No wall

>No wall
>No Hillary investigation
>Still in Syria
>Still have Obamacare
>Still have DACA
>Still have millions of illegals
>Banned bump stocks
>"Muslim ban" barely applies to 2% of world muslim population
>Half of his cabinet are Jews
>Other half are neocons
>Most of his business buddies are Jews
>Kids converted to Judaism
>Billions sent to Israel
>Constantly threatens Iran on behalf of Israel
>First president to recognize Jerusalem as capital
>His VP and core base are zogelicals
>His company is being investigated
>His campaign is being investigated
>Dozens of his associates arrested or investigated
>Only "achievement" so far is giving tax cuts to billionaire Jews
>All of these during rep control of the house, now he is even more useless

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MAGApedes to the rescue

Attached: were-the-magapedes-ol-boomer-the-deplorable-maga-o-o-22726828.png (500x665, 88K)

They had majority in both houses for a while too. Lol now they're blaming Dems for border security.
We were played

damn, i guess i should've voted for hillary!

I've wondered about that, why the fuck didn't they pass the wall funding when they had the majority in both the house and the senate. Why not pass all their legislation then or were there republicans who would defect ?

Because our Senate has something called a filibuster where debate can be drawn out endlessly, until the session of Congress is over and you need 60 votes in the Senate to end debate and call the floor to a vote.

These stupid FAGGOT KIKE SHILLS are deceptively omitting that on purpose.

That's really retarded, so one person can just stop a meaningful vote on anything unless sixty people agree to stop them ?

No wonder your government is fucked.

The American system is designed to prevent action rather than enable it. It's extremely conservative by design in this regard

What was proposed? Nothing. No shill here magapede.

He was still saying Mexico will pay for it when he had no plan on why they will.

It's by design, so (((moneyed interests))) have a harder time flexing their muscle to overturn the authority of the constitution.

Our constitution is also the only one, to my knowledge, that states that citizens' rights are GOD-GIVEN, not granted by the government or a social contract, and the government's duty in that regard is merely to see that they are not violated.