Where were you when you realised

that rather than making Murrica "Great" again Trump has single handedly made you guys look like the most cringiest, idiotic fucking uneducated redneck that there has ever been.

Attached: mat.i - BifmeaklB0G_BifmQt5gzPB.jpg (1080x1080, 1.57M)

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Good. Display that beautiful tolerance until there's none left for you.

niggers tongue my anus

The rootless cosmopolitan will simply insult you with subjective profanities, when he has no basis for an argument.

This chick isn't even 18.

it may appear that way if youre a gigantic faggot

Attached: boner sword.gif (500x281, 985K)

Said the Limey who still believes in a traitorous monarchy of Germans...

Now go kiss some nigger muslim's ass, poof

>United Kingdom
Get fucked Muhammad

Feels good, fag