reject, but this case seems clear.
You can't have everything just because the world is skewed in your favor.

You're ugly. Sorry but it's better to figure this out sooner than later. Looks like you'll have to work hard like the rest of us.

I had to drive to pick her up that day


Fuck Morgan and his Cactus Cult

You got out- be happy

I didn't want to beat him up at the tattoo shop to defend your honor

I wanted to murder him


If you are thinking all you can offer is appearance, you will be an unhappy person in life.

Get rid of the dumbass nose ring and your face will probably be a solid 5

> You have to be 18+ to be on this site

Different guys have different preferences. Pic related looks fine, though the nose thingy is not my thing.

The time has finally come where the tables are turning. Women will be the ones asking guys out and getting rejected. This is the consequence you have to live with now.

Get fucked roastie.

clearly a landwhale

This is bait

You guys are so bitter and hateful. Seriously, why even bother existing anymore on this planet? You're assholes that the world does NOT need.

I wouldn't take it too personal. I've rejected several woman, some who were "attractive enough" to me. But I'm very picky on personality. He could be too.

"He could be too." Are you dense? She legit said he said she didn't look good enough.

The other user calling you a land whale has a point. It is a bit odd that you wouldn't post a pic with your entire body when asking why it is you got rejected because of your looks.

Ay that's true. But if OP is telling the truth, she doesn't look bad. So throwing it out, that what he finds ugly is pretty specific to him, and he's just getting off on finally being the rejector.

At any rate, I don't think OP should take one rejection too seriously. Men have to do it all the time.


Then why seethe over that anons post? You're clearly an obese roastie

That's all you fucking worthless idiots have, "you're an obese roastie" You are devoid of any intelligence.

Guess what? Blow your brains all over the wall and do us all a huge favor. I'm sick of you worthless dejected rats spreading your filth all over. PLEASE GRAB THE SHOTGUN AND DO IT NOW!

Are you okay? Take it easy, user

Sorry, but seeing what you sorta look like isnt enough to go on

Post pic

>K-kill yourself jerk!
And that's all you have land whale. Im just stating it how it is. Op wanted advice on why she got rejected because of her looks, and didn't post body. It's her fault she's getting called a land whale. Simple. Now take meds and go vent somewhere else, obese roastie.

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Jesus christ Jow Forums has been devolving lately

I'm not a "land whale" you stupid idiot, I'm slender.

You think that's an insult idiot?

You people are ruining the fucking world. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kill yourself.

I'm waiting for your next slam poetry to come onto facebook, huge fan

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>He said I dont look good enough
I'll take shit that never happened for $200, Alex

Only huge fat faggots are on facebook

Fatty pedophile.

Go eat more mcdonalds and have a heart attack.

So you're not protecting your insecurities, you're just an autistic snowflake. That's even worse dear. I'm afraid your kind really isn't allowed here. Tumblr is more your speed, sweetie.

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Why don't you losers just kill yourself? You'll never get laid.


Now comes the part where you deny that you're a butthurt bitter loser incel. We know that's why all you losers come here for the echo chamber anti-fuckingroastie encouragement. It's because you're hopeless and hate life.


This reply is quintessential

>a fucking nose specter
>mouth is agaped
>and cropped photo
Yeah, maybe you resonated off as some kind of unhinged harlot who pop xannies. Y'know guys do rely on gut instinct too, I dunno, he could've got other vibes from you other than "you aren't hot".


Op deserved to be called out for that shitty pic. You got assblasted about it, so I pointed why op deserved it. Stop strawmanning, youre the one here who's butthurt here, autist.

I said KILL YOURSELF. Why are still here?

Wait do guys actually rarely reject women?

I guess that's what I get for giving him the old cukaroo

Well, I'm not an expert on what the other guy is thinking, but it's probably because you're an obvious lolcow. I mean, that's why I'm still here.


>this boy rejected me why wahhhhhh
Face it. You're the equivalent of a fake "nice guy". And this is coming from a girl who likes other girls. Not some butt hurt incel.
And everyone else, that photo isn't hers. It gets posted everywhere on Jow Forums all the time.

>nose ring

nose rings are a sure sign of a stupid bitch

yeah bro part of being male is being inherently unwanted that's why we make performative selves to compensate for it... all males are just living their days hoping a girl will take interest in them.

>look like ugly girl in pic related
>surprised when guys reject you

Are you stupid or something OP?

LOL. Women on the internet sure do get triggered so easily

>this is the advice women give
Kek, giving these creatures rights was a mistake.

Is this bait?

Maybe you're fat. Also lose the nose ring.

shutup stupid whore dont try to take the intellectual upper ground when you're impotent by nature lol stupid fucking castrated midget telling people to kill themselves out of some lame incel resentment fantasy get a hold of yourself bitch...

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Op snap?


I'm even a woman you dumb fuck

Person in the pic looks fine to me; I recommend ditching that thing in your nose though (if that's you.)

1. I'm not OP
2. I'm not a girl
3. Kill yourself please.

oh you're not a girl well then nevermind what I said lol, I only have disinterest set aside for men especially the stupid ones no sense arguing about anything with a man since theres not the possibility that theyll get at least a tincture of stockholm syndrome flowing in their synapses like girls are prone to...