Confused about some retard

So me and this guy hooked up and we rly hit things off . He made it seem like he was interested and even kept in contact w me after we hooked up, even reassured me that he wasn’t in it for the sex. Then he switched up on me after 2 weeks
>we were constantly talking after and before
, we were supposed to hang out but he never texted to cancel so I was like okay. I texted him and he never replied , texted him asking if I should move on or whatever
>asked for closure and for him to be honest
>get left on read
He still follows all my social media and still watches my story so I’m confused on what he’s doing
>Ik I should move on but I’m just confused on why he switched up on me like and why he still follows me on social media n shit
Can any guy tell me what he’s doing or something idk

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that's odd
you're probably coming off as intense? that's the only thing that would make me leave a girl on read

But wouldn’t you unfollow her n maybe block her ? I just think it’s weird he still follows me idk

i wouldn't block
maybe he's too much of a pussy to reject you, maybe he's playing dumb mind games

Probably. I made my point clear for him not to waste my time and be straight forward w me but obv he can’t be .

Tbh he's probably pursuing other people or trying to keep his options open. He doesn't want to cut ties with you because either he's scared to break it to you or he's stringing you along to have someone to fall back on if his new pursuit doesn't work out.

The mind games suck. You should keep your options open. Don't just sit around waiting for him because it may never happen. I bet when you find someone else, he'll be hitting you up though.
People want to be chased but only up to a point, once they know they can have you easily, they usually stop chasing back. Let him chase you.

same experience
fucking shitty retards
do yourself a favour, tell him he's being really dumb and bring closure for yourself because i'm telling you, he's not gonna do it and he's wasting your time and that's enough of a red flag to cut someone off

I don't block or unfollow people because I don't like to be seen being petty that way. If I were ghosting you it'd be up to you to block me.

found the coward

Well I've never ghosted a girl so take it as you will.

I already went off on him and called him immature , I probably seem crazy but Idk I don’t like it when retards do this shit , I’ve had my time wasted before
Never again

Isn’t ghosting just blocking them all together ?
It’s just weird that he still follows me n shit , which I don’t rly care I just think it’s sus

Thanks OP , I agree with this . I will move on and learn but if he comes back to me or whatever i don’t think I’ll give him a chance because he seems hella immature .

you're NOT crazy you're a normal human being and he is not
remember: be cautious, cut off at the first serious red flag NO chances given, and don't give yourself away easily.

You’re not dating material, and so you got pumped and dumped. Maybe after the 30th time of this you’ll learn not to be a whore, but by then.... it’s already too late.

don't listen to this bitter incel OP

Yeah I know lmao

Are you white?

Sort of but no

What does that mean?

German blood / Hispanic

Aww look a white knight appeared, yes lets make sure women never think about their responsibilities for their own actions

Oh, okay. Well good luck OP and never forget your self worth, it’s very important

P sure she's able to have sex how she likes with who she wants to and not be a bad person. Just because it's not you and you're unwanted by everyone sexually and that makes you unhappy doesn't mean everyone else should suffer.

I mean I can have sex w whoever I want. I acknowledged what I did as a mistake and I should be smart but u know shit happens bro .

Narcissist, wants you to get desperate and start trying to figure out why he's withholding affection, if you engage with it hell call you a crazy stalker and start blaming you for why he ghosted.
Idealize - Devalue - Discard is the pattern they use

Well personally I’ve been called a narcissist as well but I’m not gonna self diagnose myself . He took away the attention and it Pissed me off. If he does end up doing that to I’ll dip

Kek, they got you sluts pretty good. IT'S FUCKING TREYWAY


Ghosting is where you just stop talking to them altogether, blocking doesn't have to be involved.

Cause he's still fapping to you

Ah, I’ve ghosted ppl before . I usually just block them oops

This is what happens when you fuck guys without getting to know them. You're an idiot. Better luck next time.

Oh well . Yeet