Why aren't you an individualist, Jow Forums? Collectivism makes people retarded. When you adopt a collective identity...

Why aren't you an individualist, Jow Forums? Collectivism makes people retarded. When you adopt a collective identity, you become susceptible to in-group out-group biases and group think.

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but I am.

In a scale of 1 to Juden Peterstein, how much of "individualist" is the ideal ammount?

Because I have long since stopped caring about anything and just do the bare minimum to survive because death scares me far more.

How to be an individualist in a socialist world full of low IQ NPCs? The only option I see is living as a hermit in a wood cabin.

You want to strike a balance between being an automaton and being a snowflake.

Nonsense collectivism gets a lot more done than 1 person it's pretty basic logic desu

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low IQ NPC

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