How do I get respect as a career woman?

I'm a very successful women, have worked very hard and work very well. Anyway so often people only think I've done well FOR A WOMAN, it drives me absolutely crazy. For example I was talking to some boomer in a cafe, he asked my uni and I said I was studying maths at [best in country]. He was clearly impressed but multiple times said "it's so rare FOR A WOMAN". Asked if he was calling me incompetent and he said no he think it's just very impressive FOR A WOMAN to do it. Acted like I wasn't annoyed but deep down wanting to throw my boiling coffee in his face.

This isn't a one off it happens all the time. I've also had younger men act similarly, it just drives me crazy. The worst one is when they offer to pay in dating, when I'm clearly more successful than them, if I get offended I get called a bitch. Yeah I'm sure they wouldn't throw a fit if I paid for them

How are you actually meant to act as a successful women? I'm not physically intimidating

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Not successful at writing English clearly.

Typical insecure beta response, even worse than the patronising guys


First post, best post

Well, he is technically right. Mathematics is an extremely male dominated profession. I would say the exact same thing if a guy was studying social Studies or nursing.

Are you telling me you'd say "That's incredible! So few men manage to do it". I don't think you would, you'd maybe think it's a bit odd for a guy to do it but you wouldn't bring up gender

People are usually more than their careers, but it feels like that's the only thing you care about.

Just try to talk about other stuff with people or at least don't talk about it like it's that much important.

Well it is rare. Could you tell me what percentage of people who study mathmatics at uni are women?

I enjoy rowing, long distance cycling and hiking. We talked about that first, he brought up uni and I didn't even mention which one until he asked. Then he makes a big deal out of my gender.

You really can't imagine how annoying this is until you experience it.

I'm not denying it's rare, at my uni it's probably under 5 percent. Still, you wouldn't say it to a black or gay guy.

How big are your tits? Wear clothing that shows them off.

I don't know if this will help you, but I've always been a nice guy, going out of my way to appeal to people. I was certainly well-liked, but never really got respect from both men and women until I decided I didn't give a shit about how they perceive me, and I stopped catering to them.

Fuck, maybe they still don't respect me and I just don't care.

6/10, decent bait

t-t-thanks. I try not to let it bother me but it happens so often when a guy speaks over me even if continue speaking, probably cause I'm physically small.

yeah, that's cool

Maybe try to meet other types of men, I personally don't bother that much with gender stereotypes and you may find guys that also don't bother

Well i dont say it to a black guy, but i always think it. I am from an middle eastern background and grew up in the poores area in australia Victoria. I am studying civil Engineering at the best uni. People tell me that i have done well for my self. They say it becaus its rare someone from my background to study that. Its an massive compliment. The person was giving you one of the best compliments you can get.

You sound annoying OP

>How are you actually meant to act as a successful women?

Oh my goodness you're vain.

I work with lifesaving equipment. We survey commercial ships.
My supervisor who's 58 y/o man.
He's really good at remembering the names and faces of people.
For example. 1 Gate guard at the shipyard he saw last year.
Greeted the gate guard personally and heartily. He got respect.

Women get special treatment because of ass.
58 y/o cis white men have to put in effort to get respect/compassion.

> you wouldn't say it to a black or gay guy.
Because they'll throw a fit.

Why does it bother you so much that people think you're doing well compared to other people of the same sex? I can understand you not wanting to be called a bitch but I don't see the problem when people say that it's rare for a woman to do well in math.

> The worst one is when they offer to pay in dating, when I'm clearly more successful than them
Men paying in dating has little to do with the guy being more wealthy.

> How are you actually meant to act as a successful woman?
Don't let your success bother you so much when people offer to pay for you or find it rare; be happy that they pay for you and be proud you do better than most women rather than being bitter about it.

I understand why you're offended but I think when people say "for a woman" they mean "compared to other women." After all that statement can go for any faction of people that make up the minority of a field. Female presence in the business field is growing but it's still a delightfully rare sight to see. Just be happy you're embraced and not ridiculed/estranged.

Yah you would, same as if I met a man who's a stay at home dad I say wow, not many men do that how cool. Get the fuck over yourself and stop taking offense over everything. Femacunts like you thinking everything is ment to piss you off. God no one gives a shit about your lonely math doing ass

>Are you telling me you'd say "That's incredible! So few men manage to do it"
I would say "That's incredible! So few men do it", like, less than 5%, I think maybe 2.5%.


>Men paying in dating has little to do with the guy being more wealthy.
yes it does... years ago in traditional dating it was meant to show you could provide and that the woman wasn't expected to have money

It's very rude to pay for someone else "above" you apart from special occasions like birthdays and of course dating and i honestly sympathise with op on this.

You can rationalize whatever shit you believe but it wont change how your peers think.

>Studying maths
>Still doesn't understand basic statistics
OP it is rare


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Because society doesn't condition us to infantalize blacks/gays and hold them to pathetically low standards while praising them for every mundane thing. If you're looking for somebody to blame, blame feminism for demanding that we treat women like retarded children

> yes it does... years ago in traditional dating it was meant to show you could provide and that the woman wasn't expected to have money
There's a difference between the origins of something and why people do it. Men these days aren't thinking "I'm probably more wealthy so I'll pay." even though that's how it started.

This, stop trying to play the victim.

You've either got to call them out or stay unreactive and just dismiss it - be the bigger person and just acknowledge it as passive rudeness and get on with your life. Why waste time over such small minded people?

there is a weird crossroad our culture has taken. women are expected to be seen as strong and independent but men are still supposed to be chivalrous and protective (it's fucking stupid i know). any woman who shows signs of being strong are commended heavily by men who are culturally forced to be chivalrous.

I always see it as a compliment, I AM DA BEST WOMAN

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Most of the world is still male-dominated. If you want respect, earn it, instead of crying every time you get perceivably 'disrespected.'
If you're so eager to pick a fight over something, wait for one of them to touch you. Bashing people for complimenting you isn't going to earn you respect; it's going to earn you extreme aversion and people will refer to you as 'that bitch who just loses it on you.'
And then, at the end of it all,
>How are you actually meant to further propagate this problem instead of solving it by breaking away from gender stereotypes and norms?
They were right; it's impressive that someone with all the mental capacity of a teen managed to get into a career.

any thread with Nassim wojak is a troll thread, this is bait
stop replying and he will stop making these threads

>Get wonderful compliment from on of the few good boomers left
>Want to throw coffee in their face
What the fuck is wrong with you

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Right, we'd hate to draw attention away from more critical Jow Forums threads.
Like >tfw no gf
And >tfw no gf
Or, >tfw no self-esteem
Or the other one, >tfw won't get therapy

Yup, be a damn shame if we derailed Jow Forums, huh...
I'll give you an all fielfs, that's it


With so much feminism and regressive shit in today's culture people are expected to treat women like children. Those guys aren't meaning to be patronising they're just trying to show that they're supportive and bluepilled on women.

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I'm sorry to hear that OP. You may try to politely point out why such statements are patronizing. If the person is rational, they may understand and explain what they mean/give praise in a different way. If they are an asshole contrarian-sperg type, just brush them off and move on. Those types are unfortunately out there so you gotta learn to cut them off early.

There's a difference between "not many of X do Y" than "you do very well in Y for an X". The first is an expression about an outlier, the second is a patronizing statement of prejudice on group X. See the difference?