How do you deal with rejection?

How do you deal with rejection?

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Share the story with friends, then they chime in about the times they've been rejected, then we have a laugh

jack off.
Do it all over again next friday.

Both sound advice.

I found what works for me is not putting a label on “the relationship” from the start, so I don’t go up to a girl and say “do you want to be my girlfriend?” Because that will almost always get a no.

Girls just want to have fun, so have fun together and if that leads to something cool!

I usually try to find flaws within the person who rejected me and exaggerate them, and tell myself im better off
“oh well she was only a 6 anyway”
“she was a bitch, dodged a bullet”
“we didnt have any interests anyway”
Doesn’t always work, but i find these mental gymnastics work often enough for me

I was actually rejected just yesterday. Well I asked her if she wanted to be my GF and she said it was too soon, altho we have been dating for a month now.

It's not all that much of a rejection but it still feels like one. I am ready to start a relationship but she's not sure. I just told to myself that I don't expect anything from nobody, if the girl doesn't really want something with me and friendzones me in the end, so what?, I'm used to be alone anyway, I didn't lose anything I didn't have anyway.

Get a 10/10 escort that kind of resembles the girl that rejected you, then fuck her ass, cum in her mouth and piss on her tits.


"Screw 'em for not appreciating me" and move on

Like the user top i literally got rejected 2 very soon, 2 days ago. My problem was it wasnt a flat out rejection, just getting answered every few days and not having a proper answer.

By chance i talked with a girl about this and the second girl wrote a message from me to the first. That finally got a flat out NO. Which was a relief let me tell you, being strung along was worse than the rejection.

How do i deal with the rejection itself? Fuck if i know, i was thinking about this girl everyday for 4 months and she said no. But i used that time to improve myself, phsycially and mentally. I am better in the end although it hurts.

Use the pain user.

Carpet bomb approaching girls IRL and online.

Nobody cares if a girl rejects you when you're fucking 10 others. When one proves her worth then you weigh your pros and cons and maybe enter an LTR

Dehumanizing women is the only solution that'll give you results. Anything else that the numales will tell you will make you feel good about yourself for maybe 3 days while nothing changes in reality

Have fun

That's why you do this Helps you to dehumanize them and to remember you can fuck better looking ones.

After a while approaching girls isn't a tense trial, it's just you settling down for a below average hooker.

>read thread
>suddenly understand why incels are far mass shooting people
These is pure autism """advice"""". Enjoy your mental illness/use the bullets on you, not the crowd.

this is the only good advice

This is advice most people internalize in high school lmao

>"you're all sick in the head and retarded"
And you took the time to write this comment. Where does that put you?

When girls are rejected they're always told it's the guy that is wrong, that she deserves better anyway.
Men are dehumanized all the time, fuck off with your hipocrisy.

By not trying in the first place.

clearly not OP...

Can I do this with an ex whom I still love a lot? Or it will make me feel shittier?

Just forget about it. When this post is 2 minutes old I'll have forgotten about you.

Depends on your mindset going for it in the first place.

The whole point is validating that you can do better.

Not him, but where are you getting this info from?
Of course her friends are going to say, she deserved better anyway or whatever, but that's more of a cheering a friend up thing. Had my friends saying the same thing to me too.
Or is having friends who care about you a female-only thing now?

If that girl is the caliber of woman you are going for, You should not be expecting to make any progress. Lower your standards by about six our of ten points and you should be golden.

can you further explain pls?

By getting over it.

Get rejected by woman. Cope like a woman.


Wow. Drop her. 1 month and too soon? You asked to be her bf not husband abd father of her children.

I love harsh and yet real adv.

>“oh well she was only a 6 anyway”
You're lucky you put an "a" in there

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this is PRIME advice honestly its like my golden rule
girls are just looking to have fun so put a lot of emphasis on that.

Laughed at this retardery