Christnigger Hate Thread 2.0

Previous thread got 404ed by christnigger mod. (((They))) love reporting redpilled thread it seems.

Christianity is a Jewish procedure of removing ethnic identity and tradition from a people. The absolute most important thing to society is a unified culture, Christianity unifies Western culture by erasing all identify from Europe until it shares the same culture as christniggers.

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Previous thread got 404ed for Off-topic; all images.
But if you take a closer look at the image, how she mentions 'god'. She is definitely a christian whore. Jew worshiping, nigger loving, anti white, anti Pagan, christian whore. The image was related to the topic. The christnigger mod who took down the thread probably has a 2 digit IQ. He is not doing his job correctly.

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Excellent post by an American user from previous thread: "Checked. Christianity is the blueprint for globalism. It does not see race/nationality/culture and believes in conquering the world for its own sake. If Christianity had its way everyone would be a mixed race beggar apologizing for their existence."

Checked! This neo judaic cult called christianity needs to die. Thanks for your contribution user.

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Not politics memeflag faggot.

Fuck off d&c memeflag nigger. Low-effort psy-op

There is no "d&c" when it comes to Christcucks because they are already conquered by the enemy right down to their very souls. To unite with a Christcuck is to become conquered as well. Any group that does not exclude Christcucks and work against the influence of their Semitic religion will never achieve results.

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A little observation will show the problem in your thinking: When Christians were common and in charge of nations there was extremely little of the problems you mention. But now that secularism and atheism rule, your problems are extremely common. The postmodernism of atheism has worn off on many Christians, but you clearly mistake its origin.

Are christian generals politics? No. But they remain on this board.

Christnigger Hate Thread is definitely about politics. It's about informing people about christkike politics. Both Hitler and Dr. William Pierce knew that allowing christfaggotry in the movement is just to pacify the low IQer foot soldiers at the lower levels of the hierarchy. Even Mike Enoch talks about how christfaggotry is a tool of Jewish subjugation.

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The cancer of the Bible is real.

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They are both possessed.

that negro needs to be dating a hot african chick and having attractive black babies
that white WHORE needs to be dating an ugly white incel and having average white babies



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T. Shlomo Shekel Stein

These Jews sure fear the rise of Paganism and end of christcuckery. Communism is almost dead. What are (((they))) going to do when their neo judaic cult called christianity also dies?

The only reason israel exists is because of Christianity. Christcucks are the reason why we are in this madness in the first place.

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aww, I got a (you) from JIDF! :)

If that were so, then why do surveys show that Jews hate evangelicals even more than Muslims? Even a small bit of experience will tell you why: because they're always telling Jews they'll go to hell if they don't convert and accept Jesus. Talk to some real jews instead of getting your info from social proof.

fuk ov brainlet

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Daily reminder to SAGE pro Abrahamic threads

Jidf, Mossad and leftypol are actively working against us. They are heavily promoting controlled oppositions. They call rightwing atheists fedora and Pagans homosexual while promoting controlled oppositions such as civic nationalism, christianity, alt lite and (((neo conservatism))).

Do not take the bait and SAGE pro christian Abrahamic Jewish threads. Jerusalem is not your holy land, jews are not the chosen people and christianity is not European.

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I had enough of this cuckery. The top excuse that Christians have for selling Christianity to Jow Forums is "Look how much the Jews hate Christianity! That means it must be true!" You faggots. You utter spineless moronic cattle like mindless bastards. THEY HATE CHRISTIANITY FOR THEMSELVES. THEY KNOW IT MAKES YOU THE PERFECT GOOD GOY BUT THEY DON'T WANT JEWS DOING THAT SHIT.

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Christianity is the absolute truth but (((you))) already know that schlomo.

its pretty out of control here in canada. women are shamed pretty hard for fucking black dudes so they use christianity as an excuse. a lot of them even have children with them, mostly wfbm. i work at a churhc and there are 3 bmwf MARRIAGES and one wmbf. its the sole reason im not christian

good thread op. so many different ways to kill culture its everywhere

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That the Jews have typically hated Christians and Christians have typically hated Jews has nothing to do with the truthness of Christianity, but it is an argument against your paranoid beliefs.

Other threads, regarding e.g. the evidence from physics, logic, archaeology, etc. are what are relevant to the truth of Christianity. Clearly, this thread is not one full of rational discourse, but rather emotion fueled diatribes.

First Alliance church in Alberta?