>largest numbers of brown people ever
>clap clap clap
Why are Conservatives NPCs?
>largest numbers of brown people ever
>clap clap clap
Why are Conservatives NPCs?
>Implying he means browns
He wants a merit based immigration system which means people who earn merit and the right to immigrate to the US, in other words, not useless niggers, intelligent whites.
oh honey
That's That's immigration when it's not based on merit you fucking idiot.
I don't remember him saying anything about brown people.
By Numbers he clearly means percentages.
Based and very cool!
Says the demoshill
If you have a problem with legal imagration your a fucking lib shit
End of it
And saged
>one post by this is discored shill
Who said brown?
>he wants
What he wants only matters if the Jews approve of it.
Highest numbers, check
White people, denied
Brown people, check
So you get largest numbers of brown people ever.
>they have to go back
keep trying, faggot
>in all fields
Why do people like you constantly shift your arguments to suit your stupid trolly shill points?
2 weeks ago:
>Why are Republicans such racists!
>Why are Republicans voting for more brown people to be allowed to become legalized citizens!
You're tiresome.
What is 'merit'? These people come with degrees and take our jobs, and their children will take your children's jobs etc. Who defines 'merit'? The person in power? All immigration is inherently evil and serves only to undermine the native populations housing and job security.
Sorry sweetie.
So he wants chinks?
Thank you Trump, I can sleep safely.
>announcing sage
enjoy that b& faggot.
Assuming he was telling the truth and got what he wanted we would have a wall.
Too bad there's no wall and won't ever be.
>lock her up
Assuming he's lying which is more likely we'll get more brown people and no wall.
They're good goyim.
It's tiresome responding to low IQ Trump NPCs like you.
dumb seeposter
Conservatives worship israel
trump has been a jewish puppet all along and if you don't see how a fucking tv celebrity is being used to release some steam from white america's rage idk what to tell ya pal
>why do people who don't want brown spics suddenly bitch about Trump wanting to let in brown spics
fuck off retard. I'm not sure if I'd want white immigrants let alone the assortment of spics, poos and chinks we're bound to get. guess since unemployment is down it's much better to import yet another million foreigners instead of forcing his donors to pay bigger wages. fucking retard poisoning the well of populism for another 20 years. God I fucking hate what our system of government has become.
>brown people
He never said that, m8. Nice lie. We're gonna be taking in South Africans and other people deserving of being Americans, and cutting the shitskin numbers significantly.
You do realize India has more in the top 25% of IQ than the U.S. has people, right?
I'm starting to suspect this.
Both Clinton and Trump sold off their daughters to kikes.
And Hillary called niggers super predators. So we at least knew she hated them.
No, it means Indians and Chinese.
Remember when your side required the opposite narrative of the one you're pushing now?
>All immigration is inherently evil and serves only to undermine the native populations housing and job security.
this right here. if we had like a Wild West going on I'd be all for opening the borders to anyone. but as it stands we want less people not more living here. less people = bigger wages, lower real estate prices something that makes 80% of Trump's (((family))) retch
deluded cope levels of magatards is reaching unsustainable levels, you retards will see soon enough when this country is ripped from beneath your feet.
Norway has 5 million people you retard. We have an influx of 2m immigrants a year.
You nor Trump can do math.
Sure, m8. Keep on with the impotent whining if you're so sure of it, you're doing so much to save the white race, amirite?
Not an argument. Trump doesn't want subhumans from shithole countries in America, tranny.
why do I get the feeling you are the same 30 posts by this ID shill in every thread about your kike civnat president?
Magatards are the human filth that are easily tricked by kikes.
Go get yourself milked you subhuman cattle.
largest numbers of EUROPEAN people ever, JIDF
nervous, huh? not a good week
I think you low IQ magatards have trouble separating what "Trump wants" from reality.
This, he is going to build the wall and put hillary in prison! He will drain the swamp guis! I swear!
Yeah, fuck investing in American education, lets just bring over more immigrants
We're not the ones being paid to make threads on Jow Forums claiming Trump wants to bring"brown people" into America in greater numbers.
Education doesn't fill jobs that boost productivity and increase economic growth. White folk won't stop being lazy shits, or drunk whores, and start families, so this is what happens. Blame it on the jews all you want, it's really whiteys fault.
Nice try kike.
90% of legal immigration is brown.
It's almost as if subhuman chink invaders are posting under canadian flags
>brown people
He said he wanted Norwegians and snowniggers, you absolute kike.
Fuck off nigger this isn't your country
Maybe because you're a conspiratorial retard? I dunno. I hate kikes as much as the next Jow Forumstard, but I'm just not stupid enough to lie and say that DRUMPF said we're importing more "brown people" than ever, because, that's not what he said. Stop being a turbo-autist and calm down a bit, you'll live longer.
