Should I Divorce My Wife Jow Forums?

My wife and I are separated and have been for almost 8 months. Quick rundown:
>Be basically married/actually married for 12 years.
>Have job with contractor that takes me out of town for weeks at a time for 4-6 months a year.
>Make lots of money, so she doesn't have to do shit.
>Wife super depressed, can't hold down job yet spends money like I own a printing press
>Realize being gone isn't best thing.
>Take job with 6-figure income guaranteed with bonus opportunities, but take pay cut for stability and to be home
>Hate new job with every fiber of my being, but am home to work on marriage
>Wife goes nuts
>"I think I want a divorce. I want you to move out user"
>Okay, need a couple weeks to find a place
>Go to work one day and find out they are eliminating our entire division
>Since she spent all the money, needed job I hated to pay bills
>What do?
>Know friends in Colorado that do what I do.
>Big ass hail storm, so plenty of work
>Have 3 job offers on the way home in Colorado
>"Hey, crazy bitch, I'm taking a job in Colorado"
>Come to Colorado with 2200 bucks to my name
>Get to motherfucking work.
>More hailstorms that fuck up the entire city.
>Recognize amazing opportunity; work 80-90 hours a week selling all the jobs I can
>Wife still crazy, hasn't found a job to pay the bills I have been paying for years.


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have a bump, OP. Bitches suck but you can't keep a good man down.

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Don't even need to hear the rest. Get away from that toxic cunt. Fuck are you even thinking? She sees you as nothing more than an ATM.

Dude you're just attached. The moment you ignore her and even pretend to move on she'll freak out and and come running back. Stop being an insecure faggot

>what do?


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NEVER move out. You'll be the one at fault. You have to adopt a mindset that she doesn't exist. I've been there. Just completely and utterly ignore her

Also user cut that bitch off see how she likes it when she has to get a job instead of being a nice little housewife

>"I need some money, user. I am broke. Bills are hard"
>Fuck you, this is what you wanted
>Love the people I work for, love the weather, love the mountains
>Fuck it, I'm staying
Fast forward 5 months later:
>Sold a 2.7 million in business at crazy profit margin.
>Since I split profit, half is mine
>Mfw I've made 500k in 6 months
>Find amazing apartment on mountain in best neighborhood in city
>Bang hot bitches
>Meanwhile, wife's life basically falling apart
>Can't pay bills
>Got fat
>Once nice house gone to total shit
>Wants to work it out
When things were good, she was awesome. But she is basically like a child. Can't hold a real job. Can't pay her bills. Could go nuts again. Should I work it out, or cut that bitch loose?

It has not worked out well for her. She basically has no marketable skills. The one good job she did have was "too much for her to handle"

you roofing contractors are fucking scum

i don't want you to finish you story i want you the fuck out of my state

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gee i wonder why she wants you back now. could it be because she realized she killed the goose with the golden eggs? And no she wont learn from this and never do it again, go read the fable about the frog and the scorpion. the fact that she freaked out and wanted divorce when you were home more often could very well mean she was cheating on you

You made a commitment, and breaking those vows will negatively affect your abilities as a significant other to anyone in the future. You can't put a price on integrity - not even a cool bachelor pad.

Fuck that house. If she wants it, she can have it.

Sounds like that bitch needed to get the fuck out of your life a half million dollars ago

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Don't wait for her to start a divorce. She will accuse you of whatever to take as much as she can.

>12 years
enjoy paying alimony for the rest of your life.
No kids?

Based on your story, you'd have to be completely insane to even consider going back to your wife. Are there any kids involved?
Because if not, cut your losses and move on with your life.

haven't read your post, but area in the pic looks nice

This is the only thing that actually bothers me. I did try to work it out while I was still home. Tried to get her to go to marriage counseling and the whole bit. She wouldn't go, so I went by myself. She has been out here to visit/work, but freaked out and left to go back home. I've legitimately tried. Only now does she want to work it out. Even then, I made it very clear I'm not returning home. I like it here.

what is the point of this larp?

