Goy tells the truth!
Germs are a Jewish fabrication meant to rationalize the Torah's ridiculous sanitation laws
Washing hands is inherently anti-Western
Goy tells the truth!
Germs are a Jewish fabrication meant to rationalize the Torah's ridiculous sanitation laws
Washing hands is inherently anti-Western
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does he take a shower?
He washed his hands.
>yo lil donnie
>Germs are a Jewish fabrication
Not falling for the soap jew.
a new redpill?
i also never wash my hands unless i'm in the shower or they specifically have something that needs to be washed off of them. i watched this when i was 12 or so and it made me live my life differently.
so clickbait has sunk to gossip about weekend morning show banter.
FPBP (upvote)
fucking disgusting, imagine shaking his hand after he uses the bathroom
You can also eat raw, rotting meat and the only thing that will happen is you will become healthier
t. 5 year raw paleo dieter, cured my ailments
I haven't taken a shower in about 3 years. I have no body odor.
The germs myth was created by the soap (((companies))) to sell more product.
Parasitic worms and protazoa from the third world immigrants are though. This guy is the Devils minion.
>Parasitic worms and protazoa
You really believe in that nonsense? What about fairies? Do they cause disease too?
Let me finger my asshole and then you suck my finger clean.
i often wonder if this is why red meat (i get from a co-op that buys grass-fed cows from local farms, vac packed & never frozen) that’s a week past the legal eat/freeze date smells and tastes so extra delicious.
Both based and redpilled
>he washed?
Expensive steak houses dry age their beef, literally just aged beef.
I've consumed 6 month old beef before, not what I would call tasty, but one small piece will make you feel grounded and full of energy.
I don't wash my hands after I take a piss
You can deny age that shit with a little fridge set up. Jewtube someone explaining in detail. You'll thank user after your first 25 day steak
U m a m i
Dry* not deny
Germs are real. But maybe washing away harmless germs is just pointless.
same, I'm just inherently lazy and I hate having my hands wet and needing to be dried. I literally only wash my hands if someone is in a public restroom with me and I don't want to just walk out without washing my hands in front of someone... or if I have like grease or something sticky on my hands. other than that, showers keep my hands and the rest of my body clean enough until the next shower.
go away ron
Most peoples cocks are cleaner than their hands.
I wash my hands everytime I come home. However I have not washed my face for around 10 years because it dried it out everytime I did it. I don't even splash water on it other than if I go swimming in the summer. I'm 33 and get mistaken for being about 10 years younger. May be related, may not be related.
germs are needed or you end up with peanutbutter allergies. back when i was a kid i ate worms and dirt while playing outside. models also dont wash their hair because its bad for you. the only purpose of sanitation is to avoid the cold everyyear but going through with that builds up your immune system and you are probably going to catch it anyways
Now y'all just making shit up.
Jews are ok.
>mfw people are actually duped by this utter bullshit
go ahead and skip washing your hands. you won't die. but don't tell me that you don't engage in any personal hygiene. you'd be a liar.
>back when i was a kid i ate worms and dirt while playing outside
Why do boomers always say they ate worms as a kid? NPC script or actual retards that shouldn't have any decision making power?
Also TIL that United Statians have terrible hygiene but am not surprised.
Why are you watching Fox Jews? Why would you ever take life advice from some faggot on some kike show? Are you retarded?
So I have had a theory about this for awhile and have always wondered if I will ever get an honest answer about it...
>I almost never take cold medication/pain killers
>I have only been in the hospital once and in the end i turned down their services because they wanted to peddle me pills
>i also dont wash my hands
>only shower after working out to eliminate smell, never for (((cleanliness)))
>never used conditioner/shampoo, only water for my hair
The result is I only get sick at most once a year and have a full head of hair unlike my balding beta coworkers.
Is going NATTY the cause or am I a genetic chad?
We may never know....
Read the works of Aajonus Vonderplanitz. He has a lot to say on this topic.
Ty m8 I'll give it a read.
Forgot to say my theory behind all this is painkillers/(((medication))) weakens your bodies natural ability to fight off sickness and the oils in your hair help it stick around.
I have no degree to back up any of it but it makes logical sense that if you try to baby your body it will become reliant on you and then become weaker..
>hurr durr reality is a jewish conspiracy
take your meds you schizo cuck
he wasn't even being serious