Anyone here have experience deleting all of their social media? How did you feel afterwards? I see articles recommending it but I'd like to hear personal experiences if you have any.
Anyone here have experience deleting all of their social media? How did you feel afterwards...
I've never done it. Don't see the point. If I don't feel like using it, I don't open the app. But I'm gonna be honest, most people who do it become insufferable.
>why didn't you invite me to your party user?
>I invited everyone on Facebook
>oh user well I don't HAVE Facebook, ever heard of a telephone?
I mean, what makes you so special? Because you're throwing some tantrum, I need to remember to specifically use a different contact method for you, and only you, and then you're gonna whine about it? It's a modern miracle of communication, but sure, don't use it.
I deleted my social media because I was raped and the police were involved and they told me to keep off social media, so I just deleted it all. That was three years ago and I will never go back, it's freeing as fuck, the only people in my life now actually mean something to me. It also helped my self confidence and mental health because I'm not constantly seeing fake "amazing" lives. Honestly one of the best choices I ever made and I will never go back.
For the love of god somebody needs to create a platform where people can just message each other with their real names without the extra stupid fucking bullshit. We gotta get Elon Musk on this, somebody tweet him. I don’t have any social media accounts at all but I’m thinking about Facebook’s messenger. I need something to connect with people and Facebook is just the best at that since everyone has an account but I hate the damned fucking website with passion.
You can have messenger without Facebook.
It asks for a fucking phone number.
Not giving them my fucking phone number.
Why? You think you're hiding amazing secrets that are going to be discovered by Facebook? That they're really concerned that you're going to Taco Bell with friends at 3 pm on a Thursday? Get over yourself.
Ignorant fool
Thats what I call a strong counter Argument. You go lil snowflake.
You guys are faggots. Free your mind. If you leave I promise you will be happier.
Yeah just did. There were 3 year old chat logs with girls that were cringey and that I was glad to delete
Yep. Was an absolutely great decision and I'll never have another social media account again. I don't find myself comparing myself & my life to that of others all the time, sleep better, can actually use my time to be more productive for myself, no more stupid normie drama, and the relationships I have now are with actual people, not a fucking screen. 10/10 decision and would do it again in a heartbeat.
well desu it is the best thing I've ever done. I'm more sociable, security, I enjoy my free time and use it to be more productive. I don't compare myself with others and i even don't see little things that usually would ruin my day
I deleted it all but it was boring as shit. having accounts makes me feel motivated to do hobbies I enjoy because I now have a way to archive my improvement, and keep in touch w/ people
Best decision ive ever made:
When you have social media you spend your life comparing yourself to other peoples life
When suzie uploaded a photo of herself and the 6 strangers at a party with the caption "gonna get wasted with my new friends #party #friends #relax #friday" and it gets like 10 likes you automatically think of the last similar social interaction youve had and compare yourself to her.
The reason why social media is so popular is because its combines sociability with gambling.
Think of why you post on social media: to get a response.
The more of a caricature you are the more attention you get. Whenever you "post" something its like you pull the arm on a slot machine, the more attention you get the more of a rush you get the longer you do it the more of a reinforced patern it becomes in your brain, the longer you go the worse you become.
>but user I rarely post anything
You spend your time compparing yourself to fake versions of others.When you see That mocha-lotta-choca-caramel chino Tim posted with the sunbathed summer filter and you go to make a regular cup of coffee you feel bad either subconsciously or contentiously.
This is why you do it because if you follow it it feels like you have a part of something that isint even real.
This is my only social media.
Feels great Man.
yes, i deleted it because i found myself spending a considerable amount of time scrolling through meaningless bullshit at night before bed which made me fall asleep much later than i could have. I deleted it all and literally felt no regrets about anything it pretty much just reminded me that theres plenty to look at outside of my phone. Though i would only recommend doing this if you have a good group of friends or a girlfriend or something that you can spend time with in person.
I deleted mine once. I don’t post shit, I don’t care much for what people in my social network post, etc.
I never felt the need to preach about the wonders of not having social media, I really don’t fucking care. But every single time someone tried to add me on Facebook, or invite me to something through any social media, I would get inundated with questions about why I wasn’t on Facebook, like it was somehow offensive.
I eventually just remade my Facebook so people would stop talking to me about Facebook. And it worked; ever since I remade it, nobody sends me anything, tags me in anything, or even cares that I have one. At least I have some peace and quite though.
I did it and it was very freeing for several reasons.
I dont have to partake in the narcism that most people practise.
Im not constantly reminded of how clueless people are on important issues.
My weirdness and cringiness doesnt get documented.
I somehow am more productive and happy which is due to more time and less bullshit.
