Why aren't you an individualist, Jow Forums? Collectivism makes people retarded. When you adopt a collective identity, you become susceptible to in-group out-group biases and group think.
Why aren't you an individualist, Jow Forums? Collectivism makes people retarded. When you adopt a collective identity...
but I am.
In a scale of 1 to Juden Peterstein, how much of "individualist" is the ideal ammount?
Because I have long since stopped caring about anything and just do the bare minimum to survive because death scares me far more.
How to be an individualist in a socialist world full of low IQ NPCs? The only option I see is living as a hermit in a wood cabin.
You want to strike a balance between being an automaton and being a snowflake.
Nonsense collectivism gets a lot more done than 1 person it's pretty basic logic desu
low IQ NPC
>Why aren't you an individualist, Jow Forums?
>It too hard to subvert you when you work together for the interest of your people
>only (((gods chosen))) are allowed to organise together
> please stay weak white man
All individualists are protected and benefit from the collective of society... unless you live in a wood cabin in the wilderness but even then someone would have taught you how to survive.
Digits you don't have them
Why does death scare you so much when its the only given thing that will most certainly happen in your life?
Because it's an unknown. What might or might not be looming behind it is the real issue.
Sure, death is certain, but that doesn't mean I'm anxious to shake its hand just yet. It'll come to me but that's an inevitability to accept, not a prospect to hurry towards.
> muh ideologies to pigeonhole what people do
This is too gay and jewish.
Yeah i didn't mean it like hurrying towards death.just that its no worth being afraid of because you will have no controll over it when the day comes.and as for what lies beyond no one knows yet.but being afraid of it and living with that thought i think makes a human somewhat weak.as for i dont believe in any type of afterlife (but i dont judge if someone does)so all i know is just goodnight and sleep tight when the lights go out.
That's a cute asian women. I'm going to save them in my folder for asian women that I keep separate from the white women.
im an individualist but only within my tribe.
>posts people from a collectivist culture
also obvious samefag
>I'm going to save them in my folder for asian women that I keep separate from the white women.
Most humans have an insufferable need for herd validation/
Fuck them.
Lone, wild, and strange, he stood alike exempt
From all affection and from all contempt...
there is nothing wrong with being individual it's rather preferable but as long as you remain in collective