Never marry someone who has no income unless you wanna get raped in alimony (your results may vary state to state)

This, don't continue to be stupid. Drop her.

It sounds like you already know what you have to do

No kids. No alimony either. I am still technically an Indiana resident. In Indiana, you have to prove to the court your legitimately crazy and unable to work to get spousal maintenance.

this fucking guy...

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can you post her pic? i want to see the miserable bitch lol
good job OP didnt let no shitty divorce bring you down
i was in a similar boat.

Tell her you will take her back on one condition.

Move to Saudi Arabia.

She get out of line again than just have her stoned to death.

>No kids
Are you fuckin kidding then?

Say her to fuck off, she sounds like a typical Western NPC female

Pretty obvious what needs to be done. Walk away, user.

oh no op
this is bad

I feel bad for u

its too late probably, you fucked up when you didn't make it clear to her your money is yours and if she spends it she can go

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The commitment was broken by her actions.

If you return with her then you an irredeemable cuckold who only deserve pain and suffering until you either kill yourself, get a heart attack from stress or end up in prison for killing that bitch

your deck is a piece of shit

m8, you've made your decision and want validation from Jow Forums so here you go

Fuck yes, fuck her right off. You tried and she didn't, you've bettered yourself whereas she has only become worse. You're killing life and she's come crawling back, it's pathetic and embarrassing.
Start anew, with the Jow Forums mindset and you'll be fine.

dun good m8, head up n forget her

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We aren't divorced yet. She flew out here to visit a couple weeks ago. She was like, "Wow, things are going really well for you.". I replied, "I know. Funny how everything just sort of worked out for me, and your life just fell the fuck apart"

>500k in 6 months
damn dude what do you do exactly?

Can divorce be filed in different states and give different results, or even different countries? It might be worth Op looking into. I know rich American women often fly to London to file for divorce as they can divorce rape even more assets.
Option 1 is completely ignore her and hide whereabouts.
Option 2 divorce from a good location.

>flew out to visit

yea theres your answer...just go back with her already

Why is there a question?

You have no kids. Go find someone worthy of raising white children.

Get an attorney.
Pay em out if pocket if she still has access to anything it'll come out of.
Be sneaky about it.
If it's not a no fault you're going to spend some $$$.
It seems like that isn't an issue though.
Sell the house don't pass it to her.
If it isn't payed off she'll just have to refinance and considering her work history she won't be able to.
It all boils down to your state really.

Why did you marry this cunt on the first place? She sounds like a major pain

Why the hell are you still talking to your ex-wife, are you some sort of retard?

Women always hide their worst before marriage, user. This is common knowledge.

You’re a fucking dumbass. Western marriage has been completely corrupted beyond repair and you should never have put yourself in this situation in the first place. No matter how much you think you trust someone, you cannot give them 100% legal control over your financial future with no consequences to themselves.

NEVER get married. Fuck women and impregnate them when you want, but NEVER marry them. It is a game that is stacked completely against men from the beginning in every way with ZERO benefit for men whatsoever.

> But she is basically like a child

This was your first mistake, thinking she wasn't


Cut her loose and after the divorce send her pictures of you banging bitches and say glad we cut ties.

I mean, I do still love her. She is cool, and before she got fat was pretty hot. I have made it very clear that if she wants to work it out, she's coming here to live. I will never come back to Indiana

Women are good actors, especially when they're young. Guys working away often creates these entitled cunts. Look at how many divorces happen when men retire - the cunts think the home he paid for is hers not his and resents him in "her space".

Man up and work it out. wirhout her you are nothing, you hear me? NOTHING. before her you were a FUKING WHITE MALE, a sad incel looser.

>I went by myself.
Did he/she give you homework?

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Kek. These bitches really think they're worth that. Rather fuck my hand.

>Have job with contractor that takes me out of town for weeks at a time for 4-6 months a year.
>Make lots of money, so she doesn't have to do shit.

The perennial male mistake.

