Should USA pay reparations for slavery to Black people?

Should USA pay reparations for slavery to Black people?

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africans should pay reparations to black americans for slavery.
them and the jooz who owned the ships, the slaves and the trade.

They already are, it's called welfare

No. All white should go back to europe and leave the states to blacks or be executed like in south africa

whites collect most welfare

yes, it is only fair to pay back what was stolen

Not per capita

>Should USA pay reparations for slavery to Black people?

Oy vey antisemitism delet this thread right now

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Usually you don’t pay for defective or useless equipment and you send it back to the manufacturers.

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no, black people should pay to be enslaved again

like pic related, those are good niggers they still give us full control over their money, every nigger should do the same

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Niggers live on it longer

niggers without whites live the most pathetic lives out of all races
unfortunately they reproduce too fast, like these insects that live only one day, to die off.

>thinking per capita is irrelevant
>being this retarded

they already have. They get to stay in the country and get free shit. go have a look how real africans are living

Who sold those niggers in africa? Now niggers can live in wealth country and benefits from this but "we wuz kangz".

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you are literally this dumb (see pic you retard)

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no. they didnt live through it

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They should've paid reparations to freed slaves and the first generation of chillruns of freed slaves. Now? No.

>Should USA pay reparations for slavery to Black people?
Kikes ran the SLAVE TRADE
How about kikes pay the US back WITH (((INTEREST)))
and we use that to pay black reparations

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>basic mathematics were created by whites to opress niggers who couldn't use them

You owe us.

Give us what we're owed or else we will take it from you by force.

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If you stare at the watermelon flag for 30 seconds and look away, it turns into a bucket of KFC
Well memed, OP

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We do.
It's called welfare.

And it needs to stop, it's too much, blacks more than owe is now, approx by the factor of 200

hi sub-human

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Can someone nuke these rodents already?

You're too busy killing each other to take anything from anyone, apart from welfare of course.

really cant wait for the racewar

Talk to the Jews

Black people should be the ones paying reparations for being such shitty slaves.


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No and fucking niggers owe us for freeing them

Got your nukes right here fagus magnus

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Fuck off.

t. guinea nigger

As long as Israel opens its fucking borders faggot ;3

sneaky french, pretty sure they are getting pretty upset with your frogs at the moment.

If I were black I would be glad to be born in the US instead of shitty Africa. It's basically like winning the lottery.

Nigger you have better just be pretending to be retarded.

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I think black people have had reparations and then some. If you're a black person in the West, you should be grateful slavery happened in the first place. In fact, white people ought to be given reparations for having to deal with you guys for the past few centuries.

Da joos should pay gibbs

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Just give them whatever they want... they can’t hold onto wealth, it will flow freely back to the jew

No, but all t*Rkish nigger lovers should be sent to Africa since they enjoyed castrating blacks so much.

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round yas up and send you back to africa wouldnt be that bad of an offer, the top 12 cruiseliners can house 4000 people per trip, there is 47.5 million of you cunts, that would be 11875 trips, 10 days per trip.....

Mass genocide would probably be cheaper on second thought

Lol i just noticed that black nationalist colors symbolize a watermelon. Memes write themselves.

Open your borders

USA really need sent all blacks back to Wakanda.

For free of course.

Reparations in the form of a one way ticket to Nigeria.


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Only if they take from the Jews

It already did, it just got spent on tendies and rims.

They need to send them to us our women need to be impregnated by superior BLACK BVLLS

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Israel should pay it

when are niggers going to pay for the cost they burden society with.


That's Latin cultural appropriation. Pay me.

t. guinea nigger

However I support it like welfare, hud and all the other programs as it makes them weaker & when the government collapses it will be that much worse.

Of course, but not really.

First - direct ancestors of slaves, entitled to the reparations should be defined as a separate group. Not by race, but by real provable ancestry, which would include some Irish slaves and exclude some blacks (it will publicly exclude Obama for instance, none of whose ancestors where slaves). Others should not be entitled to any special welfare.
Then the slavers group should be defined. Anyone benefitting from the slavery. Slave traders, slave owners, anyone who has such heritage. As a separate group.

People should be able to get a document, that they either belong to these groups or do not.

Then the question should be asked - what do if someone belongs to both groups?
> I expect OP to answer that.

Then proportion of the wealth coming from the slavery should be defined. And the portion of wealth taken and redistributed either from capital once, or from annual profits in a timely manner.

