I am horny all the time. Little things remind me how much i want to fuck my boyfriend...

I am horny all the time. Little things remind me how much i want to fuck my boyfriend. I love him so much and he's my best friend, but we also have insane brain chemistry.
I'm not always with my him, and whenever i get like this i want to talk dirty to him.
I feel like after a while, he might get tired of it or think i'm only using him for sex or think i'm a sex crazed pervert
I don't know what to do when i feel like i'm in heat and i want him.

We've been together for over a year now and it has only gotten stronger.

Fellas in a relationship, how would you feel if your gf talked about sex a ton? I mean throughout the day, every day.
I know a little is fine, but I feel kind of excessive with my emotions.

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Insane bedroom chemistry*

I'm sorry for phone posting

depends how attractive you are and if you are gradually getting more pervy, because if not same old shit gets old fast

Current gf even hates the thought of sex or anything sexual. Would be nice to get a bone thrown my way every once in a while. I dont see anything wrong with what youre doing but you might to try talking to him about it.

>how attractive are you?
Definitely attractive enough to act sexy

>gradually more pervy
We've been together for over a year, not much room for getting gradually more pervy

If it helps, we spend a lot if time apart for both of our jobs so sometimes dirty talk and pictures are all we can do

I've told him plenty of times and he says it's fine and he likes it, but i feel that only goes so far


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Do you ever sext?

He's very shy talking over text, but if i'm aggressive enough i can usually get him to sext back
I don't think i'd be this self conscious of it if he wasn't so reserved over text

Just text or do you send lewds to him too?

I do both

Hopefully you can talk him into being more comfortable with you sending them.

well how often do you get to sex him?

He likes them, he just isn't very good at responding. He's not very good with words, but whenever we're apart all i can think about is him and i want to tell him without seeming obsessive


We get about 10 days every other month. Both of our jobs are winding down near the holidays, so we'll have more time soon.

He doesn't have to respond with the same intensity, if he likes your lewds and you are happy to send them then it should be okay for both right? Or do you feel a need for him to sext back too?

He doesn't need to respond, i just can't gauge of i'm being overbearing with how sexually charged i am, or if he's enjoying it

I wish a girl would only use me for sex. I could stand being exploited in that way.

Seriously though, you're fine. He's probably flattered to have a girlfriend who's so thoroughly broken by his dick. Just don't do it around people, and be sure you're still romantic/emotional with him.

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As a guy i wouldn't mind talking about sex as long as it's not affecting rest/hobbies/etc.
If i'm playing vidiya gayms i need a break.
can still fuck or SUCc while playing tho.

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>gimme attention, the post

Thanks, this response makes the most sense. I try to stay romantic, but i'll be sure to balance it all out and not be overwhelming


this thread has been one of the only threads with all legitimate replies, except your response

Every guy is different.