Master Race - Aboriginals

>Best eyesight in the world.
>Best hunting and tracking abilities.
>World's fastest runners before the stolen generation.
>Have retained high-testosterone macho accents and baritone voices that other Aussies and nations have strayed away from.
>Quickest reaction time, best spear fishers on the planet.
>Longest legs of any race. Long legs = long dick.
>Homogeneous for 50-60 thousand years.
>Tribalism, knowledge, spiritualism and permaculture intact for centuries.
>Just want to protect their homeland.
>The land is a big part of their life and they care for it.
>Fit and nomadic, every Aboriginal walked the length of Australia 2x or more in their lifetimes.
>Dream time. Best religion which is based off the matrix theory, they knew this when they were an advanced civilisation many moons ago.
>White man stole their technology and cities, plunged their whole race into chaos, stripping their memories and great fortunes.
>Most sophisticated art of any conquered peoples.
>Alcohol drives them into a murderous rage, too strong for the white fullas to contain.
>There are Dreamtime stories of aborigines levitating boulders with didgeridoos, proof of this ability is widely known.
>Aboriginals traded with Asians and even Egyptians, but never race mixed because they knew the lesser races for what they are.
>Born and raised in the harshest continent on Earth, still pays great respect to the fauna and shows no fear.
>Worships deadly wildlife as gods.
>Thrives in inhospitable deserts.
>Exterminated megafauna with stone age weapons.
>Farmed using controlled bushfires.
>National heroes are warrior-chiefs that fought nude.
>Impossible to exterminate.
>Hundreds of unique and interested cultures.
>"The Universe was created by a fucking snake"
>Assertive - fighting off ethnics like Sudanese, Indians, Asians, etc, that white Australians are too afraid to act on.
>Fierce warriors, no one has dared to set foot on Australian soil without a musket or sword in hand.

Attached: Chadorigine.png (781x495, 657K)

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You ae incorrect sir. Bottom of the totem pole.

Don't they rape and/or eat their kids in between huffing gasoline/petrol?

>Ooga booga 2: Petrol boogaloo

No, that's crazy fullu talk

Yes. The sell their kids for booze or rape them themselves

They smell bad too

I have lived and travelled across remote Australia for the last 30 years and have a better understanding of indigenous austalia than the average white fella.
And I can say some of this is correct BUT most of it is the dumbest cancer bullshit I have read.

>Homogeneous for 50-60 thousand years.

You cunts literally lived in a perpetual state of war with each other for 50-60k years. Common practice to steal women a children (people that couldn't fight back) and proceed to rape them.

You forgot only race that can interbreed without causing defects. Because they've been fucking they're own sisters for thousands of years.

Shit still happens today. WA gov shut down missions and town camps because you cunts were rapping children. Your own sons on daughters in dome cases.

They smell bad too :/