How real are shit tests? Or is the term some redpill bullshit that needs to be ignored?

How real are shit tests? Or is the term some redpill bullshit that needs to be ignored?

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All women do it m8. It’s not a bad thing.

>Shit test
Are you actually alpha or just trying to trick me?
>Comfort test
Will you run out on me?

O rip. I think this girl I was friends with was shit testing me and I sperged out and alienated her in the process. What's a comfort test though?

A comfort test means she’s concerned her SMV is too low and you’ll leave her

it’s paranoid. people do stuff that’s aggravating all the time, but PUA retards say this is an intentional test to see if you’re alpha or not.

I guess the recommended PUA advice (to play it off without getting dragged in, is good), but the whole idea is very paranoid.

Nobody has ever said shit tests are intentional, you liberal faggot. They’re unconscious behavior in the majority of cases. And why are you are rambling about PUA? That subculture died when the game was written.

yes. these shit tests, they serve a purpose, but they’re deep from within the unconscious mind. I can feel my brain getting bigger. women don’t think I’m a *trembles with power* Jow Forums loser anymore I’m...I’m reaching peak alpha male levels. libtard energies curve around me in space...I...I’m gonna cum! AAHHHHH. YES. I’M CU-CU-CUMMING.

Lol. So triggered you went full retard.

there must be something wrong with me for conversing with a knuckle-dragging mongoloid such as yourself


I've never seen an instance where shit test and mind game are not exactly interchangeable, and I've never met a girl whose mind games are worth whatever the fuck she's selling. I don't know about this 'unconscious' shit, that sounds like apology and defense of what is ultimately immature and childish behavior. But I'm also pushing 30, so if a girl I dated pulled that shit, I'd have some god damned fightin' words.

If you smell mind games, dip. That's my opinion.

It is redpill bullshit that should be ignored

t. Virgin

Being red pill aware fucks me over way more than it helps.

Just be your best self and work to stay that way.

Yeah, I've been thinking about this as well. All of the advice given on how to deal with people, or get a girl, or even just how to socialize... Seems to border on saying manipulation is okay. Just perpetuating the whole, me against the world, mentality in socializing. Most people I talk to, the deeper I get, are always treating life like all it is is a competition and the advice we get perpetuates this notion. I can't even remember the last time I had a conversation with someone where it felt genuine and sharing, someone always wants something. Gets tiresome... Makes me feel like I'm becoming a misanthrope.

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The hippie movement needs to make a comeback. All this awareness of how people are fundamentally in competition and love is a competition just perpetuates shitty behavior in the best of people. My family are redpilled and distrustful of the world, it's hard to be around them. So shitty.

Best advice I've heard all week.

If I was a virgin I would be grasping at straws like most of the people in this thread

Just as Watzlawick said that "One cannot not communicate", one also cannot not manipulate.
Any interaction is manipulation, and communicating in a more precise manner isn`t bad in itself.

women get hit on a lot and shit test help them weed out the weak betas from the group of men. women do need a quality guy because of reproduction and shit test help with that.

I am guessing you are a female and you don't want betas to know how to get laid by telling them how to pass shit tests.

Yeah, I understand. It's just that we are so aware of it, people want to use it for the wrong reasons. Like the idea of Darwinist Competition in social life. People use it as an excuse to say it's okay to be a cruel person and take advantage because that's life.

Nope. You’d dismiss everyone without contest.

All human interactions are manipulative

It’s nof evil or good in itself

Basically. You know about “gay panic” that happens when a guy gets tricked into fucking a tranny and kills/attacks them?

That kind of revulsion is what women feel when they realize they allowed a beta to touch them sexually with the intention of breeding real or simulated. No, they like their betas docile and ignorant. The sort of guys who believe boomer shit like “be friendly and hardworking”.

Before people started calling them shit tests they were just called mind games. It's not a gendered thing, both immature guys and immature girls do this.

Oh they're real. It's just a way girls can tell if a guy is honest.

Too often, people lie to make other people feel better. It's female behavior. But women need to know you're telling the truth, it's a biological imperative carved into them by millions of years of evolution, because they will be incapacitated by pregnancy and child rearing, they need to know you love them, and you are telling the truth when you say it. Shit tests blanket you in every nook and cranny of life to make sure you're honest in every regard.

Anyway the answer is always simple, but perhaps not always easy: be honest. That's all they're asking for.

"Does this dress make me look fat?"
*rawr rawr rawr*

whatever. You just showed her that you'll tell the truth, even if you know the truth will hurt you. You put honesty above all and she'll respect you more now. If you are honest all the time, then you never have to worry about shit tests. You'll pass them automatically without even realizing it.

Could you explain this more? I'm interested
especially >just perpetuates shitty behavior in the best of people

Bury your head in the sand, there's pleasure in cowardice!

Learn to deal with reality instead of opposing it. Flush Disney nonsense down the toilet and approach reality from a fact-based standpoint. You should be able to deal.

>both immature guys and immature girls do this.
White Knight, I hail thee!


Mindgames are a hostile action

Shit tests are natural female behavior to weed out low quality genes

I always found it interesting that the guys who are redpilled (like jocks in high school) always get hot but seriously insecure and boring women.

>seriously insecure and boring women
Everybody spot the bitter fox

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Oh no I'm not bitter, I've had awesome girlfriends. Just feel sorry for people who fall for the BS.

All I'm saying is it's really easy to over think the red pill stuff and you'd get the same results or better if you just focused on being the best manifestation of yourself that you can be.

I’ll take “things that never happened” for $200

only matters if you're listening to pua meme advice

Well duh? Redpilled are just tools, not a system.

They’re your knife, pot, ingredients, cookbook, etc. But it’s up to you to make tasty meals with it or not.

>this same butthurt girl