Seriously, he's going to introduce a new wave of high-performing Asians and culturally exceptional Jews, thus making America a truly great country again.
he (((floated))) the idea like a year ago. meanwhile what we're gonna get is poos, chinks and spics and you can take this to the motherfucking bank
>being paid to post anti immigration threads
Sounds like a low IQ magatard.
you are a physical being in a machine you can't defeat the simulation
So, what are YOU doing to improve the state of the white man then? I'd love to hear about it. I don't see you down at the border turning illegals away, but keep on with that keyboard tappin' buddy, I'm sure it'll keep us from dropping below 56%!
We've all seen the screen caps of your tranny discord, retard.
Blow me faggot I gave birth to you.
More immigration is by default more browning.
The globalist need cheap labor, not competition.
yeah, why weren't YOU elected as president to fix this problem? Why don't YOU go solve it with your zero power, trump doesn't have to do anything he promised because YOU won't do it yourself.
Mmmm hmmm. I just wish one of you "smart guys" actually said something of value instead of MUH DRUMPF IS A KIKE OMG HE SOLD US ALL OUT I SHOULDA VOTED FOR BERNIE THAT'D HAVE FIXED IT!!!, you fags are like broken records, lots of pissiness and no solutions except whining like women.
>magatard thinks people are paid to post anti immigration threads
Are you schizo?
Illegals can't pay taxes. Trump doesn't care about immigrants and their flow into the US per se, he cares about the balance sheet. Just look at the way he acts, he treats the US as a business. He's cutting down expenses and he's trying to increase revenues. Immigrants are a source of revenue.
No wonder US is fucked up its full of indians and chinese... soon everything will be a great toilet.
>pay taxes
So that our money can go to feeding niggers and foreign aide to Israel?
No, trannies are paid to pretend to be anti-immigration to demoralize Trump supporters. You people are pathetic and terrible at you're job, only glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers and JIDF shills are more blatantly obvious than you trannies. Hurry up and kill yourselves already, you're not going to make it past 30 anyways.
>More immigration is by default more browning.
Depends where it comes from. There are quite a few white nations outside the USA we could allow people in from who would actually be fine to welcome, FYI.
>The globalist need cheap labor, not competition.
Here's where you guys are getting tripped up -
- The globalist needs cheap labor, that is correct.
- Trump is going after illegal Mexican immigration more than anything else
- Shitskins OTHER THAN MEXICANS don't fucking work, and do not provide the globalists with a means to an end
So, if Trump is so set on being a globalist pawn, why would be he working to cut off their largest source of cheap labor? Why did he propose changes that would reduce the number of Pajeets, who are the "Techsicans" doing white-collar work opposite the Pedros?
This is where things fall apart in the argument.
Indians and Slits are just as bad if not worse. Asians for instance just lend each other money and buy up all the property in certain neighborhoods in California. I don't care if they follow the law perfectly, they fucking overcharge and treat you like shit. I lived in a nice non-spic neighborhood now all my neighbors are slits.
So what's the plan? I'm interested
>No, trannies are paid to pretend to be anti-immigration to demoralize Trump supporters
>Enjoy losing 2020.
>97% conservative backing
>83% independent approval
>30% democrat approval
You're really reaching here, eh? I'm sure Kamala will suddenly take the lead and be SUPER-popular, amirite?
You obviously lack experience in construction and general labor. You can find whole crews of only Indian brick layers in NYC. Not one Hispanic guy.
If you think Asians and Carribeans won't do manual labor for cheap you're dumb. And Mexico is still the #1 country of legal immigration.
>imagine actually believing this
We've seen the dozens of discord screencaps, retard.
>more legal shitskins
>thinks GOP will ever win an election again
enjoy your nu-venezuela civnat nigger
meanwhile back in reality
More Americans migrated to Norway than the other way around in 2016
do u retarded shills even understand that whites don't want to immigrate to america?
America is a niggerfied country. Why would Europeans come to this shithole.
u fuckers are delusional
u probably think paul ryan is still the Speaker and there wasn't a blue wave in 2018 either lmao
this, obvious GOP paid shills such as:
will hang with the left on DOTR.
when u ask them, that's pretty much what they say
>You obviously lack experience in construction and general labor.
That would be correct.
>You can find whole crews of only Indian brick layers in NYC
Never been to NYC, wouldn't know, but since Trump did propose changes to visa abilities for Pajeets, would that not affect those that do manual labor as well? Nobody else has offered a solution, so I'll take anything that could reduce their numbers overall.
>If you think Asians and Carribeans won't do manual labor for cheap you're dumb
Never said they wouldn't, just that they're not as convenient for the elites because they can't just sneak over in droves the same way Pedro does with 10,000 others every single day.
