Good Evening Anonymous!

Good Evening Anonymous!
It's Sunday night again! Are you having a problem with sex and relationships? Job wearing you down? Stuck in a blizzard? Maybe you'd like to report any progress from last week! Maybe you'd just like to stop in and say hello! You can do all of this here tonight!

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Other urls found in this thread:

i used to think i was dysphoric but i feel like i have another problem: idk if its poor form to link threads, so if this is bad, i can explain it again

Op here.
It's an all out blizzard here in Op City. I don't know how long I'll be with you guys tonight. Sometimes we lose electricity and interesting these things. But I'll do my best. If we get cut off, I shall return next sunday!

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this is me

Hello and welcome.
There really is no poor form here on Best Board, .
That being said, the key to being comfy begins with self acceptance. Accept yourself exactly as you are. All facets of your personality. Not having what you think are male traits is not a problem. Start with self acceptance.

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>the key to being comfy begins with self acceptance. Accept yourself exactly as you are. All facets of your personality. Not having what you think are male traits is not a problem. Start with self acceptance.
i can do that (and ive tried), but honestly, i wont be able to do a good job without external affirmations. hence the thread

I see a lot of issues here. But you have done the first step! You can admit there is a problem. That right there is huge. Now, which thing do you want to tackle first?

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You are a good person. You are worthy of love, happiness and contentment. And You are worthy of It exactly as you are.

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Idk. I just want to stop wasting so much time and be productive for once.

>You are worthy of love, happiness and contentment. And You are worthy of It exactly as you are.
user, thank you for that. im serious.
but the kind of validations i want are about my gender. in real life, ive never been able to 'connect' if that makes any sense
sorry if this is too much

Then I recommend you sit down and write out a budget for your time. Just like you do with finances, take inventory of the time you have available, and what you need to spend it on. And how not to bankrupt yourself!
You're welcome! :)
You can be anywhere you are comfy with on the Great Continuum between male and female traits. This is totally ok.

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up until very recently, i didnt really do any drugs. if you count alcohol as a drug, then i drank on the regular for a few years but thats it.

however, once i dropped acid and have started dabbing i want to try even more things. i really want to be able to tell experiences about things i know that other people dont. i want to try salvia, meth, dmt, and go on more acid trips. is this a problem? as much as i want to try meth, i know i should never go for it because of how bad the post-high depression is. still it tempts me and i dont know why. help

id be happier if i were more on the male side though. thats what i wanted to fix
oh, and thank you for answering, youre doing gods work

Hi Mantis! Good luck tonight and please stay safe. Ah I really don't want anything bad to happen to you. Please take care. Thank you for another thread!

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Based on your post by itself, it sounds like you might have an addictive personality. And yes, alcohol is a drug. A depressant, in fact.
This being said, I can't recommend any of this in your post. It all leads to self destruction. You will waste years, if not decades, trying to chase that high. It's not worth it.
Hello and nice to see you! And you're welcome!

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How do I deal with seeing my ex girlfriend during class? She broke up with me and ignores me. I read online you should smile and try to ask how they're doing, but she avoids any contact with me like the plague.

>>she avoids any contact with me like the plague.

I suggest you do the same. You really don't owe her the time of day. Go about your business as if she's not there..

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hi. i'll observe this thread i think.
i'm not sure i could offer any useful advice to anyone but i'll at least try to be around..

Girls seem to like me. I apparently tick most of the boxes and I've been hit on more times than I have hit on girls. What do I do? I can try to stumble around on my own, but I won't get anywhere, even if she's interested. Can you just tell me what to do? I don't think I can figure it out on my own.
Chiefs fan?

Op here!
I appreciate your support! Thanks for coming by, and spending some time here!

Pic related is a live look at Op City. It's snowing sideways here..

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We sit next to each other because we're in a group. She does her best not to look on the side I'm in. It hurts because I still love her and want to get her back. What do I do? She hasn't talked to me since the breakup

I don't really know how to study... i know its embarrassing, i got a big test coming this tuesday, got any pointers?

