Parents caused me to become a Manlet

Had(and still have) a lot of self perception issues in adolescence tied to my height. This caused me to develop mental disorders and a drug addiction. I'm now 20 years old and I didn't graduate high school because of these reasons.

Recently in a conversation with my parents it came up that they were offered and suggested HGH multiple times by doctors. Money is not an issue for my parents and they declined the doctors recommendation for the sole reason that they wanted me to be "natural".


So many of my problems could have been fixed or at least been alleviated if it weren't for my parents anti-vaxx tier logic. It haven't got a second of good sleep since they told me. Fuck man. I'm pretty sure my growth plates are closed now(not 99%sure but I've got the odds against me).

How do I reconcile this? I don't know how to deal with this. I Want to fucking beat them up.

Attached: rage.jpg (554x527, 28K)

Bump because I'm a desperate loser.

lol imagine being this fucked in the head because of Jow Forums memes

>Recently in a conversation with my parents it came up that they were offered and suggested HGH multiple times by doctors.

Is this a thing physicians do now? "Hey your kids too short, better give him some growth hormones." Reminds me of the Neal Stephenson novel Snow Crash, where in the future teenage boys take steroids as a matter of course.

Take the control over your actions. Start your threads with: i have decided to do....

>he fell for Jow Forums memes

Lmao get the fuck off this site it’s obviously making you more retarded then you already are

Your parents saved you from even worse mental issues. If they had agreed to HGH for you, you would have been in a mental hospital or killed yourself. Now go to therapy ASAP, you have severe mental problems.

I've issues with my height for longer than I've been on this site. Jow Forums probably didn't help, but it wasn't the cause.

>If they had agreed to HGH for you, you would have been in a mental hospital or killed yourself.


You didn't even mention your height. Are you 4'10" or something?

I'm 5'9" and it is killing me. Most girls are taller than me and I can't handle it.

>Most girls are taller than me and I can't handle it.

Most girls aren't taller than 5'9"

5"9 is average height you melodramatic fucktard

Attached: 1541062508043.gif (301x176, 3.43M)

>Had(and still have) a lot of self perception issues in adolescence tied to my height. This caused me to develop mental disorders and a drug addiction.
You’ve got that backwards. Short people don’t go insane, insane people get mad about being short.

Your victimhood, caused victimhood, caused victimhood....

If you want to stop being a victim in life, then start taking responsibility for it. It's the only way out. What's done is done, now take ownership and control of your self and move on.

>Most girls are taller than me
I'm 5'9 and at least 70% of women are shorter than me

>You’ve got that backwards. Short people don’t go insane, insane people get mad about being short.

Never claimed it did brainlet. I said my self perception issues caused it.

>believes in free will
opinion discarded.

>I said my self perception issues caused it.
Your mental illness caused your mental illness? And now you’re upset you didn’t get HGH because you think that would’ve helped? Listen to yourself.

basically this

My self perception issues are caused by societal norms.

>be me
>society says being short is bad
>be sad

What fucking mad scientist advises HGH for a 5'9 male?

If you're from one of those super tall countries your grievance is barely breeching warrented but if you're from the US or any other mutt infested country you are actually just mentally ill.

Op here. I'm not 5'9. I don't know why some faggot said he was me..

I'm 5'0.


well, I can't give any advice sadly.

I fucking hate my parents too though.

>tfw 5'7
>as thin as a skeleton
>still bang pussy whenever I feel like it
>still taller than the local girls
>still taller than the average mexican thanks to genetics

Can't you like, move to south Mexico where all girls are on average 5'05?

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