You heard Omar go after AIPAC earler, right? Well, it's being swept under the rug... We should take this opportunity to push it to everyone possible, it's too good of an opportunity to redpill.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most NPCs will hear more about some smug hwhite catholic teen wearing a maga hat than they will about this politician's recent experiences because (((msm))).
k i l l any jews who align with israel. Heil Odin und mein kind...
Totalen kreig pls
They are sliding all Omar threads. Keep these bumped, keep the pressure on at twitter and comments sections
thank you fren
Get in these comments. Red pills everywhere.
I made this for you goys
Talcum X named the Jew earlier.
We're through the looking glass here, people.
>don’t let it go in the memoryhole!!
then post deets of the situation: who, what, when, where & why instead of trying to offload responsibility to bigger faggots more useless than yourself. Virtue signalling poof
Too much petrol for you today, friend.
>We're through the looking glass here, people
Lel but never use reddit spacing again nerd
hurtful does not mean untruthful. Sorry kikes, but a lie by omission is still a lie.
>the biggest retards in politics are anti-israel
optics are shit
you are correct down under bro low effort posts should be saged. however this faggot is on to something. at least here In burger land ,this thing is getting normies to question. FFS maybe we get too much credit. I have redpilled half a dozen coworkers poor soulless fucks didnt even know what AIPAC was. simple to slide straight into how many jews sit in powerful positions in our government and media. so yeah I'm bumping it.
It’s happening. Lots of red pills going out. Keep it up!
pol is a board a piece
Whole American political sphere is running together in circles over this statement, but attacking Venezuela or 15 different countries for oil in last 20 years, not worth discussing. Also why so silent about yellow vests?
Been doing it since long before Redditt even existed, kid.
And I ain't gonna stop now.
Watch The Lobby. Don't let this moment go to waste! We are fully subverted by AIPAC.
shut the fuck up
Go divide and conquer somewhere else tranny fag. Jews helped build western civilization not muslims.
There is no way that this would have gained so much traction without Jow Forums and the alt-right/dissident right. Far-left progressives have been criticizing Israel forever, the reason this got so big is (1) the jews are really nervous and over-reacting, (2) we have open the eyes of the normie to the JQ. Normies might not be ready to shove jews in ovens just yet but they have heard enough persuasive arguments that they are not ready to crucify anyone that ADL labels "antisemitic". The issues of Israeli and Jewish influence have finally been primed to become a national dialogue.
Things are going to pick up speed very rapidly from here on in. The boulder has started rolling down the mountain and I don't see it stopping any time soon.
why is this pinned?
I just want to go on record as saying that I love Jews and I will gladly serve as a shabbos goy for pure gold shekels. I don't give a goddamn about white survival and I just want riches and Asian pussy.
Cheers friend, and fuck jannies
Fuck off, faggot. Whether you're a CIA shill or just the most retarded stormfag of them all, neck yourself.
>falling for the 2 sides of same coin
Venezuela and Israel doesn't needs American babysitting. Kill spics and Jews in your country, not outside of your country. Your feelings aren't hurt Jew, you are just playing a victim. Jews are the comfiest people in USA.
Anyone else study history enough to know that every state and empire that has opposed the Jews has disappeared? Every kingdom and empire that supports the Jews survives to this day?
thanks, P. I was worried that this thread got slid so fast last time after I came back from fighting with my mom again
Ya know, and this is more of a general statement to some degree, you guys judge us critically. Don't you know? We are fully mind virused. America is dead! It's a zombie. It is a golem for the Jews. That's it. Okay? Don't worry about judging us critically. It's like looking at a once-cute, now-rabid dog and asking why it doesn't fetch the ball.
>Oh, puppy, why don't you want to run with the other doggies?
Don't worry about judging us from a sane standpoint or critically. You can if you want. If you want to shit on us, okay. Beat a dead horse? I understand. But you won't get a reasonable response because there is none. The country is dead and its mind is gone. We are but an international tool of the NWO at this point.
>civil uprising: baaaad
>mmmm feed me mcdonalds
That's it.
the jew fears the samurai
Not fooling me Satan
The golem are attacking the masters.
I'm too busy trying to keep this shit from getting slid. Sorry, emu.
>implying that americans support israel because of money alone if offensive enough
>because of money alone
>because of money
Not even denying it.
i'm pro-american imperialism,as long as we can get in and get out,that's not practical in middle east,in Venezuela it is....i'm not with that faggot isolationist shit
>I'm too busy posting vapid retardation to post actual content
Odin fags allied with Muslims to trade slaves/Slavs
Odin fags suck Muslim cock
Hmm. Oy vey.
