So, are we gonna build that wall or what?

So, are we gonna build that wall or what?

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The details will be pivotal. Could be a yuge win or a major loss. Doubt it is coincidental that Trump is having an El Paso rally tonight

No, Drumpf has already backed off of it, he’ll fold on this just like he’s folded on every stupid retard promise he made.

suck more nigger dick faggot


we will build a wall of GUID filenames using our secret NSA tools that snowden exposed us of doing.

I hope its more than 5billion

Just send Mexico the bill like he promised in the campaign.

it will give 1,000,000 in funding for a border picket fence and Trump will sign it.

Of course

There's no wall you fucking goofs.
He caved again

Attached: laughing-mexican-guy.jpg (600x372, 32K)


>0.5 billion for additional 250 miles of fence and existing fence repair

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This is just Congress, right? Trump still has to sign off on it.

reply to this post and you will die in your sleep tonight. freedom from this kiked hellscape can be yours for the price of one (you)

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its 2.5

A small section of wall will get built so Trump can save face. In exchange every illegal in the US is automatically granted citizenship,

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i hope so

Yee. Trump is probably asleep, he’s old you know. He’ll see it in the morning

Honestly, if Trump would grant amnesty to every illegal currently in the US then BUILD THAT WALL I wouldn’t even be too butthurt

He's literally live on tv now

>So, are we gonna build that wall or what?
The wall just got 10 feet taller.

Attached: trump-builds-wall.jpg (360x400, 85K)

I don't think he sleeps nowadays. He has periods of inactivity where he plots the downfall of kikery in the United States.

of course not, brown people dont know how to build civilization, so they all vote Democrat.

because you're a faggot


>Hurr durr Trump is based he won't fold again
KYS, Neocons are as cancerous as Neolibs

>trump gets his wall
>more funding for ice
>much more legal immigration
>didn't matter we got a wall

>KYS, Neocons are as cancerous as Neolibs
That means you are still cancer, at least we can agree on one thing.

only 7 more days until trump build the wall

there's a niggling point about a firm limit on "beds available to ice" which basically translates to ICE can only detain a certain number of people and no more. this is going to break the deal.

thank you user

>>much more legal immigration
It could be okay if he got serious immigration reform where we stop prioritizing shithole countries and went back to only accepting upstanding Europeans and East Asians (in small quantities). No more spics, no more blacks.

We know. Trump was preemptive, stating that H1B is going to get "fixed" as good news, and that they could even have a chance at getting citizenship.
Trump fucking caved on the H1B, its why it was set to announce now while he reaffirmed support for himself with a rally as word was getting out. He's probably saying shit like "H1B's are key to the country, and that the people are hard working, valueable, etc." to get people to turn around to support it. He's now fucking flip-flopped. Hope you faggots like H1B by the millions, because he knows the problem won't show its ugly fucking head until after he's out of office.