There's a certain element of truth to the belief that women see men as walking wallets, but what's more true is that they want you in their lives. Women can handle poverty, look at any single mom, what they don't do is lonely.

If you're married, no job that takes you away from her for long stretches of time is worth the pay. Doesn't matter how prestigious it is (military) or how high it pays, you'll lose her if you're not talking o her every day.

Men find value in their work. Most of their self-worth, actually. So the problem is coming to believe that women think as much of your work as you do; they don't. Your job is just that nasty thing they have to compete for your attention with.

Work your job. Then go home to your wife. If anything breaks this routine, dispose of it.

I am sure you paid for her ticket right? You God damn cuck

Nah, she can have that fucking house. I literally give no fucks. We got a steal on it and only paid 55k. I got a check for almost that last week for closing out 2 jobs. I don't even care about my shit. Besides old family photo albums, I can buy new shit.

You deserve the misery she is going to cause you later on. Fucking shame on you for being such a walkover. You have a chance of a new, happy life, and you're trying to bring her to you despite all of the red flags?? Your father created a beta son. Poor guy.

>he fell for the marriage meme
that's why i love Jow Forums, still trolling people

>wife bails on me on difficult times
>find pile of gold
>oh wow user suddenly you are so attractice, wanna take my fat ass back?

Are you serious nigga? Does the writing on the wall need to be fluorescent for you to see it?

>we've been separated for the last 8 months
This is all I needed. Leave her.
Next time post on

>I have made it very clear that if she wants to work it out, she's coming here to live. I will never come back to Indiana

>he is still considering it

You should write the house in her name and invite her bf Tyrone while you're at it

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Get divorced ASAP, user. She is wasted and will only make your life worse. I promise you this. I have been there.

She didn't tell me to move out, she just started getting crazier and crazier, trying to sabotage my work and would give me constant shit about working out of town. I moved back and took a pay cut. Shit escalated.

She started going out with her friends when she "needed space." I recognized the pattern and booted her and filed for divorce. I wasn't going to wait for the day I came home to Jamal niggering my woman.

Went back out of town for work, live a chad life making big $$$, and bang women 10-15 years younger. The ex can't keep a job (she's educated), gained a shit ton of weight, and says it's all my fault.

tl;dr - Run user. Get the fuck away and back to doing what you do. Fuck roasties.

what the fuck do you do to make that type of cash?

You should have divorced her sooner. She's gonna take half those earnings.

She came with me for a while. I admit, it wasn't the best for our relationship. Primary reason why I took a job with a big local contractor running the insurance restoration division. I fucking hated it though. Not even the less money, just hated having a real 8-5 job. Fuck your gay meetings. Fuck your gay sales training guidelines I have to follow. Fuck your faggot office politics. I've been doing 1099 project management for insurance restoration jobs for 10 years. I'm like a business inside a business. I basically do what I want and work when I want. Since I like money, I fucking work my balls off while there is work to do. If I would have stayed at the regular job, I would have shot myself.

Hide your assets

i would think people making this much money are smart but then u married a child so idk.

>married 12+yrs
>no kids
>wife has no job
>you're away for very long periods at a time
>she's pissed because you are at home more

Literally every aspect of this relationship is a red flag.

he prolly work in construction

this makes a lot of sense. women are fucking brainless and need to be molded, and if like op you are super driven
situations like this will make you crazy.

I'm in a similar boat and I should have stayed apart from her. I can't stand to be not at high octane levels and should probably focus on eating up that energy and being successful before molding anyone else.

I work for an exterior contractor repairing houses/business from hail damage. I'm sort of rare in my business because I'm a great salesman, I actually know construction, and I'm great at fucking the insurance carrier and negotiating loss settlements. It's a good gig to be in, if your good at it. We've been through 40-50 salesman since June. Most last a week. If your from out of town coming for the storm, you need to be pulling 10k a month at least or your not making enough.

>12 years
>no kids

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If you havent had sex with her for over a month then shes getting plowed by someone else. Move on and cut your losses. Get fit and find someone better or hotter at least. For god sake do whatever is best financially.

never knew hail fucked houses up like that, i've only seen it a few times here in Florida.