Comfy, nothing I love more than heavy snow during the night
Wish we would get some here

Let's talk about it.
What led to the breakup in the first place?
Da Bears!
What do you want to do? Be honest and sincere with these girls. That's the best thing to start off with.

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i've seen the snow a little mantis, it is still neat sometimes though, nice pictures! :)

Most people who have trouble studying have trouble with distractions. That was the case with me. To get some good work in, I had to learn how to shut off the tv. I had to shut my phone and pc off. Living with brothers and sisters, I had to learn how to diplomatically and respectfully tell them not to interrupt me for the time being.
And most importantly, I learned how to get to the library! It was quiet there! I could grab a table and set up my little work station, and get down to business! I did have to learn to stay away from the Manga section tho!

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She never explicitly told me why, she just said " I lost feelings for you and I want to avoid you because of that". She did say she still kinda likes me, but still has no feelings for me. While doing no contact, I figured out I was very needy and clingy, put the relationship as my main goal. I also wasn't good at communicating, too scared to rock the boat and sometimes got mad at her. It's about to be 4 months since the breakup and she hasn't talked to me.

Y'all are are having a good year

I guess I want a non-serious relationship, but how do I even get past awkward small talk? I am utterly mystified

Use that awkwardness to your advantage. Some girls will think that it's cute. And they are not wrong.

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Girlfriend of 4.5 years broke up with me a week ago, and I don't think I can handle it. She was also my best friend, and the only person I hung out with. Says she isn't in love with me anymore, and probably hasn't been for a year but didn't recognize it.

Started a new job 8 months ago, with very polarizing hours (work evenings in a kitchen) so I can't even really talk to online friends (which are most of mine) with any regularity. Any real life friends moved away years ago.

I like my job, but I don't make enough money to live on my own (live in my mother's basement, she lives with her dad/dad's gf). She's in a similar position, though she's hating her job, and we were planning on moving into a place together because we could afford that.

Since we broke up, I've asked to talk twice, and we did the first time. Second time I accidentally texted her, though I was thinking of asking her to talk again, admittedly. She said no, and was very clear about wanting zero contact for "an extended period of time".

I'm 27, and don't see any light or hope anywhere. It's all darkness.

I’ve been in a weird limbo with a close friend of mine for like a month now. We’re both on the awkward side, and I have feelings for her and I’m pretty sure she has feelings for me. I think this week I’m gonna tell her how I feel about her, but I’m not sure how.

How? I really do need it spelled out for me; I find myself doe eyed in the face of sexuality

Well, at least she went right to the point. On the emotional scale, it looks like she runs on the chilly side.
>>I also wasn't good at communicating, too scared to rock the boat

What do you mean by this?

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Oh, and to add to this, the breakup happened two weeks after the anniversary of my father's death.

I'm currently taking an atypical antipsychotic and the drowsiness is kicking my ass. I have math assignments due and I'm not aware enough to study. Even now, I'm kind of in and out. Do you have any recommendations to help me stay awake? I see my psychiatrist on Wednesday, but I can't put off these assignments any longer. Even now, I'm struggling to even type this out.

I'm currently taking 300mgs of caffeine tablets every six hours or so and it's helping somewhat, but I need to be able to comprehend the modules so I won't fail an upcoming exam on the 3rd. I know that the anons here aren't doctors, but any advice is more than appreciated.

For you, I think it's time to move on from this girl. She spelled it out pretty clearly. So it now becomes, how do you meet someone new? If you work night's, I assume your afternoons are free. Where, in your community, are there girls you can meet?

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sometimes I think she likes me, but that might be my giant ego making a big deal out of some accidental glances, and other times I think she hates or is indifferent, but that might be my low self esteem cucking me. maybe she did like me, but I missed my chance and thats why shes acting so cold lately

it doesnt help we're both spergs who cant communicate like normal people :(

I was scared of voicing my concerns of the relationship because I didn't want to say anything that could offend her and breakup with me. Funnily, that was one of the reason why the relationship ended. I became very needy and over pursued her when she got distant, which was also a problem. What do I do? It hurts seeing her everytime in class. What do you mean she runs on the chilly side?

