Pol I need your help

I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow on the benefits of multicultural in a country

Am I fucked?

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Can it be the word "none" 500x?

The only benefit is waking up whites

Nigger, just google those keywords and paraphrase.
Considering the subject, your teacher is looking for good-feels, not literary marvels.

Fuck stupid PC college papers.

Just write about how it benefits you, as a Jew, sliding threads on a shitty forum of people who think illegally

Immigration is the Free Market at work. Biggest benefactors are the %1, businesses and the economy.

Just write about how the new Halal Guys restaurant is so much better than Burger King. And kosher means safe to eat. Or some shit.

Wide eyed pepes are BANNABLE also fail that test like a boss.

>What about the food though
Funny how it's not the pros and cons of multicultural just straight up asking you to shill for it. Almost certainly a high school assignment. Underage ban

It's a really good topic, you fascist piece of shit!

>Fuck white people

Guaranteed A+

Just write “Fuck Niggers” over 5000 times on your essay. If your hands start becoming numb. Open up Microsoft Word, copy/paste it multiple times and print it out.

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>nigger entertainment
>Vietnamese food
>Spic slave labour
Now just rant about each for a paragraph. Add intro and outro and you're good

Talk about the study that shows multiculturalism decreases civic engagement

What country and course is this ?

There is none ....... Fin end of essay

Just pervert classical liberal arguments. Say how it lowers wages, so you can compete with India. How beneficial it is for the service economy, etc.

More convincing spies.

No racial allegiance so they cannot be swayed to betray us for purebreds.

Low IQ, don't care whether they live or die.

Great soldiers.

But purebreds must be rooted out or all the advantages are lost.

Purebreds are where all treason takes place.

Jews brits blacks spics, all problems. Hammer this point home that the unmixed are likely traitors.

Don't be a pussy. You should have written a 500 word essay debunking all the supposed benefits, and threw in another 500 words about the actual detriments caused by multiculturalism.

Read Robert Putnams diversity study and use it as source to site

Which is a good thing from neoliberal point of view. Less unions and other problematic entities. Just make arguments which you present as being good, but are unsettling for normies.

>going to (((college)))

It doesn't help that I live in nyc. Gonna find a way to fucking get neetbux online easily and then i'm dropping out asap

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>I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow on the benefits of multicultural in a country
Just talk about how the niggers keep the cops employed.

Show them this and drop the fucking mic.

Recent experiment by some Australian students proved that you can write any bullshit, and as long as there some right buzzwords libtards will eat it and as for more. Like, they taken some chapter from Mein Kampf, changed some words, submitted, and it was accepted with flying colors.

E pluribus unum by Robert Putnam

Go down swinging Bro! They said "in a country", so Israel. Now fucking get working! I expect nothing less than an E-

Some helpful hints:

>Barbara Spectre on Multiculturalism, Israel, and the Refugee Crisis


>Stefan Molyneux asks jew why the hypocrisy on immigration


Nope...the go to on this subject is food. Talk about food and more food.

500 words is easy. Start talking about how whites being genocided is a good thing because of the evil theyve commited in the last 500 years.

Make it sound so radical its an instant redpill.

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>Women can get fucked by 20 people instead of making a family and having kids
There you go. Expand from there.

Dont forget to mention those slimes... the jews and their controlling ways.

Bro 500 words is less than a fucking page maybe 1.5 pages double spaced all ya gotta do is write some meme lib phrases and it an easy A. You wouldnt even need grammar as long as you suck your professors dick

Just talked the different cuisines other cultures can provide (which is essentially trivial.)

Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter be necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.

The nigger looked like every other nigger, his niggerdom obscuring any humanity that might have lurked within all that niggerness. His niggereyes and his niggerlips smacked of niggerlust. Niggerhands that could neither love nor heal but only grope niggerloving whores. There are many of those nowadays. It is a nigger’s world filled with niggers who know nothing but niggerways. So the world shall become a nigger too. It is already as violent as a nigger. Already as diseased as a nigger. Already the world has been remade in the nigger's image.

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Zero benefits

>500 words


>Black Lives Matter
200 times over

Feb 12, 2019
Multiculturalism 101
Prof. Goldberg

Jesus really, really liked multiculturalism. I mean he really really liked it. And he (being the son of God (John 3:16) is infallible. Most modern people would agree that Jesus, if he were alive today, would be a far-left Marxist(Literally anybody). Since Jesus would like multiculturalism so much, I think that the benefit to society is obvious. If we have the grace of God, we will see many benefits. With this newfound wealth, we can secure the future of our greatest ally (Israel). In conclusion, multiculturalism is really cool.

>The Bible
>Karl Marx
>Literally everybody

lol 500 words is nothing you little bitch. neck up.

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Just be sure to mention the ramifications of dual citizenship in government and it's impact on foreign policy

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