Why are Asian women like this?
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I feel bad for asian guys. I hope they can get their shit together and man up enough for people to respect them.
It doesn’t stop with them
Asian guys and white guys are in the same place when it comes to their women hating them, except Asian guys in Western countries have it far worse.
This is why half breeds are an abomination
Where does this meme that all Asian women are meek, timid, traditional and obedient to their men come from? Nothing could be further from the truth. Asia has some of the most shallow, materialistic, NPC, whore bitches in the world.
Americanized asians adopt white soilant culture and are weak fags compared to cruel continental gooks.
Dumb westernized gook roasties. They'll never be white no matter how many white cocks they swallow. They hate themselves forever cause they'll never be white.
Japan your nation's women have accents that cause a primal desire to rape.
what is a rishta? I don't understand, is he saying that he'll marry a white woman?