If you make someone hate you, does that make it easier to move on from you?

If you make someone hate you, does that make it easier to move on from you?

I'm wanting to break up with my boyfriend because I'm a natural introvert and want my independence back, and someone said that making someone hate you will erase their love for you and make them move on almost immediately. With that in mind, I'm thinking of dumping him on Christmas and refusing to give any explanation for why I'm leaving him.

Good idea? Bad idea?

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>Dumping him on Christmas?

What could go wrong

My friend says that doing this and acting like such a cold bitch that he'll question whether I ever loved him is the kindest thing I can do, because it will make him "fuck her, she was a terrible person anyway" and lose all his old feelings for me. "The fastest way to make someone stop loving you is to make them think you're someone who isn't worth loving," she says.

The kindest thing you can do is tell him that you are fit for a relationship, you imbecile. After Christmas

you aren't fit

yeah do it on New Years

That's much better

Your friend is delusional. Why would you intentionally want to inflict massive pain and ruin an entire season about loving and giving by being the biggest bitch you could possibly be? If you want to break up with him, go to him today, tomorrow or in the next week and tell him. "Listen, I really appreciated our time together, but I really want my independence back. I'm ending this relationship. I wish you the best. Good-bye." Then get in your car and go home. Remove him from socials and block his number if you want. He can fall back into family for Christmas, doesn't have to buy you stupid shit you don't need and vice versa. There is no way to "help your ex-partner move on" That's on them to do, let them worry about it. Don't be a pussy, go break up now if it's what you want.

It's better than ruining some dudes Christmas because user is a soulless vapid cunt who can't communicate




But blocking him sounds cruel.


She is telling you to

"Cheat on him on purpose"

In this case with her

I know someone who does that, and no, it just makes everyone think you're an insufferable piece of shit. They don't forget you, they simply have more negative emotions toward you than positive ones--and it's a fact of human psychology that we more easily recall negative experiences than positives, so if your goal is to have him move on this is one of the most corrupted, duplicitous, and ultimately retarded things you can come up with.

Just break up with him and be clean and decent about it.

So you're saying this will be more likely to traumatize him, and therefore make it HARDER to move on...?

Tell him the truth that you need more space. Just do it now instead of waiting. Stay friends with him and still talk to him on occasion. If he's still insistent just block him an move on.

What sort of independence are you looking for?

Is the relationship completely incompatable with what you want? If yes, just break up like a normal person like others suggested.

I have chronic fatigue issues and need to sleep a lot. He's a gregarious extrovert. I haven't ever told him about my feelings or my issues, and he might be willing to compromise if he knew how I felt, but it's probably easier to just end things. I think I just hold him back, being a sickly introverted girl with health problems.

>blocking him sounds cruel

>Dumping on one of the biggest holidays of the year with no explanation is waay better.

I'm think you're not an just an introvert, you're also an idiot.

Guys I'm thinking this is a troll post. Everyone go about your day.

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Blocking gives the message of "You're a predator/stalker who I can't trust to leave me alone of your own volition, so I have to block you to be free from you." That's fucked up.

So you would rather needlessly emotionally scar him because you have no self confidence and can't talk to him like a responsible adult?

You're friend is wrong. Your friend is very wrong. It produces the exact opposite result you are looking for, especially since it's a cowardly and childish way to go about breaking up. All you will do is create a bunch of terrible questions for him to ruminate on endlessly, hurting him even more, possible indirectly destroying his ability to have healthy relationships in the future, because now he has more insecurities he probably wouldn't have had if you had been upfront about things and explained how he isn't the reason you want out.

Fuck some of those Pokemon models are scary. Why'd they do that to psyduck.

It's not nearly as fucked up as playing the emotional mind game of trying to force someone who loves you to hate you. At that point you're stepping into the territory of emotional abuse.

O-okay. I won't do this if my friend is wrong. Thanks, Jow Forums...

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We did it Reddit!

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I respect you sir

roastie miss the cock carousel?