I am currently doing that also deleted my accounts not only the apps on my phone.
So far it has worked great for me, stoped comparing myself to others and focused more on myself, in the moments where you would usually take a look at it you instead start thinking about a lot of different things or just take a real break and dont do anything.
Personally i feel like its a good step to take if you wanna give it a try you could maybe delete half of the apps or all the apps but not your accounts, for about a week or two and see how you feel after it
Not him but calling people snowflakes because they disagree is the most infuriating things on the planet. Literally 70 IQ tier insult.
i think i've had accounts on all social media sites lol Facebook was by far the most cancerous
I still have Instagram for IRL people and a Tumblr for art inspo
it's all about balance, some people overdo/overthink social media to the point of self sabotage
I only use messenger. It just gives you the means of communication without having to display your face.
I always wondered if people I just offhandedly knew were lurking my profile, like friends of friends, people I work with, etc and it became a negative thought in my mind
So it was pretty relieving, I guess?
It's nice not idly scrolling through peoples reshared garbage, too
Pretty much. I was only ever on facebook and twitter (also before that myspace and other pre-historic social/dating sites like facethejury and whatever else) and I deleted facebook since that was where I had the most IRL people.
I was damn tired of seeing the asshole bullies from high school posting inspirational quotes and memes, I was tired of getting into political arguments with everyone and anyone, I was tired of seeing how everyone's lives were mostly better than mine.
It was a HUGE relief. it also coincided with the time when I went NEET for a few years. Like said you're also pretty much committing social suicide and you really have to commit and be ready for that and go full retro hipster hermit.
Years later though, I find myself having a use for it for my career. Not really a a desire to go back, but really it's just a convenient tool. When I first joined 10+ years ago it was only just college uni kids and people I hadn't seen since high school in the 90s and really early 2000s but in recent years it really shifted to cater to business owners and people who are freelance and self-employed as well as people who are my parents' age. Linkedin is just a phase.
I did keep twitter since there was barely a handful of IRL people there and it's less of a social media thing and more of just a music/news feed.
I don't know what zoomers are into though, probably instagram since it's even more self-conceited.
Snowflake spotted
literally just did this last night. i’m gonna stick with it
Can Instagram or WhatsApp replace Messenger? I’m thinking about deleing my Facebook account but not everyone is on Insta, or so I think. Which social media is the most used?
>Which social media is the most used?
It depends on how old you are really, and what kind of people you hang with, but facebook is overall the better communication/organizational tool compared to other major social media platforms and apps.
Empty and bad. It sounds good on paper but then you realize that 50% was good because of reasons.
I'd argue that Instagram can be even worse the Facebook.
My GF has to use it for her job and it's really not good for things like self confidence. It's like Facebook except somehow even more normie + full of more people that are better looking than you.
I’ve meet people who feel like shit who use social media because of them constantly comparing them Others and on the other side of the coin I’ve meet people who use and are fine and happy with life.
Social media is what you make it has its pros and cons but most people become insufferable who use it because they think others lives are better then theirs, most people won’t care weather or not you’re on social media.
Just remember that Jow Forums and all other mediums of communication on the internet counts as social meda, so as much as the faggots in this thread like to brag about quitting kikebook, they're still using social media aka 4cuck
woah kewl buzzwords bruuuuh
ur so above all of us
Social media isn't inherently bad, it's just the average content that is.
I'd rather have people tell me I have shit taste in video games than be shown people living a better life than me.
it's the best thing you can do for yourself. i had an obsession with instagram mainly because i shared my art there and the likes provided a good dose of dopamine for me. but then i noticed i started making art for the sake of likes, so i adjusted it in what i thought it was people's liking. social media makes you hate anything you love, from places you go, your own art, poetry you find interesting, even healthy habits like going to the gym, because it's all virtual money to buy likes, it's like selling your identity and seeing how much it's worth, and if people don't like you they'll have the power to make you miserable. don't give social media that power. if you have to sell your identity at least get real money
Jow Forums is just the opposite of that where you come to make fun of people who are even more autistic than you and bigger fuck ups in life so you don't feel bad about your own flaws and shortcomings and don't feel the need to improve because at least you're not Chris Chan or Nick Bates. The content here is way worse.
>I'd rather have people tell me I have shit taste in video games than be shown people living a better life than me.
literally no difference at all. you just proved his point.
>video games
>subconscious could not give less of a fuck
>everyone seems more successful and beautiful than me
>subconscious notices and starts insidious lines of thought that can effect mental well-being
There's a distinct difference
it's liberating.
Well, no one talked or followed me on social media anyway.
Deleting was a bit painful because I basically had to give in to the fact that literally no one of my classmates gave a single shit about me but I'm happy I deleted all of it.