Real talk: what are we going to do? Something like IOTBW but with calling out lobbies? That's not original enough, we need new bread.
odin is a tranny
mohammed crossdressed
boat are gae
Ah! Be gone, Satan!
It is being slid, the rate of new thread creation is super high right now and it's all garbage threads.
>I'm too busy eating burgers consider the following
That's why you need to redpill the masses and not just be guided by their media. Would be nice if redpilled people thrown resources together and grown their own city without needing to think about Mexicans, Israelis, Afghans, Iraqis, Somalis...etc. You know government is shit when you have constant worries about other nations. People should worry about which cave and playground they will visit with their children, i am thinking more rural, since big cities are lost cause.
>picture related is what white man's living should be about
We should be worrying about which mushrooms we will eat today with excellent home produce, not if Jews are reliving genocide.
it's pretty obvious the kikes are trying to get ppl like us to turn on the muslim woman which they will then spin as we support the kikes and well that's not going to happen. fuck kikes.
You stupid fucking bums, this was planting the seed for the Dems talking points going until 2020. This whole anti-semitism debacle was to swing the light away from their shit policy and failed impeachment threats to discussion of lobbying. Omar supposed to bring up the subject of AIPAC so that they could "fix" the anti-semitism issue in the dem party. Now she has been baptized and it has made the mention of AIPAC taboo. Now they can discuss lobbying while specifically excluding AIPAC and focus on the NRA and fossil fuel industry. Its in the bitch's fucking apology. You bums, it took zero time for them to condemn and forgive this ho, it was a fucking work.
How is it being memory holed? I still see shit about it
you're talking to brainlets
Why do you care about the big picture if you don't even guard your culture and race? What's the point you winning for USA if a nigger is right now fucking your wife and some Jamaicans run for your country?
It'll get pushed out of the news with the impending shutdown. Best we can hope for is that /ourgirl/ keeps going.
Damn, she cucked fast. ZOG truly is powerful.
because i think they play into each other,all this shit is caused by undo guilt...
HArdly an apology, the last paragrapgh listerally says aipac is a problem
Pretty sure it was just Taquiyya
Damn it. He's right...
Why does Jow Forums like to take sides? It's always Palestine or Israel - sandnigger Muslims or Jews - this or that etc.
Why can't we just hate both Jews and Muslims - why not kill them all?
Read 2nd paragraph also.
this was the only correct answer
because they're fucking retarded leftest,they don't understand "fuck kikes" further than them being mean to Muslims
Yes, they play into each other, they create pointless conflict and pointless worries and pointless discussions. Everything we need is at hand's reach, we just need to stop supporting them. In EU they tell you that countries don't matter, that borders don't matter, that we are all equal, but then when sport events come up we compete and parade different countries. How stupid is that? On top of that doping doesn't matters any longer and trannies in female sport teams. They are doing all of this just to have business, they circulate money, they can't stop, can't admire anything, can't preserve anything, they have to keep on running, running like a gasoline tired burning everything as it goes. What do Jews try to reach? Israel not good, Greater Israel not good enough, Greatest Israel not good enough, whole planet not good enough, Mars and moon not good enough, whole Senate not good enough, nothing ever is. Then at end they will say that Jewish can suck black dick and go extinct. So we done everything for nothing, worried for nothing. Sides? Nah, all the same money circulation, destruction.
I agree. Sounds lovely. I'm trying to work on what I can in my capacity.
Is Slovenia mostly free of the nightmare? I reckon sharing a border with Austria helps somewhat. Visegrad group is the sane part of Europe atm.
Friendly reminder.
Whoa hold up there bucko! Surely you don't want to commit terrorism?
>A board a piece
We are anomalous, we are a region
>all Omar threads
sigh take my (you)
We need Israel as a containment country, retard.
>the jew fears the samurai
the jews fear the chinese
Six million? Give me a break, Robertson. I know you people aren’t very good with math, but seriously? Come on. Wooden doors? What the hell. Now tell me who are the owners of most banks? What is the most common dual citizenship among politicians? Who are the owners of most media? It’s so obvious, yet nobody seems to care. At least, I’m proud to say that the Daily Bugle remains free and uncompromised. But the name isn’t catchy enough. I’m planning to rename it: the Daily Stormer. What do you think?
kek An chekd
You heard what I said
The oven will contain them faggot
Based and burgerpilled.
Fresh meme from another thread
i mean,you're right but it doesn't really have anything to do with what i am saying....
Hey, kid. Wanna throw acid on peaceful protestors?
Nice taco, paco.
Why is this being promoted on my Twitter feed?