Tell her how you feel! Tell her, " I feel very awkward"! Just tell it like it is. And it's going to go ok. Probably even better than you expected!

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That adds a new complication to it. You will need time to grieve. And You will probably have other family members grieving too. You need to be there for them.

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No, my afternoons aren't really. I typically head to work between 2:30 and 3:45, depending on the shift. Then I work until 9:30 or so on weekday nights, or up to 11:30 on weekend nights.

I also don't want to move on from her, because she's still the love of my life.

He died 4 years ago, I just have a tough time with it annually. The rest of my family doesn't.

I said anniversary, not his actual passing.

>tfw no unattractive autistic tomboy gf

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Try some vitamin C. Drink some orange juice, or actually eat an orange. It'll give you an energy boost, and I don't think it interferes with your meds. In a case like this, I do always say, Tell your doctor. He will have the best information.

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>>a close friend of mine.

Just be straight with her. But I warn you: it may not go the way you want it too. I've seen this many times. And unfortunately, it doesn't work out the way you want it to.

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This is why I’ve been in the weird limbo. I don’t want to mess it up. It’s been weird for a bit now with her, so I figured I should be straight with her, and see where it goes.

The Chilly Side meant That She is a bit cold, emotionall speaking.
Now to the rest of it: I hope you can learn from the experience. Your reluctance to speak your mind turned out to be one of the very factors contributed to the breakup. Now you know that doesn't work.

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op, how do you feel about the red pill?

Thank you so much. I'll stop by a grocery store tomorrow before class and pick up some bottled orange juice. I've already contacted my psychiatrist and the appointment I have with him on Wednesday is an emergency one. I just need to prepare for the last exam and then the final and you can't really crunch study for any sort of math.

Ok, then you have to guess at what "an extended period of time" is. But like I say, it looks to me like it's over. But I could be wrong.

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I think it is too, I just can't give up.

I have nothing else, anywhere else I look there's no real prospects. I could go back to school and grind out a degree in an industry in which my experience has ranged from austistic to turbobad.

Even better, she's been thinking she wants to move out halfway across the country (Nova Scotia) to live near her mother, come April, so I'm also on a time constraint there.

Go for it! And good luck to you!
Ok. I see. And it hit you at bad time, annually.
Follow your doctor's orders, for whichever pill he prescribes. Report any side effects to him.
Theres an old Italian saying that goes something like, Be careful what you ask for, because you might get exactly that..

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>Follow your doctor's orders, for whichever pill he prescribes. Report any side effects to him.
i meant the subreddit

You're right. I'm trying to move on but it's difficult because I see her every week. Everytime I tried to talk to her, she never looks at me and responds in a whispering voice. There's no chance of us getting back together right?

>Be careful what you ask for, because you might get exactly that..
I hope so, its what I want

I wish you good luck. But there is no magic words or actions you can do that's gonna make this happen the way you want it to. And I want you to be prepared to accept the fact that it might not go the way you want it to. Believe it or not, you'll be ok if this doesn't work out.

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>>Everytime I tried to talk to her, she never looks at me and responds in a whispering voice.

I think we've talked about this before, haven't we?

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Op here
The storm is getting really bad. If I lose my internet or electricity, I will be back as usual, next Sunday.

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Yeah we did. I also remember when we we're doing a group assignment, I told the group the answer, and I looked at her, she quickly looked away, turned a little red and smiled kinda uncomfortably. What does this mean? I don't want to overthink and get my hope's up.

When we spoke last, it came down to the fact that she has some mental health issues to deal with. And she needs the time and space to do that.

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Ah be careful out there!

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Why do you think she has some mental health issues? Also what is the best course of actions I should do until the semester ends? Just act like she doesn't sit next to me?

Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

I suggest you take it easy with her. And on yourself. She doesn't seem to want a relationship at the current time. You should respect that.
Thank you! I will indeed!

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We did talk about this a few months ago, you did tell me she might have a personality problem. So I should just not talk to her and not make eye contact unless she does? I just want this semester to end so we can have real space and see what comes from that.

