Today is the day I introduce you faggots to discipline. How long have you realistically went without food...

Today is the day I introduce you faggots to discipline. How long have you realistically went without food? Have you ever tested your willpower? Once you break your mental blocks you are capable of anything. user take the nofood pill. Unleash your inner hunter gatherer. The longer you go without a meal the more honed and focused you become. Your testosterone will skyrocket just as your ancestors would before they ended a hunt battling natures fiercest beasts.

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Aka fasting Muslims do it all the time it lowers your IQ

Trying to kill off the white man. Not a chance Goldstein

Well ive gone two days without food and water now, only drank beers and that dehydrates you right

When can I expect to die guys

>fasting without tryptamines

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>Starving yourself is a good thing.
yeah, why would my body need nutrition anyway. pfffff

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Eat a meal user, take care of yourself. Atleast drink some water if your gonna do that, real bad for your body all around.

Fasting doesn't kill you retard worse case scenario you'd lose a couple pounds. The most disciplined men in history have practiced fasting. It keeps you perky and teaches you to withstand uncomfortable conditions. It teaches you to push past your mental weaknesses to harness physical strength.

The Bible repeatedly states that prayer and fasting brings someone closer to God. OP is right, Anons. Try to fast for one day a week.

I've gone 2.5 days without food, not by choice. I am your master.

I eat one vegan meal a day. Longest I've gone was 3 days. It was very enlightening. I recommend fasting to anyone. Fasting promotes brain cell growth
Studies show it raises IQ faggot

You'll die within a week without water. You can live for over a year without food if your bf% is high enough.

3 meals a day is what's killing you

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Wrong, retard, your body will eat all its protein in weeks and you'll die

Nice symptomes, except these are the same symptomes for growing old.

No shit man. Just banting in your off topic thread you made. How bout you move it to Jow Forums? I found intermittent fasting is really effective for all sorts of bennies.

Shame you gave up before the third day. After the third day you break through no hunger only clarity and focus.

Fasting is actually a massive redpill. Eat one meal a day and fast for five days, twice a year.

Wrong faggot. Fasting activates autophagy the primary benefit of HIT training. It actually spares your muscle as long as you drink water you can survive without food for months easily.


>The longer you go without a meal the more honed and focused you become.
there is truth in this,
body goes into survival mode
chemical levels responsible for brain function and memory increase
+ other benifits

Ehh it wasn't a conscious effort, I wanted to eat and figure out how to navigate the quagmire that is 21st century boomer offspringdom...I'm sure such a situation will arise in the field for our Final Battle, you faggot scum 12 times subordinate to my kin...

>Eat one meal a day
Guaranteed my blood sugar level will crash and I will pass out. How to build discipline while unconscious?

found the blue pilled fags


you could start off with the 16 hour daily fast (skip breakfast)
also if your eating LOW GI food, you wont get a crash
after a couple of days your body will be processing stored fat into ketones
this will fuel your mind and body
see video here

Practicing fasting has shown to be a net positive to people with diabetes and can ultimately cure it in some people. Ketosis if you can't fast for similar benefits.

No food or water for 50h is my best.
I usually eat in 6h windows.


Probably have gone around 3 days no food but that was back in grade school and because my mom was shit and ghosted.

stupid faggot

I started puking the morning of the 3rd day and then had McDonalds

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The 1st 4 days suck. the 4th day in particular. Your body is using up all the stored sugar over that period.

After day 4, when the glycogen is all gone, it switches to burning fat cos there's no sugar left.

That feels awesome. Brain kicks into high gear. Calm and alert. Hunger vanishes. In this state you could keep it up for weeks.

Average person is carrying 2 months worth of fat. Your body will calmly just burn through it.

If you're going to do it, make sure you hydrate and take electrolytes, but *no* sugar, cos that puts you back to day 0, and you have to burn through the sugar all over again, and that sucks, all over again.

>found the blue pilled fags
not starving yourself is so gay
>nice slave flag of Britain, fag

I do 7 days water only once a year. It’s easy after the third day.

> Wrong, retard, your body will eat all its protein in weeks and you'll die

Nope. Humanity wouldn't have survived very long...

If you eat carbs or sugar, *then* you force your body to eat muscle protein.

If you fast though, it'll burn fat, not muscle once the sugar is gone.

There are 2 main hormone signals which control this. Insulin, and Glucagon.

If insulin is present, your body *can't* access the fat stores. It has to burn muscle.

If there's no insulin, then it can access body fat, and it'll just use it instead.

What controls insulin, being present or not, is sugar, carbs. So people who eat carbs and also restrict their calories, force their body to use it's muscle for energy, they waste away.

I went 20 days without food before, drinking only tea - I don't recommend it
My insides began to ache and became very aware of my breathing like I had to breath manually
It's hard to rebuild your appetite afterwards

The majority of these symptoms are incredibly vague and fall into two broad (and incredibly difficult) diagnoses of Temporal Mandibular Disorder (TMD) and Irritable Bowel System. This guy is a charlatan.

It's all useless anyways, but thank you I will heed your advice I guess since I'm starving and I feel it wouldn't be the most painless thing dying of hunger/thirst.

Dammit. Thought it would take less to die of dehydration.

by the time you finish part III youll be eager to go on your first fast..

Just watched this
some good scientific shit on fasting

a good interview with the guy here

just did a 72 hour fast for the first time.
water, coffee, tea.
>feels good man

So you puked AFTER the McDonalds poisoning, correct? What's wrong with you? Eating that trash

What did he mean by this?

I think 99.8% of pol users need to go on a strict diet before they die from a heart attack. Fat fucking losers.

Intermittent water only fasting is the key to enlightenment.

Ten days, but I was stuck in the wilderness.
5 days by my will, It can be longer without question
had water both times
All men must do!
Trust me

wait? what? how?
you eating 2-3 days nothing and you feel better?

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why the meme flag?

just try it faggot

>claims didnt eat for 3 days
>claims to have then "puked"
uhh puked what faggot?
your stomach would be EMPTY
fucking lying kikes