Which religion should I follow? I'm a woman, so I'd rather go for a religion that actually benefits me.
Which religion should I follow? I'm a woman, so I'd rather go for a religion that actually benefits me
Go find some woman-centered belief system like nu wave witchism and stick some quartz up your pooper to cleanse your aura
Scientology is very accepting for new members, they offer free audits in some places. Try reading Dianetics if it interests you.
The only good reason to convert to a religion would be if you have been convinced that it is true.
Sorry, I had to.
Christianity since it puts you in your place
Christianity is not bad to women, and for those who complain about it remember both sides don't have it too easy
*3rd wave feminism
>so I'd rather go for a religion that actually benefits me.
Go for Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy if you want any kind of family commitment or community. Just don't think that just because someone considers themselves religious that they're actually good folk.
No, feminism in general.
>let me vote! I won't fuck the country up, I swear!
>100 years later debt bubble worth more than the world economy of the time
>but at least we fed the homeless! (even though we didn't)
>so I'd rather go for a religion that actually benefits me.
what a womanly thing to think
convert to islam and know your place you dirty infidel
Islam is a pagan moon cult
*pagan moot cult
The problem goes deeper than that. It's not X or Y group voting, it's the idea that voting is a good in itself.
Honest answer?
Look into feminism too if you legitimately haven't, shit's good
>implying there's a religion that is good for women
Why do you want to brainwash yourself, anonette?
please explain
I feel like that's not the point of religion.
But I also think religion is retarded
>fascism is better alternative
Literally retarded
you're a woman so you're already a jew
Religion is "oppressive" to women because it understands what keeps a society functioning. The family unit is important, and women slutting it up in their youth and divorcing men just destroys that. The "patriarchy" is the reason we have an advanced society like this. Matriarchal societies don't have capitalism or advancements. Enjoy dying at 32 from disease in a mudhut
>convert to Buddhism
>lead a good life
>be reincarnated as man
>convert to Christianity/Islam whatever
>live well
>go to heaven
Hey hitboy. Wassup. How is your fight against degeneracy going? Did you learn german yet? Im gonna ask every time buddy!
Why do you feel the need to follow a religion? What's wrong with just not being religious? You shouldn't just join up with an organized religion but instead just form your own personal beliefs.
Try Islam. But dont rush it. You can ask trustworthy information about Islam in your local mosque or any mosque. Writing them an e-mail and seeking answeres or making an appointment. Its definetly better than reading random articles that may not be true.
all denominations of Christianity will tell you is ok to sin your heart out as long as you feel bad on Sunday
Has capitalism so warped the human psyche that people think they can shop for a religion like it's a brand of toothpaste?
Yes and no, it's not really the fault of capitalism but the broader idea of individualist egalitarianism that encompasses it.
When you let every individual arbitrarily define "morality" according to their whims, you will necessarily kill off societal morality (i.e. if everything is equal in worth, then nothing has worth)
Then you get pathetic displays like this where people gravitate towards whatever 'faith' they think is personally easiest rather than feel compelled to work towards anything. It's the exact opposite of the purpose religious structures have; rather than being ordered in accordance with God, people pick whatever "God" whose order they already like, and in so doing they manage to kill whatever meaning God had to begin with.
You are the worst poster on this board
What? My church told me it was bad to even think sinful thoughts.
Something tells me you didn't grow up UU. Most sermons are guest speeches from other local ministers, rabbis, whatever, and the only belief is that all beliefs have some elements of truth
That's not very nice.
You have your priorities wrong. Go for the one that makes the most sense after considering the evidence. Whether or not it seems to be immediately beneficial to you is secondary to divine truth.
>women shouldn't vote
>women shouldn't decide for themselves
>"choose your religion"
Jow Forums's logic
Your heart is in the wrong place.