I don't even have WhatsApp
Haven't done it, but I've ran into people like described. Honestly, it really isn't a big deal to just call them, so I had no issues. I should probably delete them one day, though.
>Basic intelligence.
Where has my Jow Forums gone?
Depends on how many friends you have. If I only knew three people? Sure, no big deal. But I have tons of friends and family I interact with frequently, so thanks to Facebook for letting me manage that all in one place.
>video games
>"your taste is shit"
>people you know that are doing better than you
>"your life is shit"
Like I said, no difference.
We're not even discussing video games and yet I'm subconciously telling you that your argument is shit.
I felt good, so good that I never opened one again. YouTube and Jow Forums are starting to piss me off too, so they might get the chopping block.
I deleted my social media temporarily for one month, and I can say it was refreshing.
I knew I couldn’t delete it forever so I gave it a break and honestly you really spend time differently.
People who want to contact you will call or text you. The only social media I forever deactivated was Snapchat, people try to make their lives so much more interesting then they are.
Ive been free of social media for about two years now.
Pros; you feel lighter and more clear headed, calmer and more collected.
You’re excited to see real people, you listen better. Less distracted, days feel longer.
Cons; you feel isolated and disconnected from everyone that you don’t live with.
But its worth it i think. The lack of having anything to check up on is a great feeling.
Doesn’t text messaging suit that need?
I have to deal and talk with people over 50 countries for my hobby and my job to be.
So it is impossible for me to delete everything. But i essentially only use facebook. All others are a placeholder for my nickname and i even gave my twitternickname tosomebody accrossthe globe who i knew wanted it.
What you have to do is learn to close the app and site off. It shouldnt be your first thing to do when you are bored, because i feel like it literally retards me a bit. Having yourthoughts cut off every few minutes by an app is annoying.
But hey i am typing this when i am on a pastry shop on my supposed holiday in a foreign land, the fuck if i knowright?
Depends on timing and your social life outside of it.
I've done it years ago, but I had a small amount of friends. I didn't talk to maybe 80% of friends on my social media apps so getting rid of them didn't do much to my social life at first. It wasn't until I began drifting away from my few friends that I realized the effects.
Social media is a big part of society in the US. People tend to keep to themselves a lot more now and usually keep up with others through these apps. I got weird looks when I would tell people that I didn't use any of them. I didn't even know what the hell snapchat was. Staying away from social media felt liberating, personally, but I also felt like I was alienating myself from others on purpose. People love being on their phones, it's kind of rare than a stranger would try to strike up a conversation with you on the bus just to pass the time. Social media apps are the most used apps for smartphones, it's hard to not feel like you're going against the grain. I guess it's alright to not care but it is alienating nowadays. Society is too engulfed in it
Please take a picture of said pastry shop. I want to see.
I left there and now at a bar drinking tea cause my throat hurts. Here is a picture of the bar.
Me too
Thank you!
Im happy for you, enjoy the travels, return with great stories.
I'm amazed when people say social media has a negative impact on their lives and mental health. Nigga just log off now and then. "muh idealized instagram lifestyles," are you fucking children? Do you think storybook illustrations are historical photographs? Jesus christ.
Thanks man, it is going well, essentially a work trip extended to be a vocation. Already have some decent stories and hope you get some too.
I agree with the sentiment but it is abit insidious, you dont really notice it is bumminyou out at the time. The effect is do tiny but it might add up aftermonths and months.
If any of you are so envious at the sight of people going on holidays or having parties, maybe that's just a sign that your life's in a rut and you need to go on holiday or have a party every now and then, that wouldn't be the end of the world.
Why settle for jealousy? How are these things unattainable to you if your friends list is apparently full of people who do it all the time? Message them for an invite to the next one, what are friends for? People always say they can't get rid of social media for fear of losing their contacts, but if you never fucking use those contacts to actually go out and do shit, what are you even there for?
Also half of facebook is ads and memes at this point, you should be so lucky as to have a feed covered in your friends' party pics.
I deleted everything some 7 years ago, I'll never het it back
Just the amount of bullshit I would go through finding an interresting topic
So much retards being retards
I just deleted it and never looked back at it
I got discord a month ago though, so that counts, though I only use it to text woman I meet playing games
And for the abvious phone sex
Just turn your social media off for a week or 2 and see how you like it
0 social media and I don't talk to anyone except my family, feel the same but less distracted
Well luck has it i got to pass infront of it with a tram again today. Picture is blurry, well cause tram.
This man has a point right here. If you can't mentally handle seeing someone else having fun because you need to keep sitting in your depressive bubble, you're the problem, and you need to fix yourself.