Op here.
Due to the severity of this storm, I must bid you farewell for tonight. But like I say, I'll be back next Sunday. And the weather should be better. And I can give you the time that I usually do.
Goodnight Anonymous! Stay warm, snuggly, and dry!
See you all next sunday!

Just be careful. With her feelings as well as your own. We will talk more next Sunday. Goodnight, user!

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Goodnight OP. Thanks for the help. Will talk to you next week

I've been having feelings of wanting to get out of my long term relationship. I've been with my gf for almost 2 years now, but I feel like she isn't right for me. I had never believed that someone being right for someone else was ever a thing, I always saw it as you can make anyone the right one if you truly loved the, but I'm going against that old view now. The thing is I can't figure out if I'm a piece of shit for feeling this way, she loves me very much, wamts nothing else but to be with me, yet I don't want this kind of life. I know I have a right to self, but I can't help but feel like if I were to leave I would be crushing her world. Is it selfish to give myself away for the sake of someone else's life, or am I a selfish fool for wanting to do the things I want in my life.

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Here's a relationship question for those with any experience navigating this bullshit that's new for me after finally getting a relationship.
> gf has 0 filter, says whatever comes to her mind
> don't hold any of this against me user, I didn't mean it x1million
> if I don't carefuly choose every single word of my sentences when I bring something up with her
> she'll pick out the 1 upsetting word and derail the entire conversation and make it out that I've now hurt her
> 0 ability to stay focused whenever I bring up a problem or insecurity
I'm honestly at the point where relationships aren't worth the work. I'm thinking my only option is to go full stoic mode, never bring anything up. Just soldier on in silence.

Sound like she's manipulative.

I'm pretty new to all of this but I basically just want to feel heard and I think she feels attacked and that if she doesn't defend herself she's losing some sort of independence or something?

I feel you, relationships are tough. How soon after seeing eachother until you started to actually be in a relationship?

In a healthy relationship with someone who is very good for/to me but cant stop thinking about an ex i was madly in love with. I know they were bad for me and im no longer in consistent contact with them but i still have strong feelings for them and i feel really guilty/ashamed. I think my gf has an inkling

I know i shouldnt have jumped into a new relationship without knowing how i still feel but I really do care for the person im with and want to be with them. What do

I'm stuck in two realities, and I have a hard time comprehending any kind of consequences even when they happen because none of it matters.

I'm pretty much schizophrenic. Or I might not be. I don't know. That's what kills me.
I see wings on people. like Angel wings.
They differ in size and also are different on a monochromatic scale of black to white. I see them on everyone.
It's been a year since it started and now I'm in the Air force. I have a constant, palpable feeling that the world is going to erupt into a war between things we cannot fathom or understand. I feel wings on my own back, and whenever I put my thoughts towards them, I have an all too familiar thought of a sword in one hand and shield in the other.
I can greentext the story of its progression and what have you.
At this point, the urge to end my life has become overwhelmingly strong. I'm not getting answers to why I see what I do and I'm afraid I never will.

Pic related, had a friend help illustrate what I see.

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Have you done a lot of psychs? Crazy if true, are the wings very clear or more like a light?

Never done any psychedelics.
They're like a haze until I pull them into focus in my mind's eye. It's hard to explain. But I can see them clearly however at the same time I can't see them.

I'm stuck between a friend and a girl.

I've been crushing on a girl really hard for a few weeks, and want to try to make a move. But, at the same time I think one of my friends is interested aswell, so much so that's its become a joke among our group. I want to try to play this aggressively, but I don't want to risk alienating/frustrating my friend.

Medfag here, try some Aderall or Ritalin. They can be used to combat the drowiness some opioids and antipsychotics give. Or try switching your meds for some other less sedative.

Remember most of (our) crushes are based in an idealized version we create in our minds of the person we want, so your friend has the advantage of already having a relationship with you. I' say go for both, before you formalize things you're allowed to date around, see what sticks.