>And Mexico is still the #1 country of legal immigration.
Sure, but Trump never said he was specifically seeking to bring in more legal Mexicans. Why must everything be turned to absolutes when there's so much open-endedness that we're simply going to have to wait and see on?
FYI, if Trump DOES somehow fuck us before 2020, trust me, I'm not voting for him. I'm just willing to give him the first term to see if he can make good on the last few promises we're all waiting on. I save my final judgment for Nov. 2020, worst case, I'll write in Rand and be done with it. I'm not the "Magatard" you folks would like to believe, but there's only one man who has the power to change shit now, and I'm keeping fingers crossed that he'll pull out a few more tricks that will be pleasing to us before he's done, and if not, fuck him right back to the private sector.
>Paul Ryan
He's gone, bud. Good riddance to that faggot turncoat.
>Blue Wave
Seems you don't have the full control you said you would, was more of a splash than a wave. And, your party is in complete chaos right now and will be slaughtered in 2020, which is fully deserving. Enjoy, faggot!
Europe is better than the US
We get crushed by a bus or take some bullet in the ass every 3/4years but it’s still better than risking getting shot everyday by just going to school
Also we don’t have to pay 15k for a broken leg and we actually have a culture and gastronomy
Oh shit, it's Obamaleaf. Haven't seen you in forever cunt, how are you?
Well the opposite of Trump is unmitigated mass migration.
Your not gonna change my mind you stupid globalist dipshit.
Forgot to remove my memeflag
Also Americans seems really retarded and uneducated
To elect someone like trump... well you are good laughingstock at least
There are currently mass riots in Europe decided to elect a bunch of weak willed women who opened the flood gate to Islamic hordes.
Hey retard. Yeah you, retard. You think you're clever by moving the goalposts, but you're not. You're a retard and it's really obvious. You keep claiming Trump "wants" to bring in "brown people" to demoralize Trump supporters. He never made any such claim, so the only way you can accomplish this is by twisting what he has said into something he didn't say. Unfortunately for you, retard, he's already on record calling brown countries "shitholes" and wondering why America doesn't want more whites going there instead. Because you're a retard, you think people can't see through your retarded attempts, and when you're called out you pivot and twist the conversation not into one of what Trump "wants" any more, but what has been actually happening (which Trump wants to change). It's retarded, you're retarded, it's piss-easy to see through, dozens of screenshots from your tranny discord where you discuss your coordinated effort to spam Jow Forums with "Trump is pro-brown immigration" and "Trump is a kike shill" threads to demoralize Trump supporters are posted here regularly exposing your retarded plots. I've seen you specifically, yes you retard, I recognize the way you type and argue, in two separate threads like this today, Cheong. Nobody is buying it.
Then you didn't listen. All he did was talk about BASED minorities.
What's with the triple parenthesis? You really think that was a pro-Jew move? There's nothing the Jews hate more than talk about Nordic supremacy.
Trump is more red-pilled than you think.
>only people on the left are fed up with conservaticucks
Gotta love nativists that can barely use the language
What are you, stupid?
Because this implication may not be so impressive to others. I'm surprised that you were ever born to two predecessor retards of your own family. That is sad; the government should eradicate people like you on this planet than keep you alive. Who the fuck gave you the prerogative to write vacuous retardation like that? Did the amniotic fluid fail to shape your brain correctly?
I know this may sound like an interview, but I'm going to tell you how I see you. Let's just say that you are a mouse in a science laboratory. What I'm about to do to you is horrifying. The mouse that I'm about to fuck up is never going to live again.
First, I'm going to fill the body with helium and make you like a balloon. Then, I'm going to cuck your mouth with lots of cum and cyanide. Once the bloated fat ass of yours dies down, I'm going to stick a nice pike from the asshole all the way to the mouth. Don't worry, I'll take things nice and slow so the pain will be excruciatingly unbearable. After that, I'll fry until there is nothing left but charred body. I'll rip the stomach and intestines out as you attempt to scream in horror, but you can't because a cuck like you is full of cum. After I'm done playing doll, I'll flush you down in a sewer where you will spend the rest of your life at.
In short, I win, you lose.
Get lost bitch!
oi m8 very good and how are u
I'm literally too far right for them. My fucking blood boils over their civnat platitudes as our people are genocided in a decade. I can't stand these trump cock suckers and will make it my life mission to eradicate them. As long as trump is viewed as the savior of whites while he twiddles his thumbs because whites are complacent I cannot stand this board.
95% of them are men. Making the incel problem worse. Fucking Gov't corporate cock suckers.
Not only does Trump "want" to bring in brown people. He is already doing so, in big numbers.
>the opposite of the largest numbers ever is unmitigated
Does defending Trump lower your IQ?
Why is India such a shithole even though it has lots of people with high iq? Serious question.