Shes also probably using you for $... yeah thats a real thing.

It's not quite that bad. She came with me for a a couple years. I usually would work 2-3 weeks on, home for 10-14 days. I still did work at home, but just paperwork and phone calls. The main reason I decided to stay is because it hails all the time here, and I don't have to travel anymore.

This. Don't get fucked when she decides to move in with you. You can be sure she's talked with a lawyer and that kike has planned out your demise carefully in hopes of filling his/her pockets. I've heard of a times when you separate for a week, but months is out of the question. She's ridden the cock carousel a few times by this time and there's nothing to return to except for a fleeting memory of a great woman. Don't cherish an empty shell.

Go directly to divorce court.
Do not pass reconciliation.
Do not collect piece of wife's ass.

Cut that bitch loose but make sure she can't take any more of your money. Also what job are you doing?

It's not his fault your state shits out 3 pound ice balls and fucks up roofs every year.

Google Cheyenne Zoo hailstorm. That was the big one where I really made my nut.

The oil field is calling your name user. 6 figures, be gone for weeks at a time. Work with alphas, no betas here

Deep down inside you already know what to do. And chances are damn good she's been sleeping around on you for years. (Been in very similar situation).

And know she's paying the toll. She chose her path. A lot of women act this be careful in the next relationship; which brings me to this post: I agree to a degree.The vow should be sacred given this is the person God really wanted you to be with. Let it all go, girl wise, and let fate bring you to your true solemate. You never know who it will be, maybe even your current wife, but you have to let it all go first. Live right and let God surround you with those you need to be with. Good and Bad.

Good luck.


I fucking hate faggot storm chasing carpetbaggers.

Hope your wife took miles of tyrone cock you lowlife miscreant.

I work for the kind of guy that I could probably get paid in gold bullion if I asked. She has no idea how much I've made, and I have no intention of telling her.

Thats a lie. This nigger didnt make no half mill in 6 months.

>>Wife goes nuts

she was mad because she could no longer fuck other men for half the year on your dime

>falling for the tradmeme when jews still exist in your country


Shes programmed to get fucked and be a mother and maintain the house. Why didnt you have kids?

I work for a local contractor, nigger. An actual reputable one at that. I did work for a stormer, but we actually did good work. We had subs, but the subs worked just for us and did so for years. We didn't find random Mexicans to work for us. I've had the production guy/owner drop of the previous company drive halfway across the country to fix a leak on less than 24 hours notice. That being said, way more lucrative working for good local contractor. I usually do 1-1.5 million in sales. This year I will break 3 million.

dude she cheated on you a bunch how can you not see this and yet not be too autistic to bang other random women?

He just said He made 500k in 6 months. I work in resources too but I would rather be making 500k in 6 months.

>ambulance chasers of tradies
human garbage desu, just imagine the wife

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Nigger youre in the epicenter of the insurance claims restoration industry.

Do you even know what an AOB is?

It's better to be alone, than to live with someone who makes you feel lonely.

Every man I have ever talked to who was in your situation, was so happy after they ditched the cunt. Sometimes takes a year, but get your life back.

Why work at a job that makes you fucking miserable all the time? Why live with a person who makes you miserable all the time?

dude you spent 6 FUCKING MONTHS AWAY FROM HOME and she freaked out when you just found a job where you were back home all the time

there is literally no chance she wasnt fucking everything that moves on your dime

Good for you. Dont be a retard nigger and not invest some of that loot properly.

>But I have 12 years invested...

If you've sat through half of a movie, and it's sucked every's probably not going to get better right at the end.

Everything you do today, you will have spent one day of your life for. Stop spending your life for shit that makes you miserable.

So do you really believe that shit or does it just help you stay sane in an insane world, no matter how it negatively effects you? Fuck you retarded cunts make me want to puke. Why? Why do you insist on believing bullshit?

You fucked up leaving it late. Wont she get half of all that money you earned now?

Wtf do you do?