My turn: I have taken some personality tests and I'm a pretty extrovert guy overall but I noticed when I get sad I become very introverted and high in neuroticism (which sounds obvious right?)
My question is: how can I combat that? I'm mindful enough to notice when I'm upset and start acting neurotic and anxious and needy but I dunno how to counter those thoughts, feelings and actions. Any tips? Thanks friends.
I would like to buy this PC, and I asked Jow Forums what they thought. I got this, and I have no Idea what I read: "You are going to be bottleneck with your GPU. Even if you upgrade GPU, you'll still be GPU bottlenecked at 1440p most likely. So there is no point in wasting all that money. Top end gaming performance on the 8700k can be better, with a 1080Ti at 1080p or 2080Ti at 1440p. But when you're GPU bottlenecked, the better efficiency and SMT of the Ryzen 5 CPUs makes it a better choice and not simply just better value. Plus you'd have a better platform for more future upgrade options, instead of it being like your intel 4000 series where the best thing you can upgrade to is maybe a 5775C if your motherboard BIOS supports it."

Hey Roll i know you lurk here you fucking faggot. Quit being a lil bitch lmaoooooo

> Are you having a problem with sex and relationships?
Yes, I don't have any of them lol

I was in love with a girl but she rejected me. That's life, it's fine, I'll meet someone else. But I've always struggled with existential issues: Why even try, why live, etc. I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm just spending much of my life trying to justify that I'm not suicidal. When I met that girl though, I felt. I could no longer deny that I cared. Questions of meaning no longer made sense. Suddenly there was something that mattered to me.
And now I'm back in nihilism, I don't give a fuck anymore. I guess what I could work at is to be attractive to whatever girl I fall in love with next; but the hypothetical is not as good a motivator.

Personality is mostly static. What you are describing is a neurotic extrovert: You usually enjoy socializing but anxieties take a lot of the fun out of it.
Basically what you're asking is: How can I become less neurotic, especially when it comes to the anxieties it creates?

The answer is: You can't really becomes significantly less neurotic. You can only become more brave. In situations where you want to do something but are afraid, you will just have to force yourself. This will also make it easier over time. In addition to this you can write down your fears when they arise, and ask yourself which of those are actually reasonable, and what you can do about them or if it really goes wrong, how you would cope. This doesn't help much but it helps a bit: When you put your fears info words they may end up looking smaller than you thought, and patterns that occur can tell you what you need to work on.

People date mutliple people in their lives. Ask the crush out and if it doesn't work then after a few weeks you ask out the other girl.

Write down your thoughts about the other person in detail; you want to articulate how you really feel, at least to yourself. If emotionally significant things happened, which is probably the case with at least the breakup, then write those down as well. This way you fix your past. The more emotionally significant, the more important.
Then, try focusing more on your new relationship, the actual person. How do you envision it, what are you looking forward to, what obstacles will you have to overcome, etc. Be poetic, describing the feelings as purely as you can, but then also reformulate in concrete terms. Also include your ex. Won't you talk to her anymore? Will you stay friends? What future do you want? And how could this go wrong? What should you avoid?

Now that you've been honest to yourself, maybe you know what to do.

Hope you are all doing well boys and girls. Can y'all give me your best date ideas? Already know the girl fairly well, so not looking do something wild since we live far away from each other and don't want her to feel forced to stay if things don't go well, but want to show her a good time.

Do you hear voices?

I would definitely consider seeing a shrink, although that could have a bad effect on your employability in the AF.

The major issue here is the urge to kill yourself, it suggests issues beside "just" hallucinations which come with a disorder like schizophrenia. The concern of a war erupting like that is also pretty strange, although it's not hard to imagine your subconscious is worried about a war breaking out given you're in the forces.

I got turned down by a girl I like recently. I would like to continue being friends/getting close to her since we weren't that close to begin with (and she's said she wants to keep being friends too), but at the same time I don't want to seem like I'm trying to date her when she's already said no. We don't really hang out in the same social circles so seeing each other in groups isn't really something we do in any case, we mainly just meet one on one. I'm also considering bringing up me asking her out again and saying something like "don't worry about it" because I'm pretty sure she feels at least a little guilty for turning me down- but at the same time I don't want to seem regretful or anything (because I'm not). Although it may also be best just to leave it be, so I'm a little conflicted.

