Dangerous fascist organisations like MW or ONR are finding more and more supporters. The levels of antisemtism and radical nationalism in these places is disturbing. Members organise meetings, on which they share racist and xenophobic media, and organise attacks on peaceful LGBT events. If that's not enough. Poznan fascists organise meetings with their neonazi counterparts from Czechia, Hungary, France and Russia. Polish fascist youth also oragnises lectures of dascist ideologists like Roman Dmowski, Cordeanu Zelea, Julius Evola, Benito Mussolini.
How do we stop this horrific rise of extremism, Jow Forums? i thought Poland is ready to join progressive western part of Europe, but everything seems that Poland is going deeper into stagnative racism.
Stupid Poland didn't get the memo again. We. Don't. Do. This. Shit. No. More. You can be a libertarian, classical liberal, conservative, whatever. Just get normal clothes and haircuts, come on! Absolute rubes...
Nathan Johnson
Just relax Ruskie,you still have the most neo-nazis in the world. And what's wrong with Fasc look?
It's clean with nice fitting shirts,uniforms,no tattoos(most of the time) and it's a better trend for the youths than that millenial garbage
Robert Wilson
Is this the pedo tranny furry platform you were looking for?