My gf told me today that she has pain in her abdomen (which is usual for her on a period) her period should have began...

My gf told me today that she has pain in her abdomen (which is usual for her on a period) her period should have began yesterday but it's today evening and it still haven't began. I am so fucking worried I can't express. I don't love her and don't want children with her at least for now, but what should I do or say in case if she is pregnant? Should I urge her to get abortion? What are the options at all in this case? If she does pregnancy test tomorrow will it show credible results?
It's my first relationship (but not the first woman I slept with) and first time I run against such situation.
Before you ask, we've always used condoms during vaginal sex but I suspect one time in the past week it might have broke because there was some white so-called "cream" on the condom when I pulled out but it also might have been her natural lube which she makes alot during sex.
P.S. pic is my mood

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>I dont love her

Boy, why are you still with her? Have her take a pregnancy test early if you want, but it might still be a bit too soon.

>i used condoms
>i worry the condom failed
Do you know how failed condom looks like? You would notice that asap. It would form a ring around your penis and your penis tip would be bare...

Because she loves me, or atl east so it seems. Unlike others that I briefly had before. It's a complicated issue.

At the very least you'll want to talk about this with her at some point, it's not fair to her to keep her on a tether if she could be happy with someone else.

Besides that, if the both of you want to make super sure she isn't pregnant try the over the counter pregnancy test first, if its negative/positive then she could make an appointment with her gynecologist to have a blood test done to see if her blood hcg is elevated, that is usually the most accurate measure of possible pregnancy.

They dont do blood tests unless their is a medical problem. I've had 3 kids and have never had to have a pregnancy confirmed with a blood test. They do a pee test then an ultrasound to see how far along you are.

If it's only been a day or two since your maybe condom brake you should have her get plan B over the counter pill. It works up to 3 days after unprotected sex

Thanks for Jow Forumsice. But if she is pregnant after all, what then? Is it possible to make abortion this early without significant irreversible damage to her body and birth capabilities? She is 18.

Haven't thought about it, but now it is probably too late. We had sex 2 days ago. Actually she is strictly against birth control pills. I've unsuccessfully tried to get her on them just for the sake of better sex.

That guy is giving you wrong advice. Abortions at only a few weeks do not damage the women. I miscarried at 5 weeks and had to have a DNC to stop the bleeding. That's the same thing they do for an abortion. The damage is to her mental health not her wome

Shes right to be, a lot of them aren't tested properly and have lots of health risks like cancer, stroke, some have even been linked to alzheimer's disease. If shes not willing to get plan b then all you can do is take a pregnancy test and go from there. See if shes open to terminating the pregnancy if she actually is pregnant but you should not force her if shes really against it.

And just so you know plan b isn't something shes have to continue to take, it only works by stopping ovulation. No egg drops so no fertilization can happen. It will not terminate an existing pregnancy

I actually have not idea if she is open to abortion. Should I talk to her about it even if hopefully it turns out she is not pregnant? How should I approach her with this?

The fact that you are posting here about such a major decision without having any input of your own means that you should not reproduce, ever.

I think you should just so you are on the same page. Or honestly maybe brake up since you aren't in love with her. At any rate I would be really up front about it. Like "so if you are pregnant would you want to keep it or are you open to terminating? I'm not ready for a child and I don't think it would be fair to bring a baby into our current situation but I also dont want to force you into something that your against. What are your feelings on it?"

How old are you guys and how long have you been together? What's your financial and living situation like?

We are together for little bit over 4 months but it is my longest relationship to date. I am her second boyfriend. She's 18 y/o student living off what parents provide. I am 21, study, work and supply myself completely. Tbh I've been using her, tried with her everything I haven't tried before in sex because she is up for pretty much anything. She is a good person, a really good person, not some club slut, but I don't love her because looks matter a lot to me and it's not something she has. She is not ugly though by no means. Know it sounds very cynical. But no matter how hard I try I can't change they way I am wired.

You're a fucking moron who just wanted to tell us that you had sex. Congrats, we're all proud of you user.

That's stupid to pick a life partner based off looks, yes they do matter some but you should realize no one is going to be beautiful forever. One day you will be old and wrinkled and what will matter is a deep abiding love and bond with your partner not how pretty she once was. You guys are both really young and you sound a bit immature, I'm not saying that to be mean, just that you do not sound ready for a child. You should brake up with her, if she is pregnant then try to explain why it would not be fair to have a child when neither of you can support it. If she is and she insists on having the baby you should still break up, step up for the baby as much as you can. Try to do regular visits so the child still has a father and support it financially as much as you can. Do not resent the child for being born, recognizing that you are the one who made a mistake by sleeping with someone you wernt prepared to have a child with. I'm not saying your a bad person, just young and thinking more with your cock then logic. Birth control and condoms fail, you should always try to have a relationship with someone you can actually see a future with and not have sex if you dont see that. Casual sex seems great and all but its actually not. Look at how many kids grow up in broken homes because mommy n daddy just wanted to get their rocks off and didn't actually give a shit about each other. It fucks over the kid and it fucks up both parents lives. Look for someone who you are compatible with on a deeper level next time before you start sleeping with them. Learn from this whatever the outcome is.

Thanks user. I agree. I myself grew up in a broken home. That's why I leech my gf's love, support and fondness, because I didn't get enough of it when I was a kid. And she is the first person that gives so much of it to me.

Even thinking about when your period should be can change when it will be.

I'm really sorry your in this situation, and for her too. Sounds like your both good people just young and not quite right for each other. I hope she gets her period so you dont have to deal with the baby issue. And I hope that you can brake things off with her without hearing her to much and find someone else who you can be deeply in love with. Things will work out try not to freak put to much.

*hurting her to much

This. “I don’t know if the condom broke even though it wasn’t broken”. You’re a retard.

Huh, we will do a blood hcg at our office if you come in for a confirm and have a negative urine pregnancy test, must be different for each state. You can literally call here and say you might be pregnant and wanna check and they will have you come in just in case.

This, I responded to the blood testing, but having an abortion early in shouldn't be a problem depending on the state you live in, just be prepared for the mental trauma afterwards, it probably wont be easy for her she might need counseling afterwards. That and be prepared for her to not want an abortion either if it isnt a fluke just in case.