You're morally in the clear to make a move on the girl, although you really need to consider how good this friend is because there's a good chance they wont want anything to do with you for a while at least.

"bro-code" would dictate whoever was crushing first/most well known to crush get's first pickings, bro-code rarely works out in the real world however.

If you just don't love her anymore, then you should probably leave. Her right to you is not stronger than your right to go your own way and find love.

If you love her, but feel you can't get what you want out of life with her, then first articulate what exactly it is that you're missing. After 2 years, you should be able to talk this through. Can you come to a solution that works for both parties?
In the end though, you have to choose the life you want. If there's something you find more important then her, and you can't have both, then the right action to take is obvious.

How does I get gf?

But seriously, I'm in my 20's, I'm not exactly Chad but I'm not unattractive, but my problem is that I'm a shut-in. I don't go to bars or clubs or things like that and I don't use social media, I'm perfectly happy staying home and reading, watching movies/TV, playing vidya etc. I have no desire for any of that to change, but I have no idea how to find a girl to ask on a date. Online dating and match apps like Tinder feel shallow, otherwise I'd be all over that shit.

Wat do?

> Online dating and match apps like Tinder feel shallow
The alternative is either to cold approach a lot of girls which is just as shallow, or to just have female friends out of nowhere, which won't happen if you stay at home. So your choice: Apps, cold approaching or socializing.

That's kinda what I was expecting, I was just hoping that maybe since I'm a shut-in there was something I was missing. Guess it's time to go make some social media accounts or something, as a start at least, but thanks user.

I don't hear voices, no. But there are some strange coincidences related to the matter. Most notable being the phrase alamorsia, which popped into my head at random while I was drunk.
After fiddling with the word and discussing it with a close friend, I learned that running "ala mors ia" through a Latin translator gives me the sentence, "Death is a wing."

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Are you still here OP?

I just want to vent.
My partner went down in a span of a few months from sex almost everyday to barely non. Yesterday was the last straw for me, it wasn’t even standing.
I told him I see how bored he looks whenever I ask him to please me, since sex is always about him and I’m tired of giving my all and getting nothing for so long. He said he prefers penetration without foreplay and doesn’t want to invest in me. Now I understand why he never listens to what I ask if he even bothers trying.

I’ve felt the decline for quite a while, I no longer anticipate sex as much, I just prefer masturbation to having him touch me in addition to my libido lowering quite a lot.

I don’t want to see him as much anymore and prefer sitting in my apartment instead. I really don’t know what keeps me going, because I still love him very much.

To be honest if you weren't friends before you dated (or tried to) then I wouldn't be pursuing a friendship after you did unless you just happen to kinda roll into it.

It seems to me that if you love someone then you want to please them sexually even more than you want to please yourself. You still love him but maybe you should ask if he still loves you.

drugs are fine, just dont be an hero about them, as you may find problems coming up evem if you stop using them.

as far as meth goes, consider that meth only really gained popularity anywhere because it is cheaper and easier now to produce than speed. i would also venture so far as to say if all drugs were legal, speed would lose even more popularity to mdma and coke. and even them, mdma only rose in popularity because drug laws a couple of decades ago made it easier and cheaper to produce than *mda*. l

tl;dr dont tl;dr about drugs if you want to do them and not attain problems.

I’m in a LDR with my boyfriend. Nearly a year ago he stopped video chatting me or flirting or having e-sex with me. In the beginning when i asked him for sex he would flat out reject me. Then for a few months he ignored me. And then after we had a talk he became okay again and he calls me every night and texts me all the time but we never video chat or have sex and i feel unloved and disgusting. I know he’s not cheating on me. And he says it sbecause he’s very depressed because he moved and got a stressful job. A few months ago he said we could video chat again but now i don’t want to because i know it’ll be awkward and i don’t want to be sexually rejected again. I’m severely depressed too but i try and put that aside for our relationship.