>new to Jow Forums
>not really sure what to do
New to Jow Forums
Just lurk in threads or be yourself.
lurk for 2 years and then you can start posting. people will be able to tell you're new and most people here are autistic enough to call you out for it. or just leave, nothing of real value here.
This is 4channel.
Jow Forums is for all intensive purposes dead, it's just Jow Forums (dragged down by /b/ and the porn boards).
You should probably leave, been in this shithole the past 10 years, it's not worth it
Really? You said "intensive purposes"?
Honestly just leave. This place is toxic and no good comes from being here.
You should start with /b/. Then move on to other boards depending on your interests. Stay away from Jow Forums.
Sayings like that are a diamond dozen, newfriend.
Jow Forums is the only worthwhile board left on Jow Forums since the shekel-grabbing split, you degenerate.
I've been here for years, Damage Control Dan.
It's just a Trumpist echo chamber. It holds very little value to individuals who are sane.
Yeah? I've been posting since 1994, newfag.
That's just /ptg/, and it's where we try to keep leddit contained. Trump is hilarious to watch, but anything more than tepid support of him is probably coming from a reddit transplant and not indicative of the general mood on Jow Forums. The place has gone downhill massively, and they have a lot of retarded ideas among them, but it could be much worse. If it wasn't for us driving the cancer away or containing it, all of Jow Forums and 4channel would be indistinguishable from Reddit.
Not quite yet.
Ok user, here is advice, take this with a pinch of salt.
1. Get your head out of your ass cheeks and quit being such a sorry-for-yourself-whiner. Yes, maybe you got handed a shit hand, like a bunch of other millennials, maybe your parents suck, but at least you are healthy, have a job and can work. Allow yourself a few minutes a day to feel sad / down / shit about things that haven't gone your way (this is normal), but for rest of the time - quit whining and do something to improve your situation.
You are making too much of a big deal over a simple thing. By the sounds of it you aren't even worried about the girl, but losing your "goal". Either way - just ask her out. Come up with a concrete plan, like "would you grab a coffee with me on X".
X could be after work, or whatever suites your circumstances, but it needs to be a concrete time. Do not ask her vaguely, if she would go for coffee "sometime", but rather provide an actual time like "after work" or after work tomorrow, or over the weekend etc. It is more confident on your part (she will probably appreciate this), and less daunting for her. If the time happens to not suit her and she would still like to go out with you, she will suggest another time or in another way make obvious that you didn't suggest a good time. Or at least I hope so. Unless she's a nervous wreck.
Don't let a chick you haven't even asked out drag your career options. Seriously. Do something about it and move in if it doesn't work out.
dont become a robot
OP, the first rule of Jow Forums is to ignore, hide, and report any post made by a tripfag. They are the cancer ruining this precious site.
Good thing we're not on Jow Forums anymore, then.
No one is unironically going to use the word 4channel, tripfag
lurk moar
But you just did, baka
It's part of the welcome kit irony. Yes.
OP, I hope you're skilled at selecting all traffic lights and storefronts. Life as you know it is over.
You’ve truly peaked as cancer
But you didn’t even offer a rebuttal pffft haha
>OP, I hope you're skilled at selecting all traffic lights and storefronts. Life as you know it is over.
Forgot your tripfag, samefag?
Fight me desu~
Run and don't come back, for your own sake.
But if you must, lurk moar.
Unironically stay away, all the bullshit here that gets repeated fucks with your head
Hi im a newfag as well, but I've been lurking on and off for about two years and also posting occasionally. Here is what I've found out:
If you are here for the epic creepy /b/ murder and ghost threads, you are wasting your time. They never happen, and even when they do, it's fake 99% of the time.
It's actually true that there's nothing of value here anymore. Every board is infested by r9k and pol fags, and most peoole here are very burnt out and sad individuals. They are the majority to such an extent that it can sometimes make you believe the stupid shit they're saying is right, until you go out into the real world. Moral of this? You can not ask a question and expect a working answer, because everything here is bait, ironic, and seriousness and discussion is for redditfags.
Speaking of reddit, if you want a proper community, go there. I know this part makes it seem like I'm baiting too, but reddit is a much more ripe and mature community. Unless you enjoy laughing at very sad and misinformed people, go to reddit for proper discussion.
But if you really must stay, stay away from b, pol, and r9k. Those boards are really the lowest it gets, and they have some suprisingly good speakers there. Don't fall into the trap of believing them. From my experience, Jow Forums,/sci/, and /out/ are the best boards to have any type of discussion at this point. Have fun. And feel free to ask any questions.
This site rewires your brain.
bump cuz fun thread
Just look at all these faggots
A billion
Buy yourself a skirt and some hair removal cream and settle into your new life as a trap.
Nice job fellow 4channelor, i would give you some 4channel gold for the smart and insightful suggestion, but i still dont know how to upvote in this subboard.
Also would you please keep a name? all this anonymous stuff is making me unconfortable, because this way i cant recognize the mods so i cant costantly praise them for their neutral and efficent job
Try to create lots of bait threads all over the Jow Forums for attention
also nice trips homie no homo