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Most of Europe is still paying(i think its almost done though) the U.S. for saving us from the Germans so i guess you could consider the same deal for the slaves that were saved from slavery. the Americans fought harder in that war but im sure they would accept a lower price.

No matter the amount they'd get, they would still be in enormous debt to white humans.

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Everything was repaid in 00s. Basically the absence of the lendlease payments constitute the beginning of EU army building.

Citizenship was enough reparations and look what they've done with it.

>(Turned it into a very efficient money making scheme requiring litterally zero labor)

I LIke Reperations Too! (sarc)

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And what country can jews go to that they haven't been kicked out of hmmmmm

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No black person deserves money

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Shut up you filthy Jew

I like to see you try

Blacks owe whites reparations. Their current quality of life would never have been reached if not for their ancestors being taken as slaves.

I'd be fine with a single lump-sum granted to all blacks, even if was on the order of six figures a head, as long as it came along with a constitutional amendment legalizing all forms of private discrimination and enshrining the explicit right to self-defense under any circumstances deemed necessary.

That woman did not spawn those children. Neither does she love them as her own. This is a photo op with imigrants, clear as day.

We already do. It's called welfare

How is it irrelevant, you fucking retard? The average nigger collects more welfare checks than the average white person. That’s your reparation right there, you’re welcome.

pic related

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Make my fucking day, Tyrone. I can slot a floppy like you from 500 yards.

Which particular African Americans should receive this "reparations"?
All ex-slaves who would have a good case for reparations are dead.
After 1865 slaves were freed.
Reparations for the Jim Crow laws makes sense.
They ended 1965. People who were alive pre-1965 and whose lives were adversely affected have a case to receive reparations and a government apology.

The issue with reparations is there are generally two camps of ways to do it, and both come with serious logical problems when it comes to keeping justice objective.

Method 1 = Give only Blacks who were slaves reparations, only whites who have slave ownership in their history pay for it.

Problem with this is there just isn't enough proof making the entire execution an absolute judicial nightmare. It also begs the question on whether children should be punished for the crimes of the great-great-grandparents. Which further begs the question, why stop there? Why not punish people for crimes commited a thousand years ago? War crimes in Persia over 2000 years ago? What objective reason do we have to stop? The fact is there is no good rational reason to draw the line at any specific point in history, because all points in history have contributed to where we are now.

Method 2 = Give ALL Black people reparations, regardless of history.

This might seem like an easier idea to execute, but it's worse in terms objectivity. It's impossible to justify identity politics of one race without justifying the identity politics of all others. So this method from a logic standpoint results in the conclusion that Hitler literally did nothing wrong.

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If by “paid reparations” you meant “killed all” then I agree.

millions of whites died to free people from slavery which is still going on today in black countries, fix yourself.

interesting the last 4 digits of my post

And jews should go back to... wait no they don't have a legitimate country to go back to, do they? Only the fucking meme known as Israel

>usa flag in watermelon colors

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>watermelon flag

The kangs are here

No, because you'd just buy jordans with the money.

>be a kike
>sail to Africa
>buy some niggers
>bring them to America
>sell them to other kikes
>Americans hate them
>Americans are racist

gj getting kiked Ameribros

lmao noice

We have been for 200 years

No one deserves money*

Can you imagine Obama himself receiving reparations? I know his Kenyan ass can imagine it.

I like dixie flag more.

Yes. Anti-Semitic faggots will pay for everything.

They already have, it was called giving them freedom and equal rights.

If they want reperations for being put in slavery they need to go back to Africa and deman it from their original slaver masters

Ever ask a black about blacks capturing and selling other blacks???
Good times.

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But user you are effectively justifying slavery.

Ask yourself, why do slaves exist? Because their ancestors did something bad like a crime or lost a war or were in massive debt. You're effectively arguing to make a new slave class out of everyone who "owes" the descendents of slaves something, while sati g the original slavery was unjust for the exact same reasons!

Also by the same logic should every person who's father or grandfather or ancestor committed what would be considered a crime now be punished too? Why restrict it to one specific instance of slavery?

You greasy nigs already take and give nothing back. 1% of the population owned slaves. The slaves weren't enslaved by the white man. They were already slaves. You were sold by your own people. How does that feel you stupid nigger?

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>actually believing this


Shut up ape. After a race war all of you nigger apes will stay quiet like you did for centuries. Seriously. Who give niggers access to internet ?