How do I make a guy pay for playing with my feelings with no shame, taking advantage of me and breadcrumbing me? If I block him I'll just give him an easy escape and let him get away with using me. He's probably a sociopath
How do I make a guy pay for playing with my feelings with no shame, taking advantage of me and breadcrumbing me...
By not being an egotistical shrew yourself.
Oh golly gee a taste of your own medicine. How's it taste?
what did the sly boi do? You probably want to suck his dick lmao
told me he's super interested and he thinks i'm great and i have misunderstood his intentions. i gave him the benefit of the doubt but i only let him use me, he has no interest in me and thinks i'm clumsy and ridiculous, he just wants to fuck me, he was really good at covering this up by being super nice and treating me like a child.
no i don't want to suck his dick and i haven't. i thought he was nice. i spilled a lot of myself and my thoughts to him.
Have you considered, even for a second, that you are a child? It sounds like you are. You don't magically become an adult at age 18. There's a coming-of-age that you apparently haven't yet reached. You should suck his dick just to spite your childish self.
make fun of his tiny dick
is this literally the only way to truly offend a man?
Pretty much. It's also the most childish thing you can do besides calling them a shit(poo poo)head.
What a wonderful learning experience! Seriously. Ask yourself why you fell for it. Not everyone who tries to charm you is authentic and it's very useful to ask yourself (honestly) if you knew on some level and if not, why not? Because I think we do know when someone is using us.
I did know, and I would have gotten away, I was really just telling myself to be rational, not to jump to conclusions, and to try and see the good in someone because not everyone is like that etc. I really wanted to believe that but these situations seem to find me, probably because only sociopaths would fake getting interested in me as a person?
An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. Forgive and move on.
Think about it. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone. So if we all got payback, then what kind of civilization would we have? You have a choice now to life a high life or a low life.
He knows very personal information about me because I trusted him
Should I still move on like nothing happened?
You know, the thing I learned in therapy that changed my life was that we don't do anything that doesn't benefit us.I started looking at my own motivations with curiosity and without judgement. I realized that everything I did served me in some way even if it was unhealthy. There was always a reason. So when you say you overrode your instincts with rationalization, try bringing it back to why? How did it serve you? Why did you want to believe there was good in him?
is this a discord man you're talking about?
Oh boo hoo he knows your birthday. What is he going to do, send you a card? You can't have that, can you? Fuming so at a man who cares that much about you makes you look petty. That cannot be, can it?
Depends what kind of information you're talking about.
But I don't think revenge will dissuade him from using it against you. You're a latent victim, prepare for the worst, so when it happens you can handle it.
Won't aggravating the sociopath make him more likely to spread that touchy information you regret sharing so much?
He might not actually care that much about you. Who says he won't just seek up new toys who haven't blocked him?
The only reason that comes to mind is that I was lonely and thought that was all I could get.
Still, I felt butterflies in my stomach with him, maybe I just wanted to feel good like that for some time. You know it's not easy not to get attached when you're a very secluded introvert and someone shows interest and listens to you, even if it's fake. If we add the fact that his social persona is charming and interesting...
Remind me how we've established that it was fake?
>He might not actually care that much about you. Who says he won't just seek up new toys who haven't blocked him?
Probably the best bet but i can't get my mind off the fact that he knows stuff
He was doing the same thing with God knows how many more naive girls and I found out. I don't even want to know what else he hides.
At the same time? It sounds like you're hysterical about finding out that you're not the only woman in the universe.
Yes, at the same time. I know everyone on Jow Forums thinks women are lying everytime they accuse a man, but I know what I'm talking about. Also, every girl (the ones I found out about) pretty much all looked alike.
Again, you're not special. It is not your responsibility to give the guy what's coming to him. You fucked up and you're just going to have to deal with it.
You clearly don't get what I'm saying since I never implied to be special. Try hating women less.
Oh thats not too bad just dont talk to him i guess.
Not reallt, dicklets hate their small dick more than anyone. I don't give a fuck, if you don't want to fuck my lil cock, I'll find someone else
Did you give him nudes?
Wreck his life, and he will demolish yours. If so- trust me. Just let the dick have it. Walk away. Unless you want your family, your friends and your employer to see your spread asshole.
I would be pissed If a girl I "use" ( In this case you .. sorry ) tell me nice shit, how I am the only one, how I represent everything .. and then be "cuckhold" ... Especialy If he sees It. I'm not talking about banging random dudes and invite him but just use someone else like he did in front of him ( extra bonus If it's someone's he knows). OR juste give mee your number and I'll be your man haha
Trash something that he likes. Maybe his car or his PC